TopShelf Blogs

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The Fall of Kruhl - Epilogue

Well, here it is at last the final part of The Fall of Kruhl. I hope you all have enjoyed reading it as much as I've enjoyed writing it! It's been an absolute blast.

The Fall of Kruhl

Pitched Battle

By Daniela A. Wolfe

Months after the events in Tondzaosha, Alexandra has begun to make a life for herself in New Hebron, but never one to back away from a fight, she leaps at the chance to interceded when she crosses paths with someone who needs her help.

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a sad discovery

In the aftermath of my blog here yesterday, I was talking with Drea, and came to a startling and sad realization.

That there has been a part of me that hoped the trans stuff was caused by my rapes. Because then if I got over the rapes, I'd get over the trans stuff too.

I was thrown by this, but thanks to people on the BC discord page, I worked through it.

So I guess Dorothy isn't going anywhere, and that's okay.

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The shoplifter - a continuation.

I said I had a mind to extend some stories, this is the first.

I wrote The Shoplifter in 2012 which has over 7,700 hits and 239 kudos, so it seems you liked it a little.

I've written a sequel which I will post soon, there will probably be another after that, which isn't written yet and will depend upon how much time I have to write, being a rather busy woman, I have squeeze things in when I can.

If you haven't read the original story, the follow up will miss quite a lot. Here's a link:

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an improvement in my dreams

Okay so last night I had another dream where I was at school (this time it was university, but still) and lost.

Except this time I ran across a really bubbly young woman, who seeing me looking confused took my arm, and when I told her were I wanted to go, she found us a rather round-about route.

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Perfect Line

Sometimes as an author you write a line that is just perfect. The type of line that tears at the reader's heartstrings. The type of line that makes a perfect last line of a chapter, that will have all the readers mad at you for ending there.

I just wrote a line like that. I hadn't put any chapters yet in this story that I am writing, but after writing this line, I will. You will all hate me when you read it, but . . . You will tune in to the next chapter after reading it.

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Over on Fictionmania ...

... something strange has happened. I wrote a story called "Christian Feminization" based on an institution of that name described in a TG site I found called When posting it I mentioned: “This is a story that could certainly be extended”.
It must have struck a chord. As I later explained, that story received around 11,000 reads in just two days, which is almost unheard of. Reviews of the story included one describing it as: “this titillating new genre and another said: “I would like to see more, and longer, stories set in this universe”

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Calling all Whateley-philes

As you may or may not have seen, I’ve recently started releasing a non-canon tale in the Whateley Universe, “A New Direction” - thanks to my non-canon status, I can afford to be a little more free with fitting setting restrictions, but it still rubs me the wrong way to break from the established canon.

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writing prompt

I was watching a video about the "Make a Wish" foundation, who give kids with serious health issues a chance to do something they always wanted to, and it occurred to me, this might make an interesting premise for a story here, like a trans kid uses their wish to spend a day as their true selves, or something.

Sadly, right now my writing spoons are missing, so I cant run with the idea, but maybe someone else would like a crack at it.

what do you think?

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They just don't understand

They Just don’t Understand

I’m astounded by all of this talk of thousands of dead people voting. They clearly don’t know what it would take for that to happen. I know because I got a dead person to vote. One person!

Being very concerned about this election I decided to help the cause by raising the dead to vote. I chose a well know union organizer and democratic stalwart as my first voter. After much research I was confidant I had the right incantations learned. I just needed a pure black cockerel to sacrifice at midnight on the dark of the moon.


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stupid family drama

There has been a split in my extended family for most of my life, with many of my uncles and aunts refusing to having anything to do with my mom or my brother or I.

Now, two of those uncles are apparently having serious medical problems, and there's every chance I wont know anything unless they die.

Despite this, I'm finding myself wishing I could see them one last time.

Crazy, huh?

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I could use some help with reviews

I have shared here both times that I've posted my book 'Enamored' to online stores: first, on Smashwords, then on Kindle.

I've gotten a few sales of it, but both times I've asked for reviews as well, and that's been a lot harder to score so far. In fact, on Kindle -- arguably the higher profile of the two options -- I've gotten precisely two star ratings, and ONE review. One of those two ratings was a two-star with no explanation, knocking my book as a whole down to a 3 1/2 star total.

