of my new PC!
Okay, i know its sad but i'm still excited to have a bona fide working desktop!
Monday didn't work out entirely as planned, a longish walk after the washing day chores and then writing - without the writing! The intention was there but my concentration wasn't, i got distracted by other stuff, no excuses, its just the way that it rolled.
Tuesday did however pretty much go to plan, a plan of cheeps at the coast! Most of the time i get in @ 50km before my stop then once revived i'll add in a longer afternoon session but for a change, yesterday i set out to do it the other way around. That meant heading south first, through the Chew valley then up onto the Mendip before turning westward for Cheddar. The sun was out but there was a nagging wind even in the shelter of the Gorge, the descent cautious as rocks, sheep and still damp tarmac decorated the way.
Once off the massif it was a basically flat ride across to the coast and a busy but relaxed Weston seafront. I ordered my chips and tea then sat watching as the council moved sand from one part of the beach to another, clearly an endless task as they have specific equipment for the job! Fed and watered i started the return trip, the wind should've been behind me but it never felt that i was getting the assistance it had promised.
Up to Clevedon then Portishead before crossing the Avonmouth bridge for the run into Brizzle. The legs were okay but the rest of me was feeling the days efforts by the time i got back to Chez Bev - 140km bagged, the longest ride this year, completed in a minute over 6 hours in the saddle. The bad news is that we are set for damp and Gale force winds for the rest of the week so i may not get out on two wheels again until after the weekend.
Today's Gaby chapter is a long one, the National championship race in north London followed by a stop at Duxford airfield on the way home - Drew or is it Gaby's life is getting more than a little schizophrenic! There's some surprisingly mature riding at the first countered by typical teen behaviour and a hidden talent at the latter. So read Time Flies now, you know you want to!
Hopefully, by next time i will have some writing done, in the meantime a big thank you to all those who have purchased Gaby - On the edge, i hope you are/have enjoying/ed it, once again, please let me have your thoughts and comments - they may well influence future writing.
Madeline Anafrid
I absolutely adore Gaby. She has helped me with the craziness of being stuck in my apartment and of course your other stories as well. I happily went and spent my birthday Amazon credit on your wonderful stories.
Look forward to more (another Trixebell perhaps?)
that my scribbles bring you joy and thank you for your purchases too.
I'm expecting the third Trixiebell story to be ready for consumption by mid summer - there's new Nena and more Gaby to fit in first!
Madeline Anafrid Bell