TopShelf Blogs

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Writing Walker's Path Chapter 13

Hello out there,

A new episode of Writing Walker's Path has been released!

There's some talk of the future in this one and how Chapter 14 is going to be one of the last bad experiences for Walker. In general, I want Walker to come out of this with a good outlook and hopefully, I can outweigh the negative with positive.

Also Chapters 3-5 have been edited! I'll continue to edit these and hopefully get all of the little grammar bugs poking around.

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Watching the Cycling World Road Championships Women's Road Race in Belgium at the moment

Watching the Cycling World Road Championships Women's Road Race in Belgium at the moment. And while keeping my fingers crossed for Lizzie. It’s daft I know, but I still have half an ear open to hear where Jenny or Gaby Bond is! All your fault Madeline Anafrid


A Good Bishop, taken off the Board

I read an obituary today in my local paper. It was for Bishop John Shelby Spong who died this month at the ripe old age of 90. I had heard him talk on the radio in the mid-eighties and he came across as a radical Anglican with modern views. He openly admitted that he considered himself an atheist and then went on to explain that he believed in God, it was Organised Religion he had a problem with. Well, they had a problem with him at times. He was ordained in 1955 and served in North Carolina and Virginia before becoming Bishop of Newark, New Jersey where he stayed for 24 years.


Insomnia and Inspiration

While laying in bed in the middle of last night and not sleeping as one does, the muse decided to sprinkle her fairy dust upon my rest-deprived noggin. Thus came a realization that the new book currently under editing for its later chapters was missing a scene which, in the much-abused and paraphrased words of The Dude, really tied the book together. Where to wedge it in was even included in the moment of 'well-duh!'.

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Southern accent?

A few weeks ago, I'd been in an online writer's group, and shared a chapter of one of my stories. One of the people in the group asked me why my character was talking with a Southern accent. Does anyone else who's read my stories see any accent like that? The only places I've lived have been New Jersey and California, so I'm really not sure where I might have picked up a Southern accent.

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New Story (by me!) up on BCTS's Patreon page!

Heya folks! I meant to share this last night, but didn't get around to it.

Erin's posted a new short story by me up on the site's Patreon! If you wanna check it out, here's the link!

I think it's a cute little thing, and I'd love to see folks' thoughts on it.


Melanie E.

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Masks Timeline Update

The Masks timeline has been updated. The revised version can be found at:

Please report any formatting problems, etc. here. (I hope that is the right place for the update. This is being done in a bit of a hurry due to personal obligations. I'll check back on this later.)

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I need your help/opinion/ /thoughts/suggestions

Good Morning!

The last thing I published here was the beginning of a novel I was writing called Vacation.

Some of you read it, and I want your suggestions...

It needs a publishable title. Vacation is not going to cut it and I'm interested in hearing any suggestions you might think of.

The third part of the book is coming back from my editor soon, so it will appear within the month. That means that before I publish it to Amazon, I have to erase it here. So, if you want to see the first third of the book, read it here before it's removed.

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Friday. New Walker's Path.

Hello out there,

I was right. It took another week to complete chapter 13.

I need to edit it today or tomorrow and then it should be ready for Friday.

While chapter 13 is fresh off the press (of my fingers on a keyboard) I can't help but mention that chapter 14 is already some of what I would consider my best work. I only started writing it today and I'm blown away at how well I am at expressing these particular emotions.

No spoilers, just know that I am really feeling chapter 14. Mostly because the emotions in it so far have been pent up in me.

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Any Takers?

A few days ago, Doppler Press published How You Play the Game. It is the twenty-first book I’ve written that has been sold on Amazon.

I donate 100% of the proceeds to BC to support this site. Erin has said it has been quite a bit of money.

Last week, Erin messaged me about three of my books: Miss Recudes, Leight Wilde, and The Ninth Fold.

She asked if I had published them through someone else.

