A few months ago, an item of interest to our community came across my twitter, which is unusual, as my twitter is almost totally devoid of gender related content.
It was the graphic novel, "The Prince & The Dressmaker" by Jen Wang. Published in 2018, it has come up again recently.
This will be a "how it made me feel" review to avoid (most) spoilers.
Set in what I suspect is a fantasy of Paris and Europe in the 1800s,
The Amazon description: "Prince Sebastian is looking for a bride—or rather, his parents are looking for one for him. Sebastian is too busy hiding his secret life from everyone."
I'll cut it there, as it contains several spoilers. But I bought the Kindle edition, and found the reading experience was not lessened on my iPad. (it's in color; I haven't tried it on my eInk monochrome Kindle...)
In a way, it's a classic Caught plotline, but very well presented. I recommend it (which probably doesn't help you at all, because who knows if my tastes are any good. But it is being widely praised.)
I've read it three times, and it never fails to leave me feeling warm, fuzzy, and grounded.
I think it would be good to have a curated list of books and tv episodes of interest; There are such for movies, but no COMPREHENSIVE one I've seen for TV episodes.
A TV Episode
Way back when there was briefly a show about two PIs starring Loni Anderson and another actress as the PIs. They were following a subject when they went into a theater hosting auditions. Seeing no other choice the ladies followed the subject in, after which the door was closed and you see a sign stating the audition was for a drag review. Hilarity insues. Lots of double entendres and wordplay. That's all I can remember.
Edit/Add Google is your friend! The show was "Partners In Crime", it came out (and died) in 1984. Thirteen episodes total. The costar was Linda Carter. It looks like there is even a DVD available.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Yes, and there was an episode
Yes, and there was an episode of "The Mentalist". But information on what show, what season, and what episode are too scattered.
There was a episode of Switch with Jim Bailey, as well, and a Streets of San Francisco with John Davidson, as (of course) a mentally ill killer.
Not to mention almost every episode of John Laroquette's show set in a bus stateion.
Well . . .
I practicly gave you everything you asked for on a silver platter, before you even asked for it. Sorry, its the best I can/will do, if it isn't good enough for you, well . . . .
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Clever use of the Internet
Clever use of the Internet MovieDataBase, and Google (along with Wikipedia may, indeed be the rock upon which this list will be formed); I had this thought while warching Tom Hanks on “Bosom Buddies” struggle with his pantyhose...
I still want to recommend the
I still want to recommend the book.
And here is the rough start of what I'm doing:
Many popular TV shows have isolated episodes brushing against
transgender, drag queen, or Crossdressing characters. This will be a list of
T episodes
Show episode Title Contributed by
Father Brown s04e07 The Missing Man
The Mentalist s04e21 Ruby slippers
Bones s09e23 The drama in the queen
Vega$ s02e19 The man who was twice
Psych s05e05 Shawn and Gus in Drag (Racing)
Partners in Crime s01e07 Is She or Isn’t He Karen J.
T Shows - you’ll find some crossdressing content in any episode, Pretty much
Bosom Buddies
Clearly, I'm going to have to
Clearly, I'm going to have to go to table layout...
Contributed by
But how to isolate what
But how to isolate what season and episode this is?
Contributed by
I'm filling in the ones I remember. Obvious, strip mining the careers of such stars as Jim Bailey, and Christopher Morley would result in many more.
A Compendium of Crossdressing
A Compendium of Crossdressing Episodes of Weekly TV Shows
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