So, here's what I'm asking:

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What snoo?

It snowed here Friday night and it has been raining since at the lower elevations. This has probably put an end to our fire season for this year, locally, though fires continue to burn in the northern part of the state.

One community near here in the mountains has suffered two evacuation orders due to fire and yesterday faced another order for flash flooding. The cold saved it, not enough rain fell on the snow to melt all of it and make a dangerous flood. This morning, the white peaks appear and disappear in the clouds that are still dropping snow up where we really need it.

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Time again for a new Shadowsblade!

Just posted another chapter of the twins and more of the "kidnapped" story

"Kidnapped"? But who is who's captive? Do the villains 'have' the twins or are the twins really waiting to HAVE some fun at the villains expanse and pain!

have fun reading and leave comments and maybe if you have not read them? Please take a look at my mermaid series or Vaniter a sort of godess going to high school!

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I'm Reminded Of An Old Joke

Soon-to-be Ex-President Trump has tweeted that more people voted for him than any other President in history.

I am reminded of an old joke.

An American and a Russian compete in a two-person race. The American wins easily.

Pravda (old Soviet news organisation...Their equivalent of Fox News) reports on the race. Russian athlete comes second, American is next to last.

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WunderGirl 2 by Shauna Rousseau on Patreon for members

Sam's first day of using the WunderGirl products. Yippee. And his first day of working in the sawmill. Hooray. If his attitude didn't stink maybe his outlook would seem less shitty?

WunderGirl -2-
by Shauna Rousseau
Read on Patreon for Members

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To Petra Jane

I am trying to get hold of Petra Jane. The message below was sent twice through her web server but bounced saying my message was spam. So I writing here in case they visit this website or if there is anyone around here who knows how to get a hold of her. Please message me if any of you can assist me getting in contact with Petra Jane. Thanks.

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BBC, War of the Worlds

War of the Worlds has been reproduced many times. I am surprised. I just happened upon a delightful preview version of it on YouTube set around the turn of the 20th Century with the long skirts and such. I have been trying to rent the full version of it but the BBC seems reluctant to do so. I even subscribed to BBC and gave my address as Dumfries, but they seemed quick to suss out my treachery. My next approach might be to use something to show my address in the UK, but not be there. I'm reluctant to do that because I do not wish to be spanked.


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What is going on?

I know that there are presidential elections...
But everybody I know is keeping "radio silence".
People who had so much to say about Belorussian elections - just disappeared...
News media... the same.
Are there anyone still alive in the US?
I cannot just outright believe Kremlin-controlled news media that US of A is still there...
Are you OK? Is the US still there as the United States of America?

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Thank goodness that didn't last long!

I woke up this morning with a beautiful case of the Martian Death Flu, as I unaffectionately call it.

It's the one where you feel every molecule that hits your body and alternately need a blanket, then feel like throwing your clothes across the room because you're too hot. Also, every muscle in your body feels like it's been overused for the last week and a half.

After some naproxen, I felt much better and could crawl out of bed, which was good. After 18 hours in bed, my back was calling me every name in the book, and some I'd never heard before.

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Dress Nice or just put something on

Yesterday I made the 330 mile round trip to Amarillo VA. Lots of questions from the nurses all things transgender and how I got my name. I explained, four hundred years ago Barbie was a boy’s name in Germany. Today it is considered a girl’s name. Kinda like the story of my life. They were all really nice. I pray a few more understand we are human and not monsters after they had a chance to talk and visit with me. Barbie isn't what is on my military records, it is what everyone called me. Hopefully I dispelled a lot of the MSM and tabloid lies and misinformation.


I'm all mixed up and I want to cry

I had a dream last night that has me questioning me being trans.

In the dream I was at university and sharing a dorm room with a dude.

So when I woke up, I realized that even though I never looked at myself in the dream, I would have to had been a dude too.

Now I'm all mixed up and I want to cry.

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I'm Through Giving

I'm through giving to politicians.

Personally, I will pay $200K to $400K more taxes if Biden gets his way than if Trump is re-elected.

