While the more eagle-eyed among you may have noticed recent comments from me scattered across a handful of stories, it actually marks a 'soft' return from a prolonged absence (from here - those who frequent the BCTS group on the Book of Faces will probably have seen me quite frequently...) of about 3 1/2 years (before which, I read a heck of a lot and even wrote the very occasional piece of fluff - a great author I am not - I'll occasionally come up with a story idea, but then typically get so bogged down in thinking of details / working out how to get from A to B / taking it beyond the opening scenario when plotting I lose motivation).
At the time (December 2016), I was starting to pack everything up from my rented maisonette, pending a move into my first (owned / mortgaged) home - albeit I took the mad decision to slowly, over the course of six weeks, pack things up and transport them to mum's before the final "move out", followed by three weeks living at mum's before completion (and my sister's boyfriend hiring a van to minimise moving in trips).
Of course, once moved in came the DIY - gradually moving around the home, stripping the dark yellow painted, textured wallpaper and underlying backing paper from the walls before repainting in white. Often I was too tired to read a lot, so never really ventured back.
However, around a year ago, I treated myself to a Kindle, and around 95% of the tales on there are courtesy of a little known publisher called Doppler Press {grin} - and now, courtesy of the extra time in the day from not commuting to work (a certain naughty little virus has introduced me to a lark called "working from home" - and for an introverted asexual singleton, what's not to like - flexible hours, no-one breathing down your neck, clean loo [amazing how many professionals seem to have difficulty aiming...], large and well stocked kitchen [rather than a converted cupboard barely wide enough for the sink and drainer]).
Meanwhile, I have saved tabs for Bailey's Jem and FTL, have since caught up on Shiraz' and Snowfall's tales, am working my way through WolfJess' tales plus others as I find or rediscover them - although for obvious reasons I doubt I'll be catching up on our very own soap (with over 1,000 episodes missed!).
Welcome back!
Dear one!
Love, Andrea Lena
1000 is nothing
I read all 3200 during the lockdown, so it is doable. I have an even better scam than working from home - it's called retirement. Welcome back, Ben.
Yeah, but...
It isn't the same - you know what happened!
Penny, who might find time one day (rolls eyes) to attempt Bike.
Nice to have you back again.
Seems to me that you are a Civil Servant. I was for seven years and was happy to get shed of that.
Much peace
Of course you need your head examined but welcome back!
And yes I remember your comments, at least some of them, dating back from my third story here (you weren't a member when I posted the first two).
The change in working environment is all very well but I do have a virus problem that may force me to get a new computer. Almost all my classes/lectures are now via zoom due to the Corona virus. I use a small computer that wasn't top of the line even when I bought it in 2011. It works perfectly well for everything else I use it for but only just barely for zoom-classes. Considering that inflow of money is practically non-existent at present for this poor student I'd really prefer to put off buying a new computer until later.
welcome back hon
have fun catching up!
Good to hear from you
Yes noticed you peeking over the parapet a bit. 'Twas 7 years ago we met I believe; wow such a long time.
I hope you really enjoy your new home.
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."
Well welcome back!
Well, welcome back! I know we interact a bit on facebook, but it's nice to see you posting back here again.
Have a delightfully devious day,