TopShelf Blogs

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Witness Protection

After a few protests at my tendency towards heterosexuality the comments on my story "Identity Specialist" suggested that more could be made of this, and perhaps I should open it to Big Closet writers for say the month of September?
Cheryl said - "I see potential for a new universe here. With Courtney telling more client stories and adventures".
Erin seems keen too, but I am not sure whether a prize will be offered.
Is there any interest?

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Emotional Cripple, Is it because I'm a guy or Trans TV/CD?

I recently had a row with my wife. She told me I bottle everything up and I don't show my emotions. What I wonder is this because I'm a man? Or is it due to the fact that I longed to be a girl?

My wife knew I liked to occasionally dress before we married, when the kids come along I was forbidden to do it and still am. I do everything without her knowledge now. Hotel stays when working, fishing holidays etc, allows Leeanna time.


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Not Letting This Go.

I've only just finished reading "Life Giver", by Melanie Brown and was greatly impressed. This book is as professional and easy to read as it gets, in my opinion. I tried to leave a comment at Amazon but can't figure that out. There are other very good Authors at BCTS, but leaving them a comment is quite easy.

Thank you Melanie.

Gwen Brown

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Charlie Watts

I just heard that Charlie Watts, the drummer of The Rolling Stones, died.

I met him back in 1963, when The Stones were just getting started, and he was a lovely guy, the only one of them who wasn't either so far up himself or high on something, who gave a fan a little facetime and some conversation, without being in any way condescending.

Apart from that, he was one of those mostly unsung brilliant drummers who anchored the group for over fifty years. It makes me feel very sad and very much mortal to hear of his death as he was only a few months older than me.

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The End Of Gender Change

I was very late to learn to read and in the early 50s, the teachers I'd had were neither patient or gentle. A teacher I had in the 4th grade, instead of lecturing me, gave me a book that looked very interesting and sitting with a child's dictionary and that book I learned to read somewhat. The name of the book was 'Bull Dozer' and looking, a used copy of it on Amazon is $90. Later in the 7th grade, my teacher noticed my idle fiddling and handed me an encyclopedia to read. By the end of that year, I'd read them all.

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Pre-reader needed

So, as it says on the tin, I'm looking for a pre-reader to give solid, detailed feedback on plot, character development and world building. I don't need my ego stroked, but if the limit of the feedback is it's great/sucked, that doesn't help me. I need someone who can articulate, in depth how they are/aren't enjoying the overall story, the world the story is told in, and the characters as they interact with each other.

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Linked Solo Stories

I have begun writing a series of solos where character(s) and / or location(s) from one or more other solos pop up from time to time in other stories.

Each is written in first person, is completely stand alone and can be read in any order.

I'll edit the story list below as I add new stories:

The Foundation Garment
The Hunter
The Game
The Bartender
The Diamond Burglar

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I'm so damn hot

No, I'm not being conceited. This heat wave has not been kind to me and since Thursday I've been feeling tired, nauseous, not thinking clearly, and just generally feeling terrible. As a result I wasn't able to post the new chapter of Cold Fey to my Patreon. I pushed through and got it posted a day and a half late but just ended up feeling worse. Well, apparently I have a mild case of heatstroke so I'm supposed to be resting, drinking lots of fluids, and doing my best to keep cool. That last one is a bit of a pain in the ass but I'm managing okay, I think.


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Was I Ever Transgender?

To make it short and sweet, I hated men due to my early experiences with them, and I hated being one. The people around me never said I was manly, especially my wife of 38 years. Finally, I gave up and started trying figure out what living as a woman would be like. There are some good people around me, so I didn't do suicide because I didn't want to hurt them.

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Light And Shadow Part 2 posted!

After a marathon edit session today between me and a good friend who's acting as editor in exchange for future cookies, Part 2 of Book 4 Light And Shadow is posted!

Tomorrow continues mad editing on Part 3! After groceries. And housework chores. And playing with neglected kitties. (Okay, they're totally not neglected, just spent half an hour with a kitten chasing a dangled shoelace...)

Hope people enjoy! If you do, feel free to leave a comment! Thanks!! :)

- Erisian <3

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Writing Walker's Path Chapter 11

Hello out there,

I wanted to let you all know that the next Writing Walker's Path is out on my website!

