Teen harrassed for wearing a dress

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The teen wanted to "make a statement" and wear a dress to high school prom.
Personally, he looks great and the dress..., I'd borrow it if it was my size.
I believe the couple showed great class by NOT responding to the derogatory remarks


In other news,

crash's picture

In other news, self important ass hat takes advantage of golden parachute.

Your friend

Is this something

You really believe? Or do you have a factual source that is available to the general public?

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin

It's a fair assumption

Iolanthe Portmanteaux's picture

If I could receive the compensation given a CEO when they screw up, not only would *I* never need to work again, but neither would anyone in my extended family.

One thing I notice in that video is that the boy walks away and the man follows him. That, and his odious smirk, are infuriating. It's disturbing to see adults bullying children.

- io

Very Astute

BarbieLee's picture

Miss Iolanthe Portma, I noticed that also. He made it a point to seek the pair out and then kept at it even when they moved back from him. The clip was short but it is all there for anyone analyzing the movements and body language.

Three days ago..., the man in front of me stared at the gun pointed at his heart. "Are you going to shoot me!"
"They are going to carry you out in a body bag if you keep coming toward me."
Thank God he was smart enough to realize I wasn't going to let him get close to me.
Although it took them about twenty six minutes to show up, we were eventually surrounded by seven sheriff cars and deputies and the idiot received a free ride in a high performance vehicle and three hots and a cot for his stupidity.

The situation for the two teens was different and the obnoxious gentleman was escorted from the room by the police. I don't have that luxury of having someone close to defend me against harm. My point here is when those of you who wish everyone disarmed, try and understand some of us must defend ourselves.

One of the deputies asked me. "How close were you to shooting him?"
I held my fingers about a sixteenth of an inch apart.
He smiled as he shook his head. "I'm glad you didn't. It involves so damn much paper work."
He turned serious. "I'm pleased to know you keep your gun handy and we aren't working on paperwork because your body is lying there."

Not everyone should carry but to deny us who must for our own safety is worse. To judge me or dictate I should live my life according to your rules, you are no better than the man who accosted the two teens.
I wish everyone happiness and peace in their own way.
Life is a gift, don't waste it.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl


Erisian's picture

Barb, very glad you're okay!! And glad you were able to defend yourself. That sounded like a rather scary situation!!

Published once a week

BarbieLee's picture

Not sure how much will be in the newspapers. The Cordell Beacon comes out once a week. The arrest will be listed. Other than that?
Please, everyone stay aware, stay safe, and travel in pairs if possible. When you shop, walk out into the parking lot, ride a bus or train, always be in defensive mode. Not to rule your life but as second nature. No matter your ideology, your political party, your race, color, or creed, I think of every single one of you as my brothers and sisters. We are probably sharing some DNA and that's probably more than some of you wanted to know.
Life is meant to be lived, not worn until it's worn out

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Being fired isn't the answer

AuPreviner's picture

A few years ago, a gay man in AZ was fired for going after a Chick-fil-a employee. He was offended with Chick-fil-a and verbally took it out on an employee in a drive-thru rant. Granted, he filmed it himself. So, has anyone followed up on that employee since to see how he is doing after learning his lesson?

Recently, in San Diego, a gas company employee was fired after pictures were taken on him holding his hand out his truck window in allegedly a gang sign. Bill Maher said he was probably flicking a booger and said the firing was ridiculous. Has anyone followed up on this poor guy to see how he is doing?

I find no joy in seeing people fired because of videos or photos taken for their bad behavior. Or something they said years ago. The beautiful teenager wore the dress to illicit a reaction in society do so in order to change it. It cost a man his job. How is he supposed to recovery after learning his lesson?

That will affect his family, his friends, and his future. The CEO's punishment will be severe and devastating far beyond the teachable moment.

As Bill Maher asked recently, "Is this who we really want to become?"

I agree. Teachable moments should teach, not destroy.

Love conquers all. It does not seek to tear down and destroy. Love cares about people even if they are jerks. Love brings hope, not despair.

While the couple showed great restraint in not responding to the man, I have to wonder if they were restrained because they knew that in today's world posting the video could cost him his job and career. And it bothers me that they are okay with that.

Imagine this outcome instead.

The teenager blurs the man and alters his voice, but not the content, so the man isn't outed. The video still goes viral. The man sees what a jerk he was on TV and feels remorse. A year or so from now, the CEO gives the teenager a job at his company and a brighter future. It becomes a win win.

Sorry, I just don't see a lot of love in the world today. I see a lot of hate claiming it is love.

"Love is like linens; after changed the sweeter." – John Fletcher (1579–1625)

Fire Away

I've had to fire a number of people for a number of reasons.

I never fired anyone for something they did outside of their job.

However, if I were on this man's board I would vote to fire him. A CEO is supposed to exhibit certain characteristics such as good judgment and empathy for others. My guess would be that this was not an isolated incident, In most instances, like this, I would be more likely to suggest the man take a course in any number of topics and then report back to the board. If at that time, he showed no remorse he should be shown the door.

In the other examples you gave I would also guess there are backstories.

By the way -- I have very few regrets over those I did fire and many, many regrets over those I didn't.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)


erin's picture

The man who pursued that couple to harass and insult them was guilty of assault. If he did knock the camera out of the hand of the boy, then it is also battery. This was not a lapse in good judgement, this was a crime. Depending on state law, it may have been a hate crime. In some states, a hate crime will raise misdemeanor assault to the level of a felony.

His family will suffer, his company will suffer, and he bears that responsibility. No one else.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

when i read the article a few days ago

Teresa L.'s picture

He said he was fired for his behavior and he worked for some form of healthcare company, telemedicine i think. i don't think he will have the option of his "golden parachute"

Teresa L.

Golden parachutes are not for the good ones

Iolanthe Portmanteaux's picture

It's not the good CEOs who get the golden parachutes; it's something the bad ones take as they get the boot. And healthcare companies are not exempt from overcompensating their executives.

I worked for a firm whose CEO very nearly drove the company into the ground. These were during very lean years, but in spite of that, year after year he had taken huge bonuses for himself and none for his employees. When he left in disgrace, most of us felt he shouldn't get his golden parachute, but not only did he get it, he had the nerve to sue the company, claiming his settlement should have been bigger.

Even though he damaged the company's reputation, lost a very large client, exposed the company to investigation and legal actions, he still drove off in a hired car service with steamer trunks packed with money and had the gall to ask for more.

- io