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TERF's and The Bathrooms Debate

In the UK this weekend there has been some debate after an MP received death threats when her views on trans women were made public.
She does have history.

The idea of self identification is being hyped as any big hairy bearded guy can enter a female only "safe space" and say

"it's ok, I identify as female today!"

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Woke up from another nightmare.

I'm just ... so tired of these nightmares. I'm tired from the lack of sleep. I'm tired of the emotional drain. I'm tired of needing to go around the house, and turn on the lights. A lot of the time, I won't remember what I dreamed about. I'll just wake up, feeling scared, or angry, or something like that. I remembered what I dreamed about last night/this morning. I'm not sure if that's better or worse.

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Next part of Light and Shadow is up!

The middle bit of Light And Shadow is up! Halfway to the finish, wherein various things are indeed revealed!

Please do mind the trigger warnings though. There are a few darker subjects in this one.

Thanks to all who've been reading, can't wait to get the rest of this book posted! We're getting to the good stuff! ;)

- Erisian

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Good Writers and Bad Business models

Every now and then I stumble across an author who makes me feel like the world’s biggest hack.

My spouse reads about three books a week. That’s how I “found” Sue Monk Kidd.

Kidd writes historical fiction. The first book I read of hers was “The Book of Longings.” It is the fictional autobiography of Jesus’ wife published in 2020.

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Death Of A Princess...

I remember writing this story but did not know it was attached to a true story. Today, I met the uncle of the murdered Transgender teen. The assailant, a Bosnian man got 20 years. He tried to use the excuse that finding out was so upsetting to him that he lost his mind. Apparently, Washington State has passed a law that bars that as a defense.

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No new Walker's Path this week (maybe)

Hello out there,

I released two chapters in four weeks. If I were to follow that pattern it would mean that tomorrow a new Walker's Path would come out.

While I am close to finishing the latest chapter its not quite complete.

To close out the next chapter I'm looking at them finishing breakfast and leaving the buffet.

As soon as I have that done (I'm close) I will be editing it and then releasing it. Hopefully that will be next Friday.

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My Title Was Stolen!

I have to change the title of my next book.

For anyone who follows the BCTS Patreon, Erin's been posting chapters of a story I was writing -- Double Date Dare -- over there for quite a while. There was a hiatus for a bit, but I recently finished the story, and re-wrote it for publication through Doppler.

Except there's a problem.

See, since I started posting chapters of the story, *another* trans fic author -- of erotica, no less -- has used my beloved story title for a book of their own.

A few things:

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Charli(e) Wilder Saga?

I left this, pretty discouraged by lack of feedback.

Charli has been accepted at an exclusive girls school as a transgender girl. But she is questioning whether she is really transgender. She is wondering how she can sample boyhood from the position she is in. She has a session of basketball and video games scheduled with a group of slightly older public schoolboys. But the boy who invited her doesn't know her transgender status and wants her as a girlfriend. Charlie wants him as a boyfriend.

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slight delays

Hey everyone,

Just a quick note to let my readers know that because I had a busy couple of days and haven't had much energy while fighting this cold that Martin gave me, stories will be a bit delayed this week. I'm trying to finish the new chapter of Apocalypse Dawn for sometime tonight, but it may not be posted until tomorrow morning. Whether other chapters are late will depend on how fast I can catch up while I've got this cold dragging me down.

*big hugs*



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The effect of words and their often disproportionate impact……..

Over the time I have been on this site I have seen many an author, reader, or simply a poor tortured soul who has expressed themselves either through their writing, or through a posted blog. I myself have found it useful at times to post something, using the site to express my frustrations with some aspect of my life or society in general - or crying out over some emotional issue which is tearing me apart.

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reality was less scary than anxiety

Well, once again, reality turned out to be less scary than anxiety had made it out to be.

I got the brakes fixed on my car today, after stressing over it for more than a week (my repair guy was on holiday).

And instead of the thousand-plus-dollar expense I was expecting, the actual price was $460.