I'm on Medicare and don't have a dog in the healthcare discussion.

My family dies in our early 80s so climate change is theoretically to me since I'm 72.

I'm a privileged white.

Other than Trump's asinine approach to trans versus Biden's huge helping hand when he was a VP, most of why I care is for someone I don't even know.

Yet, I got involved and donated a bunch of money.

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Resting instead of writing.

Hey everyone,

Just letting you all know that I probably won't be posting any chapters this week. I was trying my best to get Apocalypse Dawn ready to post for today, but I caught a bad cold over the weekend and it's just kicking my ass. Between the sinus headache, the coughing, having no energy at all, and my inability to focus it's probably better that I just take it easy and get some rest.

*big hugs to you all*



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A last minute well-wish for everyone

I know that today -- November 3rd, 2020 -- is going to be a rough day for a lot of people, regardless of what country you're from or what you believe.

I'm going offline completely until everything is over with. I'll be back on shortly after midnight local time on November 5th.

Everyone, please stay safe, stay calm, and make sure those around you do the same.


Melanie E.

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Now I have seen EVERYTHING

Anyone want to spend $945,000 CAD for a Typhoon class Nuclear Ballistic missile submarine?
listed on cragslist for Vancouver BC

174 metre long sub powered by twin nuclear reactors ( need fuel ) torpedo tubes, missile silos.
West Coast delivery available.

just what we all need, someone freaking out because hormones are in flux and access to ballistic missiles. ;)

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Dr. Kristie Explains what Trans is and isn't

How many times have I beat the drum, no two transgender is alike. Dr. Harry Benjamin wanted a one size fits all and everyone followed up with the same wrong concept. Whether you have or haven't transitioned, whether you want to or are accepting the circumstances doesn't mean a darn thing. What matters is do you accept yourself. What you feel about yourself and what you project is what people think of you even when at times they are looking at a complete opposite picture.


Full Blown Crisis! Help

A man that I have known for perhaps 25 years when I was attending an Evangelical Church, just told me about something that I've never heard of before and the way it was worded it seemed like he wondered about me. I'm shaken right to the core, and do not know what my future is going to be.

He asked me about the term, "Clovergender". I had never heard of it and no one ever accused me of any sort of abuse of a child. He felt that the idea is that folk like that are Pediophiles. I raised three children and there was never any of that sort of behavior.



Two Hundred

On May 24 I posted my 100th story on BCTS, now here I am six months later posting 200.
I suppose that I owe all the other writers an apology for barfing at your party, but it just has to come out!
People may know that I am even more prolific on Fictionmania, but there it is more ideas than fully formed pieces. Here on BCTS I like to write real short stories, that paint a picture and invite the reader to see my image, and sometimes color it in a little themselves.


Mascot Blues -2- on Patreon for everyone

Stevie performs as Miss BeeGee, Mascot of the Harbordale Blue-Greens independent basebal club. The kids love her, the fans love her--Miss BeeGee is really popular. Inside the costume, Stevie enjoys it all. One problem--Stevie is a boy.

Miss BeeGee
Mascot Blues
by Erin Halfelven
Read on Patreon

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National Treat for Hallowee'n

Oh yes, those of us in England at least had an unwelcome gift last night, the removal of November from the 2020 calendar! -break-->Yep, seems that from Wednesday we join France and Germany in a new national Covid lockdown in the vague hope that there will be Eid, Xmas and New Year in December. So its back to furloughs, empty streets, closed stores and no use of public transport, difference is, the weather may not be so clement and the smile and carry on we saw in the spring will, I'm sure, quickly turn to frustration as 'daily' exercise is less of an option in cold, wet weather.

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WunderGirl by Shauna Rousseau on Patreon for members

Sam wants a summer job in the worst way. A poster attracts his attention with an offer that might be just that!

WunderGirl on Patreon
by Shauna J. Rousseau
on Patreon

What started out as a way to avoid heavy labor turned into something very much else! Sam takes the first steps on what may be a journey that changes his life. Is getting a good start on his college fund worth it?

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In the Spirit of the Season

No-one knows how Devil's Hollow (which I can see part of from my front porch) got its name. I even asked at the Kentucky History Museum*. Here's one explanation:

*Their best guess was that it still looks like the kind of place where you might encounter the Devil.

