Small donations make big contributions

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No one must sacrifice everything just to make a donation. It would be wrong to give one's meal ticket if it meant they had to do without. But that is what I'm going to suggest. Daddy always told me to watch the pennies because the dollars will take care of themselves. Give that one some thought. Daddy was a very smart person. BCTS has a physical address (mailing address) listed. If one could drop five dollars in an envelope and send it. If you don't think it counts, think again. It counts very very much. Add the numbers and say a hundred people do the same. Are we getting there? That is half the price of a hamburger, fries and coke. Postage is a bitch, I mean that penny postcard, three cent stamp, ten cents airmail, is now fifty five cents. Talk about inflation and destroying everyone's savings.
I digress. But think about it, where can one log on, find one or more new stories every single day to read and enjoy. Talk about the cheapest vacation, in the mind, one could ever find. The world and all the political, petty conflicts, hate and emotional hurt is left behind for a short time. And I dare say some of the finest writers in the whole world are posting their own talents here on BCTS. If I start naming names it would be a long list indeed. I'm so blessed just to find BCTS and all the unbelievable writers who share their gifts with all of us.
If one has never been in business for themselves it's impossible to understand the cost in both financial, time, and emotions it costs to keep it going. There are no Friday paydays only income and outgo expenses. Trust me, it's a bitch to handle as most businesses fail the first five years. They don't make it. Those that do survive usually survive at the cost of those who start it. He or she invest their lives because they care.
If one thinks the "chump change" they might donate wouldn't make any difference, please think again. It makes a huge difference. The girls who have poured their lives, their heart and soul into keeping BCTS deserve better. Just because they aren't charging like the online readers doesn't mean they don't have a huge overhead they must pay out every single month rain or shine. I tried to talk Erin into charging for membership and she told me no in no uncertain terms. God bless her and the girls, they are dreamers and I love them with all my heart. But..., too many figure what they can get for free is actually free. I have found there is only a couple things free in life. True love from one's soul mate is one. It comes with no strings attached. May everyone be blessed to find such in their life.
Hugs to all the girls who keep BCTS open for all of us, both writers and readers.
Life is a gift, don't waste it.

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