which might give light relief from debacle that is the US election.
So today is the last day of pre lockdown Covid restrictions here in England, from midnight I can't buy running shoes but I'm encouraged to go running, we can't travel to see family but we can go where we like in a work setting, I can't buy a coat but I can meet a friend in the park, I can look after copious children but not visit my own - yup, its another bag of mixed signals however good the intent. Indeed this week we've seen a return to, if not panic buying exactly, but pre-emptive buying so there have been queues at Ikea, in clothing outlets, well anywhere that will be forced to close from today.
Moving on. Well after the wet up to and into last weekend, the weather has cleared, the sun has returned and there was even a spot of frost overnight. I must admit, I was one of those in IKEA on Monday, I wasn't being pre-emptive, I'd actually planned it last week as I wanted to buy a bookcase. Job done it was then a multi stop shopping trip, bike shop, post office and super markets, many birds with one stone!
After last weeks weather and health hit cycling programme, I did a total 150km, yesterday was almost a return to pre accident riding. I set off for Weston, its a convenient distance with a choice of routes to use, the fresh westerly promising some assistance on the return. Over the pastrami sandwiches I decided on a return route that would offer a bit more challenge than much of late and so I set off towards the Levels and Wells. Navigating by memory and conjecture I headed towards Wedmore on previously un-ridden roads and was pleasantly surprised to encounter not one but two windmills.
The first, Windmill House, as the name suggests is no longer extant but the tower was pretty obvious, the house built against it. The second though, Ashton Mill, is fully operational, on working days that is. Built in the late 1700's, its not big but perched on an exposed hilltop above the coastal levels it doesn't need to be, indeed there are tales of the whole thing being moved in high winds.
Photos taken I pushed on in the afternoon sunshine, escaping the showers I could see to the south, Wedmore, the Millrace villages, Wells and then the climb into the Mendips. The land at this eastern end is like a crumpled ball of paper, a mix of gently rolling hills cut by steep defiles and choosing a route through is something of a lottery, avoid one hill and you might get two more, or a long diversion, the roads rarely following valleys out, there is always a sting somewhere. If you are off form there is no easy way, just easier if you are lucky but with the tail-ish wind I was soon enough back at the Avon, too late for a tea stop but the light was starting to go anyhow.
140km, 88 miles, in 6 hours riding with almost 1000m of climbing, not my best by a long chalk but I was pretty happy, the hurts, shoulder and foot, were but minor niggles during the ride, I was tired at the end rather than in pain. Hopefully I'm over the worst with the health issues now but only time will tell.
Today then, blue skies and a light breeze but its a bit cool day, it is of course November, a walk after lunch then but first you want Gaby. The new chapter is Home Comforts, nr.15 in Avoidance, there's a mixed bag of emotions for the Wunderkind, joy, guilt, fear, will she, won't she get to go to Spain with all her friends? Read on to find out.
That's it for today,
Keep well - Tschuss
Madeline Anafrid