So lately I've been finding a lot of transgender YouTubers getting recommended to me (more and more the more of them I actually check out, though that's unsurprising.)
If you haven't ever checked out the YouTube trans scene, it's actually really interesting, largely dominated by 20-somethings (of course) but a lot of them are quite hilarious and fun to watch. In the past month I've subbed to probably 10 or so trans YTers, both transwomen and transmen, who seem much better represented there than on ANY story site I've seen. I've seen gaming content, lifestyle content, beauty content, and more, and it's honestly been really great to see how out and open a lot of younger transpeople are being, providing greater visibility for the community as a whole . . . and of course, a lot of the ones with channels are quite confident in their looks as well, which I don't think hurts our representation either given how nasty some of the anti-trans stuff can be about appearances.
One of the girls I've started following uses the screen name Victoria Rose. She's 22, and is just . . . honestly, drives me INSANE with jealousy. She's also got some really fun content though, including the video I'm sharing here right now:
It's tongue-in-cheek, yes... but honestly, I don't know that it's entirely inaccurate either, from my experience talking to a lot of people who run the gamut of the age ranges.
According to her breakdown, I'm VERY much a Gamer Trans, so that's good to know. And, admittedly, a bit baby perhaps, though not as much as most pre-transition girls I'd imagine.
What about you? Do you fit any of the types she lists? Or would you like to suggest a new type to be included in the future (she's already suggested another list might come if people want one.)
Melanie E.
If I fit anywhere in the 8
I'd be stealth, but not really. Perhaps a cross between that and the older trans. All I want is to be accepted as I am. Validated as a person. Being treated as a woman is great and passing is OK, but I'm a little uncomfortable just passing.
When women know I'm trans and treat me like a woman that's the ultimate.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
Eighth decade transsexual.
At aged 74 (My eighth decade) I can, I feel, speak with some slight authority on transgenderism.
Basically, I am now mostly female in my head about 80% to 90% of the time but in my youth it was probably between 40 and 50% female. then slowly over my eventful life, I found myself becoming more and more female (IN MY HEAD!).
I transitioned later in life when I found the brain-body dichotomy becoming too onerous to to ignore and I finally brought my body more into line with my mature 80/90% femininity. It wasn't a big deal, just a simple cosmetic procedure to settle the incongruancy in my mind. I make NO effort to present as female but because of my age, I present as pretty androgynous even though I often go around in leggings, a quilted builders shirt and rigger boots as I work around my home. I even go shopping dressed thus.
Strangely, I am taken for an eccentric old biddy most of the time and don't seem to invite abuse much. I wear no make-up except the occasional lipstick when clubbing or going somewhere like the theatre and I often get approached by younger 'girls' if they find out from my friends that I'm actually trans. This usually happens when somehow a younger T' girl has been outed or met with abuse in public and my friends got go her assistance and co-opt me into their protective endeavours to reassure the kid. For me, my gender stuff is 100 % cerebral.
No rules
For me, the girl in the video could turn it down about -6 db but I try not to make any rules for anyone.
A Bit of Fun
I loved this, but what is the difference between Barbie and Ballroom.
I would add the Performer Trans - transgirls who get into drag until they discover their way.
Maybe also Tentative Trans who have lengthy "am I or am I not" periods.
And, of course, we can be many in one lifetime. I know one who started as Performer, then went Stealth and is now Activist.
This was a little bit of clever comedy.
Great Production
Production much better than content.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
As one of the elder group
I transitioned and had surgery before she was born. While undoubtedly the young have advantages like blockers which weren't available in my day, and she looks very female and certainly prettier than I do, I wonder if she'll look back at these videos in twenty years and groan as much as I did about the banality of it all. I don't need to defend any of my lifestyle decisions nor do I proclaim what I was to the world, so get bored by seeing youth discover things I forgot about years ago or the need to campaign. If I'm going to do that it will be about biodiversity and global climate change, both of which are to my mind more important.
She's quite good at poking fun at herself as well
Whether she'll cringe when she gets older or not, I mean, don't we ALL do that? *shrug*
I've enjoyed a lot of her content because it's very positive stuff for the most part, about helping others and promoting visibility of transpeople in a way that can maybe change some minds about us.
There really is a VERY fascinating trans community on YouTube, and while I'm not in the right age range for ALL of it -- there's a bit too much meme stuff and mean-spirited videos out there for my tastes -- there is also a LOT of body and gender positivity to be found, and supporting messages especially for younger transpeople.
It really is proof, to me, that things are getting better for the trans community as a whole all the time, whether that's transwomen, transmen, genderqueer/genderfluid people, crossdressers, or anything else pulled under the umbrella.
Melanie E.
On reflection
I consider much of her video is about a degree of exhibitionism, she's so full of herself. I don't particularly feel she is doing much good except in stroking her own vacuous ego.