Writing Walker's Path is something I started doing after the release of the story. The blog posts talk all about my thought process and sometimes hints at what is going to happen in the future. There are other "Writing Walker's Path" episodes for other chapters on there as well so make sure to read them all!

You can read Chapter 11's here.

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giving an author a push

I'd like to take a moment and give a fellow author here a bit of a push.

I've been reading RobertaME's autobiographical work, "For God so loved the world", and while a lot of it is painful, it is ultimately a story of faith and survival.

If you're so inclined, she'd love feedback on the piece, which is found here:

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got a body blow today

got a body blow today.

Carol told me Mike had a meltdown on the weekend. He got very angry at an employee at the wildlife park over nothing

this is very much unlike him, but something she was warned about as his disease progresses

he went for a test today, the results will tell us if it is getting worse for sure, but he's already told Carol that if he ever gets violent she has his permission to put him into long term care

the worst thing of getting the news about Mike today was it was Sam's grad today, and I hate that I couldn't be happier for her

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Not a Fashion Expert

Ladies, it is a fact women judge women by their attire and their presentation. I can't be the only one who has studied girls and women all my life. What makes one outstanding and her friend or those around her part of the background? Sometimes it's one thing, she's wearing clothes and a color bringing out her best features. Her hair style accents her face. And so it is one or many things makes a beautiful female plain or less than and a plain female exceptionally attractive.


Planning on finding a therapist

It's been a few years since I've seen a therapist. I'd stopped, because it was starting to bring up stuff I felt like I couldn't handle. I still ain't sure if I can handle it, but stuff seems to be bubbling up, and trying to ignore it doesn't seem to be helping any more. So, I've decided to try contacting my healthcare provider today.

I'm really, really nervous about looking for a therapist to help me with stuff. I'm tired of hiding from my past, but I'm also scared of facing it. Anybody got any suggestions on how to do this with the least amount of issues?

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Hello out there,

Tomorrow there is going to be a surprise for you! How about Chapter 11 of Walker's Path?

Sorry for the Hiatus but I needed to work on myself for a little while.

The new Chapter is going to be around 2k words long which is around 1k shorter than I normally write but when the chapter ends it ends.

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Suicide, self castration - Pain caused by having extra bits

I wrote this after responding to a self castration story, and a suicide storie.

This deals with those of us that are born with a small extra amount of flesh between our legs, that stamps us as male, and set us on a fixed course in life.

I often wonder. If men and women were treated the same, dressed the same, played the same roles in society. Would those that hate their bodies feel the need to end it, or remove the offending parts?


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Unkind reviews

I was on Fictionmania a few days back. I read a story where teenage boys were fed hormones by their mothers after fighting at school.
It was fairly normal stuff, it wasn't particularly badly written. It was by an author called Metmanmornge.

There were a few nasty reviews. One said it was so bad it should be deleted. Another said it made no sense as the boys would beat their mother to death before this happened etc. It was pointed out that the site was called Fictionmania, and the story was fiction. I suggested if people didn't like it, they should just stop reading.

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In The Year 2221?

Just re-read the story by Daphne about a 12 1/2 year old boy that self castrated himself. I was planning to do the same in 2004 but found a Urologist to do it for $1000 cash. It's a good thing I did because here, where I live self castration will get you a long stay in the State Insane Asylum. I've always had a quiet, seething, hatred for authority for good reason.

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Belonging To Something

I don't know how other people adapt to today's reality, but for me, belonging to something or someone makes things easier. Over the years, since my Divorce and being abandoned I've tried a number of things, most of which seemed to work for a while. Some have been frustrated with me because of my penchant for getting involved in belief systems, and generally a Trans person can not satisfy them, or I could not. Both Christianity and Islam did not work out, though it seems that a branch of Judaism does.

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What a wonderful (hear the sarcasm?) Day!

So I finished the blog entry on my Dad and his heart this morning, and I leaned back in my office chair. I guess I must have, somehow, entered unknowingly into a wager saying the day couldn't be worse. Thus, my office chair decided it no longer liked me, so it leaned all the way back, depositing me in a rather undignified manner onto the floor behind it.

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Screendoor on a submarine

I was just finishing my games of scrabble with my parents and sister at around 3:30 this morning, when I saw a notification come through my phone saying my mom was in the ER with my dad because he had chest pain. I talked to Mom for a bit, then spent the rest of the night sleepless. Finally got to a very fitful sleep about 6:30 AM.

