In case anybody was wondering how my writing is going, here is an update.
I can't even get near my latest story idea cause its way too triggering right now
which leaves me with a sequel I'm blocked on, an essay nobody will care about, a D&D story that is simply not working, and TTSD 4 and 5, which are also at a standstill.
so bottom line, nothing is gonna come out for a bit, sorry.
Don't fret about it
I've not done any writing apart from some editing for what...? about 3 weeks now. Far too busy with other things.
That said, if there are any volunteers who'd like to help out with my garden then I'm ready and willing to provide food and refreshment.
I'm into concreting a base for my water buts. Mind you, they are not of much use at the moment. No worthwhile rain here for 2 months but I am trying to plan ahead a bit.
I'm sure that your muse will get its knickers out of a twist sooner or later and will then let you write without stress. Until then, enjoy life as much as you can. If your muse can take a holiday then so can you eh?