A brief list!
I say brief, but with 25 complete books and another in progress its fairly long and I forget the order so its no surprise that I get regular requests for clarification of the sequence. I started writing the series in 2003 and it was originally exclusive to Crystals Story Site before joining the stories here on Big Closet in 2005 with Book 4. Retrospectively books 1 and now 2 have been posted to BC, book 3 will follow suit over the winter of 2020/21.
The series starts shortly before Drew's 13th birthday and in the latest book Gaby has just turned 17 - a lot has happened in the intervening years!
So here is the order:-
Gaby - The Anime Days
Gaby - Summer Girl
Gaby - The Visitors
Gaby - Once upon A Time in America
Gaby - Bits
Gaby - Girls, Girls, Girl?
Gaby - Dress Up
Gaby - Changes
Gaby - More Changes
Gaby - Wheels
Gaby - Wunderkind
Gaby - It’s a Swiss!
Gaby - Culture Clash
Gaby - The Girl
Gaby - Friends
Gaby - Sweet Sixteen
Gaby - Seasons
Gaby - Summery
Gaby - Girl’s on Fire
Gaby - Express
Gaby - Summer Loving
Gaby - Avoidance
Gaby - Ontario
Gaby - Fame
Gaby - Only Five Minutes
Gaby - On the Edge (in progress)
All of these are available in both electronic and dead tree format and I'm in the process of updating all the volumes with new edits which tackle some continuity issues as well as bad layout/grammar/punctuation that had crept in. In addition there is a short guide to the series 'Pocket Guide to the Saga' which currently is only available via Lulu, which along with 'Gaby’s Comfort Food' are in the queue for rewriting/editing.
The full series can be found on Amazon here
There are of course two long Gaby fan fiction series in print by PB and Angharad, the later even having its own spin offs that can be found in Gaby Tales. That's not forgetting the five volumes of Gaby fan fiction from the likes of Cat Lockley and Angela Peters. In terms of timeline these are all set in the period of the first four/five canon volumes or a world where the Bonds remain in the UK.
So there you are, the complete Gaby saga in a nutshell
Normal posting will resume tomorrow
Madeline Anafrid

Just the job (Makes notes and returns to reading)..
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."
Double post
Well, it was a good thing.
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."