It takes out the last of my reserve fund, but that's what that money was for, and now I can start slowly rebuilding it.

(Breathes a sigh of relief ….)

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RobertaME is okay and will stay that way.

We have PMed, me and Roberta and she is not thinking of anything silly or harmful to herself or others. I am not at liberty to disclose anything else about our communications, but there will likely be more to come.

She is VERY grateful for all the kind words expressed both in her blog and mine and wants to thank you all for your concern and good wishes.

more to come as it occurs.

Catherine Linda Michel

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Error code 504

When I try to open my bookmarks on my account page the system processes for a period, then I get an error code 504 from cloudflair that the system has timed out. Does anyone know of a fix? I can access those stories that come up under the “track” tab but that is it. Maybe I have bookmarked to many stories over the years and overload the function?
Thank you in advance for any assistance.



open letter to RobertaME

In all my 74 years on this planet, I have insulted or hurt more people than I can count! But you know what? Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke or an insult!

Oh I know I'm an awful person...or...I WAS. The thing is, I don't, I CAN'T allow all those hurts and insults rule my life! If I did, I'd be in the same funk that has you tied up right now.

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I have gotten that rather nasty cold going around, not covid, not fun last two weeks.

Went for walk. On way home I overheard a right bigot.

“My daughter is my daughter and always will be my daughter you can’t tell her she can be a boy.”

Switched to

“God should be taught in schools and not tell them to have sex.”

Switched too

“ god dam idiots migrants that can’t speak English should be ….” I didn’t catch rest as I was walking by.

Just the amount of hate coming out of his mouth and he meant every word!


made a discovery about myself

Its weird to have a revelation about yourself at 55.

But I did yesterday, as I finally realized I am super tactile.

I'm always stroking my blankets, or my stuffed toys, or just about anything I can reach.

Thing is, even now being able to acknowledge this, I still have no clue why I do this.

ah, well.

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Heads I Lose

... Tails, you win. Damned if I do, damned if I don't. This post might spoil a little bit.

It's been over two months since my previous posting of "A Bikini Beach Late Summer". This is what I didn't want to happen. The alternative, unfortunately, had already happened: it had been years, and I hadn't come close to finishing the story.

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I am a horrible author.


That's all I hear in my head now. I feel compelled to write, to have others know my thoughts through stories I've crafted after hundreds of hours of research and writing... and re-writing... and editing... and then finally after 3 years of sitting on these stories, I let the people in my life convince me that they're actually good and that I'm an author and a good writer.

They were wrong.

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I'm a boy - The Who

I heard this on the radio in the car yesterday.

The Who song I'm a boy was written by Pete Townsend . The song was originally intended to be a part of a rock opera called 'Quads' which was to be set in the future where parents can choose the sex of their children. The idea was later scrapped, but this song survived and was later released as a single.

It was never clear if it was intended to be about a boy who was treated as a girl, or a girl that wanted to be a boy.

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emails and their results

I find it fascinating how much people get messed up, and then report it as the truth.

I got an email about "watching out for public records being released, and what they may say about you." So, just for kicks, I looked myself up online to see what it says.

The result? Whitepages isn't making a good impression with me They have 2 wrong aliases and 3 incorrect places I used to live. "Uh.... No, I don't think I really want to pay for your services. You don't seem to know much about your 'subjects'."

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Are stories of children crossdressing porn?

I posted a short story on Literotica recently , or rather I tried . it was A Conversation with Mother - Secret Girl, I even took the part out where he asks his mother if he cut his extra bit off, would he be a girl.

So all innocent stuff, the sort you would have on a daytime TV discussion.

It got rejected as it sexualizes under 18's.

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An Electron as the USS FTL0476

A photon scatters off an electron. Or perhaps an electron scatters off a photon. Or perhaps an electron and photon scatter. Whatever you choose to call it, the electron absorbs the photon and a little later, emits a photon. This is the diagram:
Sane electron-photon scattering.
The horizontal axis is meant to be the time axis, although one may imagine the figure has having two spacial dimensions.

