I must extend a major league thank you to Drea. She's been keeping me on track with my current offering. Her guidance and encouragement are never ending...as usual. I would also like to thank those who chose to comment on my tale. I truly wish I had the time to answer your comments and to acknowledge their content. Unfortunately I do not have enough hours in my day to do so and I apologize for that. For lack of a better description...I'm am, amongst other things, a Rugby mom to three maniacs and their insane father!!!
I do hope you enjoy my latest chapter. It's been approved by Andrea Lena. Please rest assured that no personal relaxation devices, power tools, large and small kitchen appliances, inanimate objects or livestock were injured in the writing of this chapter. Also be advised that my characters are trained professionals under close medical supervision during some of the acts being performed. In other words, don't try this at home!!! =D