I've had new contact with my estranged Son, something I had given up on. He first emailed me, saying he was thinking of me, and tried to talk about my living in sexual sin. Sorry to drop the Religion Bomb on you, but I shared Matt 19:12 and Isaiah 56:4-5 with him, and later I got an email from him asking for my forgiveness.
He can't speak a sentence without using Scripture or mentioning God.
I'm very thankful but I do not plan on a deep relationship.
Family is hard work
My favorite youtube minister is Ed Trevors. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2izP34AJVcoD24bsxlXhmw
I'm glad that you were able to make contact with your son. It sounds painful. I wish I could take some of the pain for you. As someone once said: "things always work out for the survivors." I know that you are one. I trust that your son is one too.
Peace, Love, Grace
Your friend
Hi Gwen, long time no Skype. But occasionally even the ghostliest ships pass in the night.
Nice to see that it was your son that contacted you, perhaps he suddenly got a dose of Christianity that actually penetrated his religion. Your biblical references were excellent and as a 'dyed-in-the-wool' Atheist I will agree that wisdom can be found in many places. Those verses must have given him food for thought. Well apparently they did so well done Gwen.
If I ever came to believe there was a god it would have to be love and love alone. No scriptures, no sky-pixies, no bullying, no force, no coercion, no brutality, no misogyny, no genocide, no infanticide and so on. Just one word, - love!
Have a good one Gwen.