all right, so last night I had another nightmare within moments of falling asleep.
Both were about losing control on a slippery surface - the first while driving a car, the second while trying to walk down a set of stairs.
I'm officially concerned now . . .
It sounds like a classic
It sounds like a classic anxiety dream. I know they're no fun but they aren't a portent or anything either. If it's any consolation they appear to be getting increasingly widespread with lockdown so hopefully will go away when the world gets less insane. In fact I had one last night, which was also remarkably like a scenario for a story on here. Suffice it to say I was in a girls boarding school and started periodically reverting to male form without rhyme or reason, to my immense embarrassment. Anyway, to get back to the point, I hope you feel better soon!
Polly makes an excellent point. And you have so much uncertainty as you await some adequate professional help in caring for you mom. Add to that the ongoing challenges with other family and health issues, and your dream world seems to have been taken over the instability of a poorly lit path. The understandable anxiety with your very stressful circumstances would make anyone concerned about losing control in real life, much less in your sleep. Much love and support to year, sister mine!
Love, Andrea Lena
being in control.
The last two years, I've felt like I've lost control of my life because of this stupid tumor. Where I've always driven for a living, I can't do that anymore because of the resulting seizures. I can't play music anything like what I used to do. My speech is forever littered with "uh... I'm... Hang on... (Fingers snapping as I'm trying to direct my mind back to what I was thinking of) uh..." It's very frustrating and frightening.
I suppose what it has helped me with is that it has forced me to trust other people and their abilities. Perhaps because of the strange way my brain works, I've always had a hard time trusting others to do things. I'll be watching someone do something and I get so frustrated because they're clearly not doing it in the right way! It's like, how could they be so stupid as to not see that it's so much quicker if they do it my way? Eventually they get there, but it would have been so much easier my way! Sometimes my way isn't quicker either. It's just the right way. Lol.
But it's not the right way. It's my way, and I've been having to learn the difference. It my seem weird, but I suppose with autism that's one of the strange things about me. Trusting others is something that can be so hard, and it's as if this tumor and its effects has forced me to do just that. To let go of the reigns, or the steering wheel, so to speak. For me, giving God the control has been a life lesson that I've needed. Lol. It's made me see that my way is most certainly not the best way.
I guess I'm just saying, when you're not in control of the situation yourself, remember He is. I remember three instances where I was near a crash, one on a motorcycle, and two in a truck, where trusting God saved my life and the lives of others.
I don't know if this helps, but I figured it might be a bit of an "I understand."
Love you, Dot! I'm praying for you!
I don't remember the last
I don't remember the last time I had a nightmare... Maybe while I was deployed in iraq back in '04, but I wouldn't even call it a night mare. I believe that the anxiety (or want) to do something can be expressed via the subconscious, and it our willingness to accept that or to reject it that makes the difference between crazy dream and nightmare. Maybe your subconscious wants you to go ice skating, or to a water park (good luck with that one during the winter, I know), sky diving, something fun and carefree even. Maybe it is saying that you are stressing too much over events out of your control and you need to let go and let them play out. Anyways, hope that helps and I hope your sleep becomes peaceful.