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Holly Potter Delay

I've got a bad case of writer's block right now. I've written and deleted about 10 paragraphs worth of text cause it's not coming out right. With tomorrow being the day I usually post, I don't think that I will have the next chapter done by then. I do, however, have a new (short) story that I've been wanting to write and the first chapter kinda flew together last night. The main character is based on me, but I've thrown in equal parts fiction along with fact. All it needs is some polishing up and it will definitely be ready for posting tomorrow.



I have gotten old. My neighbors, the Methusela's, children had a work day in their yard today. They created a belt high pile of leaves that I walked past numerous times. Not ONCE did I have an urge to leap into it. It'll be a walker and the nursing home next.


Should've started like this (Synopsis added)

I have added a synopsis (i.e. "Here's the story so far") to yesterday's and today's chapters of my fanfiction to "A Mother's Love". You'll find it just below the opening credits.

I should have started yesterday with this, as just recommending readers to go back and reread all 14 previous parts of Alys's story - well, it was daunting, I'm afraid. (Like I said yesterday though, they are short parts and read really quickly; still, I should have had a synopsis up when I published the first part of the fanfiction. It's there now though.)

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I am a New Author

Hello, everyone, my name is Sakura, I am 19 years old and I am a new author. I have been on Big Closet Top Shelf for a year and two months. I have been writing for fun. Never really done any real work in writing stories. When I do writing I used to do Romance, But now I do Boys Love (YAOI). Writing BL gives me a different perspective and it is really fun. Mostly I get my ideas from readying YAOI mangas.

Ps. I am not going to post any stories yet



Is It Right to Write Like That?

Nearly thirty years ago, I accomplished something good that had me on the front page of statewide newspapers, repeatedly. Many, many good things happened for hundreds of thousands of people as a direct result of my efforts.

Then some bad people asked me to do some unlawful things, which I refused to do.

At the same time, other people wanted to make money they weren’t entitled to.

Thirty months into the project, I found myself accused by a state-wide elected official of malfeasance.

I was the subject of several frontpage exposes.

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Sorry everyone

Hey readers. I'm very sorry but MSPD won't be posted again until next weekend. We've been so busy the past three days with dealing with things now that Martin got his first paycheck. We got a lot done and did some shopping and hopefully we'll have our medical cards in the next week or two so I can deal with getting on my meds and hormones again. So things are looking good.

*big hugs*



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Recommended reading for A Mother's Love

Hello again, Closeteers!

As I announced in yesterday's blog, the new fan-fiction chapters of A Mother's Love will be starting up soon (tonight or tomorrow). These build upon the original story by Alys (and can be found by clicking on her name at the Author's page link up top). Since there is a significant backstory to the fan-fiction chapters, I recommend pre-reading these parts of Alys's story before starting the fan fiction:

A Mother's Love - Prequel
A Mother's Love - Volume 1 (11 parts)
A Mother's Love - Volume 3 (2 parts)


Fan fiction coming on an Alys story: A Mother's Love

Hello Closeteers!

**Sigh** here. I imagine we all have our own fave stories here on BC, including some that were left unfinished (and therefore leave us yearning for more expounding and eventual resolution). This is through no fault of the authors of these tales; there are millions of good reasons they aren't finished (most having to do with Real Life Issues).

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Arctic Fox Post Times

Sorry for not getting The Arctic Fox Chapter 19 out at my normal time of Thursday night.

Last night, I had my grandson over, and he was getting into everything he possibly could. He's very cute, but likes to manipulate. Everytime I would get after him, he would hold out his arms and come to get a hug, which was not forthcoming.

Since taking care of him is a regular Thursday night thing to give my son and daughter-in-law some time off, I think I'd better plan on Tuesdays and Fridays for The Arctic Fox, rather than Monday and Thursday.

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Threat By Text going around

Another texting scam going around.

In a nutshell it is the 'you have been talking to one of my girls' and 'I belong to a strong gang' and you will get killed if you don't contact me and pay for the girls time.

I know it is a scam and definitely will not respond in any shape or form as once you do any such thing you are done for.

