That previous blog post has slid below the fold. So maybe it is time to ask for a refresher?
Fictionmaia still does not seem to like Firefox any more. Does anyone know if this is the new normal and I just need to accept it? Or is there any activity on the Fictionmania community that is considering the topic?
As always, Lazy TV viewers want to know.
Summary: They're aware and trying to resolve it. They've figured out what happened, but that doesn't tell them what to do about it, it's not just a simple solution.
If you manually, put in http:// instead of https:// it does work
Glad to see that it is not an intentional blocking from my motherland's "straight and narrow" zealots.
With "http" instead of "https" FM works even without VPN.
I thought it was a blocking...
But tried to access FM with couple different VPN's - no luck...
And yes, Opera VPN was disabled where I live recently... :-/ Opera gave up at the first sign of trouble... I have too many tabs open in the Opera, so it will take some time to move to some other browser. But I will do it eventually and kill it on my PC, phone and tablet.
PS: it is not a "splat with Firefox". Same problem with Opera and Chrome. Funny is that it perfectly coincided with a moment when Opera disabled VPN in their browser in my country...
Thanks a Google
Just pointing out that Fictionmania is accessable for me using Chrome. At least from my tablet and from a couple different desktops (ubuntu and windows). And that is without any url editing
Your friend
If you ask the browser to complete the URL, ...
... then you are at the browser's mercy as to how the URL is completed. Do all browsers complete URL's the same way? Well, they use some search engine or other to do so, so probably not.
If you get an error, look to see how the URL was completed. That will tell you why the failure. Then use the recommended form, e.g.
This form is best because it will become secure (https) as soon as the bug is fixed.
Between the wrinkles, the orthopedic shoes, and nine decades of gravity, it is really hard to be alluring. My icon, you ask? It is the last picture I allowed to escape the camera ... back before most BC authors were born.
Temporary Firefox Fix
As I posted in the other thread, if you open a new _private_ window, you can then manually type in (or just .tv), and it will go to http:. Firefox apparently will continue to attempt to use https if you ever used it in the past on that site. Even if you tell it _not_ to.
A private window doesn't have that memory.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Didn't work for me
I just tried that and it didn't work for me.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
Strange. I did it just
Strange. I did it just before writing that post. I did have to type it all in by hand, including the http://
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
In my older version of FireFox ...
... the "http://" or "https://" does not appear with the rest of the URL. However, if I highlight the URL and copy (ctrl-C) and then paste (ctrl-V) it elsewhere (e.g. notepad or the FIreFox address field!) the http part mysteriously appears. Handy for folks who (like me) introduce additional errors when retyping. My home-ec teacher referred to me as "Thumbs Selvig" due to my lack of skill with a needle and thread. I don't think teachers are allowed to do that any more ... thankfully :)
The need to go "Private Window" appears to be a "feature" that was added since my older version (52.9.0 = 32 bit, which FireFox says is the latest I can run on this platform) too.
Between the wrinkles, the orthopedic shoes, and nine decades of gravity, it is really hard to be alluring. My icon, you ask? It is the last picture I allowed to escape the camera ... back before most BC authors were born.
In this case, from what I
In this case, from what I read, the private window simply doesn't "remember" that you've been to the site before. If you'd visited the site _in_ Firefox previously, it just remembers that it "just worked" in https, and ignores the http: that you type.
That's the reason for the private window, just to make sure firefox doesn't just happen to remember you've successfully visited the site with ssl previously.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Now that you mentioned it
Logging onto Fictionmania through Firefox was a wash no matter how I listed it in the title bar. Opera pulled it right up without any problems. Can't be because of an update in Firefox because I have blocked updates for the past year. Crashing my computer was the end of Firefox updates. Thus I'm running one that is a year old. I haven't booted the computer with WinXP but I eally hesitate about letting that one touch the net.
Not much help.
Hugs Crash, hows life across the pond?
Life is a gift, don't waste it.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Yes... 6 years ago we were able to just visit a supermarket...
... without PCR tests, vaccination certificates, or "face coverings"...
Loved that "security guy" who was obviously in on the whole caboodle.
I just work in space.
I think it was Captain Kirk who said "I'm from Iowa, I just work in space".
BTW I love a good flash mob.
Crescenda Calliope Schweetmellon
Your friend
No spat with Firefox
I use the current version of Firefox (90.0 64-bit) on Windows 10. My Firefox is set (it's an option, not the default) to "Enable HTTPS-Only Mode in all windows." Since FM's recent change, their https:// isn't working, so Firefox warns me and offers me the option to connect anyway. When I accept, I'm in! The address in the address bar is ""
By the way, I often, but not always, get the same warning when connecting to Big Closet. But here, when I say connect anyway, the URL is and Firefox tells me it is "Verified by: Cloudflare, Inc.," which tells me that it, indeed, has a digital certificate. So, the issue with FM and Big Closet is of different origins, though the warning is the same.