The above is the sane process.

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

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Music playlists for "Aurora and Aurelia" and "Ships"

I usually listen to music constantly in the background while I conceptualize characters and plot out my stories, and oftentimes while I'm working on a story, I make a playlist of songs that I associate with the general "feel" or "vibe" of the piece, certain events and/or characters therein, imagining it as the ideal soundtrack were the story in question ever to be adapted into film. (These playlists are essentially the soundtracks to their respective stories as they play out as if cinematically in my head/imagination.) Even though it's now years after I published these two on BCTS, and judging by their view/kudos counts these stories have "run their course" on here (in the sense that everyone regularly on the site who's going to read/kudo/comment on them has done so by now), I figured I'd share the "soundtrack" playlists for "Aurora and Aurelia" and "Ships", if anyone's interested.

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insights from my therapist

My therapist had a really good insight into what happened with the writing group:

"Sometimes when we're struggling with self-hate or loathing, we find ourselves sharing vulnerable aspects of ourselves to people who have not earned the right to our most intimate selves. It's almost like a test to those around us. And if they passed one test, we push again and we push harder.

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I was wondering about Thongs; they seem so sexy, and even in my dotage my thought life...I want to be sexy. So I got a pack of 3. Even after letting one "settle" in, it was not fun, especially while riding a bike. Being my normal stubborn self, I did research. Female pelvises have up to 2" inches more space for Thongs, to facilitate child birth, and to make males think unseemly thoughts.

I haven't thrown them out, but it is unlikely one will ever find its way to my skinny butt again.



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Part 3 of Light And Shadow is up!

Part 3 of latest book posted! Thanks again to the help of a good friend who caught quite a few gooberisms with their final check-through. They had to suffer through with me sending many updates over the past week as I kept poking at it, even after I had said I was 'done'. I'll have to be better about that for the next one, lol.

Now to use the rest of this holiday weekend plowing through the text of Part 4!

Thanks to everyone who reads as always, and especially those who comment! Hope y'all enjoy!
- Erisian <3

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Writing Walker's Path Chapter 12

Hello out there,

I hope you're all doing well this lovely weekend!

Writing Walker's Path Chapter 12 has been released!

If you don't know what that is, it's a blog that I release with my web serial Walker's Path.

Hurry on over and catch some insight into the story from the writer's point of view! (Possibly some future story spoilers too!)

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Turning to the dark side

I've resisted as long as I could, but the dark side has taken me -- I've started publishing my material on Amazon. It's a new thing so far with only Lifeswap available as a Kindle download (with a slight facelift -- the story is the same, but I've tweaked some of the bits I felt needed tweaking). The plan for the next few weeks (months?) is to do the same with some of the other stories I've posted here, making anthologies of the shorter works so each work will be 100k words or above, and making them available in digital or dead tree format.

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So, I was working on

I was working on a couple of stories, hoping to get ahead on them, and my muse decided to shift gears and change direction on me. It seemed as though she doesn't know how to use a clutch or speed shift very well either, It was a very jerky shift as she downshifted so we could make a sharp turn. I'm trying to keep her from accelerating, but it seems like it may be a hopeless cause. I'm hoping we come to a crossroad that will take us back to our original highway.

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Artical, a complicated situation

AITA for refusing to give my trans daughter a family heirloom? : AmItheAsshole (

As I have done a couple times before, when I have read something, especially something I am unable to comment to directly. That which I feel fits more into our specific issues, I have no other choice but to address it, particularily where the terfs and trolls cannot reach it, essentially.

The fact is, that this is technically a situation where neither gets truly a happy ending, unless the ‘winner’ is a severe narccist.


New Walker's Path is out!

Hello out there,

I warned you that something was coming this week. A new chapter of Walker's Path was just released!

In all seriousness, I love that you're all still following along with the story even though I don't post on a regular basis. I appreciate it.

