allie elle's blog


well shuzzle it

gremlins have struck, darned chapter corrupted due to a power malfunction. SSD's definitely don't like keeping backups.

That means I will have to rewrite todays chapter of reaffirmation and post it late.

Hopefully by tomorrow or saturday I am going to try and recover the corrupted copy first

wish me luck

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a new me

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Wow things really are turning around for me, my body is still a little fubar but have managed to get a nitendo ring fit. started a weight loss and now an exercise program within my physical limitations i got on the scales today and after a week i have lost 10 pounds.

I still have a long way to go to where i should be and stress my body less but by the G_dess i will continue to work on it.

Now i have todays workout behind me time for a coffee and settle into todays wrinting ready for publishing.

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:) yes I can do it !!

well it's Monday and the first of my self imposed posting deadlines. I managed it after tweaking the next ADA chapter is up. By goodness it feels so good to be writing regularly again. It's also getting the moose munching again, darned thing Prue left me with that image as well as maggie the kitten many years ago when I first started out writing.

The upshot of it is I have a story idea for a new story and universe floating around in the echoing caverns of my mind. I'll be working on the outline today.

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What a week,

Will be posting chap 5 of angel Monday next week to give me time to tweak it a little bit. i hate it when i have to chase meds and stuff really screws up my routine. I'm getting used to writing again after such a long hiatus and for those that ask i will be working on reaffirmation and another of my incomplete stories. i really have left too many unfinished.

I'm going to try to keep up regular posting too giving myself deadlines will help me function, so from next week it will be angel on a Monday and reaffirmation on a Thursday,

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really must knuckle down

okay after a long dry spell where my muse has been sulking in the corner time to start treating my writing as at least semi pro, time to tune on the radio first thing in the morning to sit with a coffee and start.

Have had too many things going on over the time i have not been writing now it is time to take some level of control back. Monday is a new start for me on my Gender journey but this time I am going to listen to the docs and work at it. Along with that time to re earn that princess of prose title so with me luck I'm going in

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back with a vengence

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well its nearly a year since i used my blog and one of my new years resolutions is to keep it going this time round lol.

to those that know me knopws who i am and what i write.

well i am keeping my fingers crossed that my transition is being completed this year and we will have to see.

to those watching my stories Heaven can wait part four is in the works and the mystery of the hall will continue also and a late christmas story is flowing out of the keyboard.

to my extended family i am back twice as strong and twice the little

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belated hoppy news rear (giggle)

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a belated happy new year or hoppy news rear, yes my lil sides running rampant a little bit to enjoy life. things are getting into perspective and fun again for me and i am starting to see the fun in things and life.

alot of it is i get down over the holidays as i am so far away from those i consider my true family and friends and it gets me down.

to all of you i wish a good 2009 and may all your dreams come true or as many as possible this year

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hell, look inside my head thats where the signs point

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the season of joy they call this, not much joy to be found for me this year.To use another over used phrase physician heal thy self, sometimes my gods you cant over the last two weeks i have managed the grand total 4 hours sleep in 14 days and have tried all i can to sleep but the images and nightmares are always there. A raised fist, a loud voice, the scorn, the words all eating away at me from the inside out. I prided myself on having a tough outer skin being there for others helping them through.

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i9 need to start blogging properly really i do

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well i really need to get back into blogging and keeping my emotions in check.So much happens to knock me back and forwards 18 months into official RLE anmd some times i still hate my body. I cant get away with looking really femme as the body doesnt fit. To be honest I look like a diesel dyke but freak it I am who I am.

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am back

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finally after weeks and week of not finding a simple sentence i the mue and a feeling of helplessness. New words new stories and new parts of present stories pouring from me like water from a sponge.


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CLUBS dont talk to me about CLUBS!

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2:30 am on a sunday morning over the street from me booze briatians finest spilling out into the street. its the same every weekend i have to forgo one nights sleep so the booze crowd can have thier night out.

OMG i sounded just like my grandmother stop me now before i buy the twinset and pearls,

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running away with words

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Here I am again being ravaged and churning words out but it is so good to be back writing even at the volume I am doing now. I am starting a kids camp story and will be posted in a few days once the story matures. Without a trace is growing by the day and the story is taking some twists.

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aah the moose or should that be ARRRRGH the moose

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my gods i have turned into a word factory three episodes for my stories and the first ten pages of a main stream sci fi book churned out today in basic readable form ready for the cut and slash (apart from the book. today it seems i have not stopped writing but nothing was good enough for the moose and she sat on my shoulder all day moaning.

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new start on the blogg

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well i'm back after a hiatus from everything and getting back into writting and everything else.

there has been a lot of turmoil in this life in the predeing months and alot of trying to cope with mental illness. No i dont count being trans gendered as a mental illness but a state of being.

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T minus `5 hours

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well its less than 24 hours before i see the the gender clinic and get to play with them (giggles)

emotionally i am at a peak being this close to the road and still bubbling over and feeling fairly happy and getting there and and thank you all for all your support.

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well about time i started blogging somewhere i suppose (giggle), i am just taking a break from fighting with heaven can wait as its turning out to be a hard story to write. Not because I am trying to please people but like most of my stories it contains pieces from my past and how some things I wish I could of changed or avoided.

I suppose I write to examine myself and how I interact with others so it does make it harder to write fiction as always trying to dig away the harsh parts so it doesn't offend people and make it too dark too read.

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