Intellectually I know it is a scam but it still triggers that wave of flight and fight response which I am processing.

In Summary: Don't respond to these kinds of random threats!

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Copying others

The Film "Avatar" has just lots of six legged animals. It makes me wonder why there Navi are not six legged?

I've also been re-reading David Weber, where the birds, mammals (?) are Hexapods. They have Treecats that are 6 limbed and live in the trees.

How did the makers of "Avatar" copy David Weber's Heptapods and not be in trouble?

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my adventures in endoscopy

so here is my chronicle of my adventures in endoscopy:

after repeatedly telling the nurses and then the doctor about my PTSD and gag reflex, they gave me the normal amount of sedative and then had me clench this plastic tube between my teeth.

10 seconds later I'm gagging and they had to take it out and knock me all the way out to do the procedure.

Sighs, at least it's over ...

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Weight loss is hard.

You know what's tough? Self care. Self care is super, super tough.

But when it goes right, it's a great thing.

I've been letting my self-care slide a lot the last few years. I've gotten somewhat better about it in the last year and a half, since I sort-of left the work force and started focusing on work-from-home pursuits, but I've still languished in the land of 'I'll get to it later' on some things for far too long.

One of those is my weight.

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Who is your go to author?

As a fan of multiple authors here and at other sites, I am wondering which author or authors you go back to when you are looking for a good story or two to read. When I go looking I seem to find my self looking for the stories written by Wolfjess, Snowfall, Paula Dillon, Sara UK and efindumb first.
I'm looking for some people who's stories I have not read yet and may enjoy at another time.
Thanks for your help in advance. Hugs!

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Perhaps I have lived too long.......

Or maybe I’m just being maudlin. More likely it’s just the bottom of my cycle and I’m being hormonal.

I find myself losing friends slowly, apparently destined to be the last one. Consigned to turn out the lights and lock the door on my way out.

Am I no better than the legendary albatross? Losing friends simply by making friends? Am I no better than a modern day red death? Killing people by the simple act of getting to know them?

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Death of Robotech_Master

Chris Meadows, aka Robotech Master, and one of the two main creators of FreeRIDErs ( ), has passed away due to brain injuries caused by a SUV hit and run while he was on his e-bike.

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Remember me?!

While the more eagle-eyed among you may have noticed recent comments from me scattered across a handful of stories, it actually marks a 'soft' return from a prolonged absence (from here - those who frequent the BCTS group on the Book of Faces will probably have seen me quite frequently...) of about 3 1/2 years...

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Looking for a very old story that had once been elsewhere

Looking for an old story that I am at my wits end.
It was a serial. there was a housefire. boys skin burned to a crisp and sister braindead, spo they place her skin over his body and convince him he died & his sister whom he is convinced through hypnosis etc believe to be his own sister. Read it originally on crystals storysite.
Assistance appreciated


Makeup Isn't for Sissies

Couple months back I realized how much out of touch with current makeup fashions I had become when I began looking for a lipstick color to replace one I had used for years. There are a couple names for what I was searching for but obviously Frosted Peach, or Iced Peach is no longer a fashionable lipstick color. I tried multi variations of color combinations with no luck. I finally found what I wanted on one of those trips to OKC.


Trans in Fantasy and Sci Fi

So I've been thinkin' about writing a lot lately, and a few recent stories have spurned a bit of an odd series of thoughts in my noggin'.

A lot of trans fic, whether intentionally or unintentionally, tends towards fantasy to some degree or science fiction. That's not to say ALL stories do, but even when it's very light -- whether it be the miraculous power of subliminals to change you utterly or a brand-new magic pill that does the same -- a lot of trans stories delight in utilizing fantastical gadgets or wonder drugs to do the dirty work.

My question, though, is this:

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Hey everyone, just a quick note to let you all know that MSPD won't be posted today. I'm going to try for tomorrow, but it's been a long week, I'm a bit depressed, anxious, and exhausted both mentally and physically and I just don't seem to have any spoons to spare the last few days. Hopefully I'll feel more capable or energetic tomorrow since there's a lot of writing I want to get done once I actually have the spoons for it.

*big hugs to you all*



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