In the meantime get hungry and have an eggy bite of delight that is Walker's Path.

Lots of love,

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more dreams? Yes, more dreams

in case anybody isn't tired of me talking about my dreams, here is last night's:

I dreamed I was an assistant to a young man, who looked like an athlete. I was following him, taking notes on a notepad, and after entering a hotel room with 2 beautiful women on the bed, he announced he was going to take a bath.

Because he also wanted me to keep taking notes, he had me follow him, and in the swimming-pool sized tub were 3 more women who I ignored as I kept taking notes.

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MTF Transgender Caused By Abusive Male

I do a lot of reading on Psychological matters and sometimes take College courses. The DSM can most certainly put one in a tail spin if we take it as Gospel. I've noticed that certain schools of thought preach that MTF folk have been abused by males. That could be the case with me because of my own stepfather, and it is very easy for me to hate males. Off setting that, I have met numbers of males who were very nice and caring. The other day on an elevator a man started talking to me and by the time I got off I was gasping.

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China bans Sissies!

Apparently the Chinese govt is worried that androgynous trends in Japanese + S Korean
culture will influence theirs and erode their nation's communist revolutionary virility
or some nonsense, so they've banned "sissy men" from appearing on television.
I'm sure they'll soon have some weirdly arbitrary guidelines to determine who
is masculine enough to not be a corrupting influence on the youth of China.
It's part of a much broader crackdown on the rights of their citizens
meant to guard them from what Lenin or somebody termed


maybe I should just not be around people

So last night I brought my autobiographical piece "the house" to my writing group, and the group leader got so upset at the thought that I might be worried about hurting someone the way I was hurt got her so upset she stopped my reading, and we went on to someone else's work. So I came home in a cloud of self-hate, which wasn't helped by my sister in law reminding me this is now twice in a fairly short time I've hurt this person.

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Too much dark?

I've sorta been writing a lot more dark in what I've been posting, and I'm kinda worrying I'm doing it a bit too much. Part of what I'm worried about is if I'm just telling people about stuff that hurts too much to hear. I've been sharing the kinda stuff I usually avoid reading. I really don't want to hurt anyone, and I'm wondering if I'm doing that by opening up too much. Even though it feels freeing to not keep stuff hidden, it's not worth it, if I'm hurting people. Is there a way of knowing when I've been sharing too much dark stuff?

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Clothing and gender

Re-reading some old comments I was reminded of how what is regarded as male or female garb depends on time and place.

In many countries men walk around in what really is the same thing as dresses. In Suva I saw a bunch of teenage schoolboys in their school uniform skirts. And what about the cute little skirts Greek guard soldiers wear?

If I remember correctly Romans despised Britons as barbarians for wearing bifurcated garments on their lower body.

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Crossdressing and Trans Story sites F2M

Just had an odd thought. There are many sites like this one, although this is my favorite.

Sites like Fictionnmania do have F2M stories, these are rare though. Most sites involve M2F and men/boys dressing in female clothing.

Are there any site dedicated to women dressing as men?

I would suspect that the fact that women can wear men's clothes without anyone raising an eyebrow, would mean they would need to fantasize less.

Many of us male crossdressers want to appear female, surely that would make things just as difficult for women?


Another Story

I am looking for one more story that I read several years ago and enjoyed, even if was a little sadistic.
A sister is jealous that her brother gets to have extended curfew while she is restricted. She is frustrated with all of the privileges he has and so she hides her panties in his room and has her Mom accidentally find them.
She convinces her family that her brother wants to be a girl, even though he does not.

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Tomorrow morning ...

... I'm scheduled to be meeting with a therapist.

I'm not sure if I'm ready. I feel like I'm wading into a lake, and years of memories are being stirred up as I walk. The water is too murky to see my own feet, and I'm not certain how deep the lake is, or how far I can go before I slip into the deep end. Right now, just the thought of letting a complete stranger look into those waters, and see whatever might float to the surface, is a bit ... terrifying. I really hope I'm in better shape tomorrow.