The hospital says it's something serious with his heart, but not a heart attack.

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Bardsey Island

I set a fictional semi-monastic retreat in this place, where my character Ambrose lived and cared for Angharad, Elaine's mother-in-law in 'Sisters'.

I then read a series of comic fantasies by Heide Goody and Iain Grant, where a monastery was set on the same island, with a monk called Ambrose... spooky

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Trying the .mobi format

book cover
My most popular story on here (assessed by likes) is ‘If You’re Done’. You can read it right here on BigCloset, but I thought that perhaps some folks would like it have it in a format that they can download and keep. I designed some cover art, gave the story an edit (because I’m never truly happy with anything...) and a friend converted the result into the .mobi format, which I think ought to be suitable for most people with an e-reader.

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one crappy day

So today was a crappy day.

It started with me having a dream where I took pleasure in being cruel to someone, which has got me thinking I'm too dangerous and should commit myself.

then I went to the doctor, and got the results from the CT scan of my head, which showed nothing wrong. That would be good news, except it leaves why I'm having word drop and stuttering and memory issues a mystery.

Then mom and I picked up Sam at work and took her home, and Sharon asked for a ride to the post office.

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Janegirl Camp age groups

I was thinking about Janegirl Camp being split into 3 age groups, and each group would attend camp at different times. The first group would be ages 7-9, the second group would be 10-12 (Zee's age group), and the third age group would be ages 13-15. I was also thinking of giving each group a different name, but I'm not sure if I like the names or not yet. The first group would be called Caterpillar, the second group would be called Chrysalis, and the third group would be called Butterfly.

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Female run dystopia's

I love reading stories about female run worlds. There are several I am reading at the moment. Some it is just men being treated as 2nd class citizens, sort of payback in way.

Some where all the women seem to be dominatrix's. They beat and punish their men , or dress them as women to humiliate them.
Some on BDSM sites where guys are all castrated, not my cup of tea.

A great example of this is the worm that turned by the two Ronnies , this was a series on their show.

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My Memory Used to be so Perfect, too...

I used to have total recall. I'm serious! In a way, I still do, but I don't anymore.

"What the Hell is she talking about?"

Up until the age of 35, I can still to this day recall every day of my life starting from age 3. I can tell you what I had for breakfast on January 16th, 1978. (I had oatmeal and a piece of toast before trudging through the snow with my sister for her to catch bus 35 to go to 1st grade... that evening we had steak for dinner because it was my father's 30th birthday)

"Ok... so what?"

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Non-binary grave discovered in Finland from c 1000 AD.

A link to a Guardian story about someone they suspect was Klinefelters who was buried with grave goods of male and female, demonstrating they were respected by the community. My own thoughts as I read it were that the individual may well have been a shaman.

See link:

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Separation Anxiety?

I've been working on the next chapter of Jangirl Camp, and seem to be running into an issue I don't think I've ever run into before. Zee seems to be feeling separation anxiety when his dad is saying goodbye to him at camp, and I'm really feeling guilty about separating them. I know it's something that needs to happen for the story to continue, but the actual scene is feeling a lot more difficult to write than I'd expected.

Does anyone have suggestions on how to write a scene where a parent and somewhat clingy child are separated with the least amount of trauma?

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The PAIN!!!

No one to blame here. Just sitting here reading and was suddenly overwhelmed by a wave of grief. No Drama or talk of ending it. Just wanted to say how much it hurts.

Had a wife of 38 years that got to drinking. Blame myself for not putting an end to that and getting her help. Two of my Children blame me for it all. One is supportive and loving.

I miss that woman powerfully and it hurts so much. I could never be man enough for her and as it developed, I wasn't a man at all. Just wish it could have been different though. Maybe the hurt will be gone in the morning?


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Another Olympiad over

and to be honest, I've not really been following the coverage but I do know that Team GB claimed the cycling crown with 6 golds out of the 22 on offer, 1 ahead of the Netherlands, the only other nation to win more than 1 event. Overall our tiny islands came in fourth behind the behemoths of the US and China with host nation Japan getting home advantage for third although with a smaller total medal count, the UK's 22 golds more than twice that of any other European nation. But as they say, Its not the winning but the taking part that counts - but winning is nice!

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T folk Dangerous?

