Homeward bound

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or at least i will be on the morrow!

Yep, the days have ticked around and i'll be heading away on my trip to GOC in the morning. My case is full - not of clothes but of birthday & easter presents for #1 Grandson, well its my duty to spoil him especially as the interval between visits has been so long. The case may be full but the contents have been collected over a long period as and when i've had a few spare sheckles - who says blondes can't plan ahead!

Its been an odd week weatherwise so far, rain, wind and single digit temperatures, maybe it'll be better in Yorkshire! So Monday i spent trying to get my muse into action but without success, i didn't accomplish very much all day to be truthful which was a bit of a downer.

Yesterday though, i headed out for a ride despite the cool and wind which got the body back into active mode and gave my muse a bit of a rump kick, i have the bare bones of the next chapter, i just need to process those thoughts into something readable. It was only 100km with a stop for some lunch in Clevedon but i sort of enjoyed it even if the roads i used have been much travelled over the last couple of years.

And so to today, the case is packed, i'll pop to the shop for some travel supplies this afternoon and i'll be ready for the off. I hope to get a bit of writing done after that before i cook the spag bol for tea.

I probably won't get online on Sunday as i'll be at my daughters all day so the Sunday post will most likely be on Monday. Wednesday should be okay though before i return south on Thursday. I will try to get some writing done while i'm away, i won't have a bike so depending on the weather i'll likely do some walking, maybe get out ont' moors.

Until next time,
Madeline Anafrid

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