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7,100 word story revision - Adventures of Sara: Evolving into Femininity

Adventures of Sara: Evolving into Femininity story revision -

I felt bad about leaving Sara hanging at the end of the story so I added 7,100 words to tie up loose ends. Rather than adding a LONG edited post script I improved the story to help Sara. Sara had an adventure I hadn't counted on in addition to a new ending. I didn't know how else to add the 'adventure' & the new ending. Hopefully I didn't stomp on Big Closet protocols.

Thank you for your understanding. Regards, Dee - 8/29/2021


'kin Firefox

So I had just about finished a long post with some pictures for you when Firefox decided to refresh and lost the whole thing.

As a result you won't be getting all that I wrote about my rides, visiting Imber and so on. There is a new Gaby chapter up, my desktop has blown up which is why i'm using Firepox on my steam powered lappy, here is a picture from yesterdays ride and one of me earlier - I didn't have any red dye so i've gone a bit, er blue!


Thoughts on comments

A bit ago it came to light that an author can request no comments be allowed on their story.
My general policy is if there are no comments, it means the story will not be read.
And if the lead in synopsis feels a bit sketchy or very vague, the story will be ignored.
An exception to that might happen if I am acquainted with the author's style from previous stories.
In years past, I have started reading a story only to find it wasn't something I wished to read for one reason or another.

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Hatbox desperate

Contributions from our readers keep BigCloset operating. But we're very short for August, three days left and only 65% of our contribution target received. It's very tight.

If you can help, it will be appreciated. And please, be safe.

Erin, Piper, Jamie, Cat and the rest of the crew


guess, what? Its dream time again!

okay, its dream time again.

last night I dreamed I was working in a place that kind of reminded me of Black Mesa from the game Half Life. But unlike the game, we were not evacuating, but we were moving.

After helping a woman with some offices, I went to see if I could help anybody else, when one of the senior people there told me we had a spy somewhere in the facility, and asked me to do a search.

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Convention Photos

Just a reminder, I am placing my convention photos - including scans of old negatives as I get to them - in albums at:



I have lots of photos of costumes, both hall (aka cosplay) and Masquerade. Costuming is the closest thing to physical transformation most people will ever experience.

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Just Saying.

It's been really rough for the last year or two, depending. Am I the only one feeling weak? I know that lots of us struggle and I have the least right to complain of anyone I know. Can't even say that I am on the Spectrum, ADHD, or anything. There really is no excuse for the way I am feeling and I feel guilty about it. I'm not suicidal or even depressed at all, not one bit.

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I'm Dancing

I've sorta been ... obsessing ... about seeing a therapist in a few days. There were just lots of stuff ... I don't know the name of the stuff ... but it was filling me up to overflowing. And then, I became disconnected from the stuff, but it sorta ... kept going without me. And that stuff somehow turned into the song below. I'm still feeling disconnected, and I'm not sure if I can make sense of the song, but I sorta just needed to say what's in this song, because ... I'm not sure. It just feels like something that really needs to say. Umm ...

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Walkers Path Changes/Update

Hello out there,

A friend of mine has been tearing through Walker's Path with suggestions and revisions. Slowly over the next week or so I'll be implementing the revisions I like and will change them here. I've already done the latest chapter (11) and chapters 1 and 2.

I'm also going to be changing the order in which people read the Intermission. It'll come out AFTER Chapter 10. I'll be changing the end of chapter 10 to be the beginning of Chapter 11. It's going to be the same content but in a slightly different order.

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New on Patreon

I've finally got my finger out and done some actual writing! Its the start of a new Gabysode that sits after Book 26 but i'm not sure where it fits or even if it fits in the following books. Anyhow, my Patreon supporters should have exclusive access to it now - not a supporter? well get over to Patreon, the basic package starts from £3 per month

Have fun
Madeline Anafrid

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