It is clear to me that exercise and healthy foods help just lots. As most people in this circle know, life for T folk, especially post op ones can really be heartbreaking. Not that long ago, I was talking with my counsellor about riding my bike for a number of things, especially to get groceries. I mentioned a certain market in a popular location and she suddenly seemed very tense. I asked her what was wrong and she denied any issue. She to has an electric bike and passed me one day, though at the time I did not know it was her.

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Diet Imperative!!

Found a couple of nice dresses at Target online. Got my new sundress last week, and a skater dress arrived today.

They fit, look okay, but they'd definitely look a lot nicer if I could shed 15 to 20 pounds. (I'm 5'10" and 196, give or take a few.) Right now, I'm not exactly a quarter-tonner, but I could definitely use a waistline that doesn't look 8 months pregnant.

While I'll likely still be too reserved/shy/terrified/ashamed to wear them anywhere, I'd at least like the idea that I could.

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"Please Turn Over"

If you want a laugh (and who does not need one at the moment) then it is worth having a look at an old British Comedy film called "Please Turn Over". It dates from 1959/1960 but is a good yarn. The title refers to the pages of a book that takes a town by storm.

If you can find it then give it a watch. I found it on the Talking Pictures TV channel on FreeSat (UK).


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need an excuse?

There is an apparent shortage of men's underwear. I have been waiting for the back to school sales to pick up a few basics. One store recently had a twenty-five percent off sale on underwear for the family. I could not find any men's briefs in any size but extra large. Not to worry, I had to got to Wal-Mart this week and they usually have back to school sales. I couldn't find a single pair of plain men's briefs. Just across the aisle though was a big display of ten packs of women's panties. There's your excuse; just go with it.

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Vale Karen Lockhart

It is with great sadness that I have to report the death of Karen Lockhart, the pen name under which Kevin Solime posted stories here on Bigcloset. I had the pleasure and privilege of helping him out with proofing his stories. Kevin had not been at all well in the last couple of years but amazingly he kept reviving when his cousin Sue and I were sure he could not come back. We always said he had 99 lives, but alas eventually they ran out. It is a consolation to know that he is now at peace. I recommend his entertaining stories to all readers here at Bigcloset.

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That moment when...

the universe makes it abundantly clear that it has it in for you. I had that moment last night. After a fantastically shitty day where everything bad that could happen did happen my word processor decided to crash mid-writing session. Then, at the very second that I screamed to the heavens, "Why can't anything ever go right for me!" that is when the universe delivered the coup de grace by having winblows give me the blue screen of death and shut down, oh and then I broke a nail.


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Confused, intrigued & irritated

OK, so for a very long time, I am finally giving in but need help. I keep seeing story after story after story listed 'whatley academy' related. Honestly, I have never read it, I am having difficulty locating the 'original' version that started this 'universe'. I keep bypassing most stories i see labelled it, because I am without any idea to what is what about it. Would someone, please be ever so kind enough to lead me to this apparant 'best seller' of sorts?

Pretty please... with sugar on top <3

It is about time, I give in & give it a go, eh?

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Thank you for all your help with Vacation

I really enjoyed coming back and visiting all the intelligent, tasteful readers here at BigCloset. The last book I finished up, Taylor, was donated to this site so the proceeds could help out keeping it afloat.

Testing out a story idea like Vacation proved rewarding for me, getting lots of great ideas for maybe retooling it into a novel. I liked my characters and they started talking to me..

But, the curious thing was how many people wanted me turn Portrait into a book.

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It's been a while

I absolutely hate writing in fitful starts and stops. At worst it means that my reader has to keep going back to re-read previous chapters to remember what was going on. Unfortunately, as we all know, many if not most of us do not have the leisure of being able to write all day every day - or even every week.

I apologise for the delay. In Real Life, stuff happens.

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Writing Progress

I am (slowly) approaching 29k words on _The Angel of Earth_, out of an estimated 50k to 55k. I have made (tiny) progress on the next Masks and Freddy on the Loose stories.

Part of the problem is having to do Summer yard work. Part of it is cats (there's one being chased by a bluejay this morning). Part of it is distractions from other sources.

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English is a Mess

It seems all of us have an opinion on words and spelling errors we spot in the stories we read. I have a few of those such as "your" (possessive) used in place of "you're" (contraction of you are) and visa versa.
He drove to (modifier) the park. He wanted to go too (also) soft adjective)

