I'm finally going to post all the Petticoat Detective stories by Andrea and Daphne and it occurs to me that they really should be read in order. So they should be set up on their own organizational page. I've seen plenty of these other authors have on their story page, but I've not even a clue as to how to set one up.
Can anyone out there walk me through the process?
It’s quite simple
The basic thing to do is part numbering in the title - add a zero prefix up to 10. That will put things in basic order. If there are ‘books’ in a series you need to include a number for those too.
Once you have that done I’m sure the kind admin helpers will set up the rest for you, I’m blonde so I rely on fluttering eyelashes to get that sort of stuff done!
Madeline Anafrid
Madeline Anafrid Bell
Step by step
1. Create an Author page (unless you already have one): Click on the "++Organizer" link at the top of any page. You can fill out the form any way you like (you can always edit it), but what you must do is select "Author Page" from the Oganizational dropdown. Once you save this, you'll have your author page, which you can use as the parent for all your other pages.
2. Create a Group page for this group of stories: Again, click on the "++Organizer" link, and create a page for this group of stories. You can fill out the form any way you like, but from the Oganizational dropdown, choose "Title page". At the bottom of the page is a Book Outline section: here, under "Book," choose your Author page. When you save this, it will make your story-group page a child of your author page.
3. Make a Title page for each story: Click on "++Organizer", choose "Title page," fill it out as the title page for an individual story. In the Book outline section choose your Author page as the book. Another drop-down will appear. Choose your story group from that. Save.
4. Now comes the tedious part. On each page of your story you will have to edit the Book Outline section: choose your Author page, then in the next drop-down your group page, then your story title page.
Kaleigh Way
A minor caveat
The default organization for the tree of entries under the Author page is alphabetical.
This means that, if you want your stories listed in the order they should be read, you'll have to do some careful ordering, probably using the "weighting" feature, although that is not what it is intended for.
Weighting places everything with a weight of 1 after everything with a weight of zero and so on. At that level of organization. Everything with the same weight gets sorted alphabetically within that weight. I typically use it for sorting chapters: chaps 1-9 get weight 0, 10-99 get weight 1 and so on, ensuring they are listed in the correct order. If I did not weight each chapter, chapters 11-19 would come after chapter 1, chapters 20-29 would come after chapter 2 and so on.
With a bit of thought you could arrange your books this way. Remember that, should some of your stories have more than 9 chapters, you'll have to fix the weighting, but they will appear in the correct place since they will be below the book heading in the tree.
Good luck!
You have done good job
You have done good job organizing "Torn Trilogy" on your page 12 years ago.
To make an organizational page you have to click on "Create content" in user menu on the right. And select "Organizer". (There everything is arranged as on the new story page, but result will have no kudos.)
Using an Outline option at the bottom of the page place it on your page or any other place (it may be not listed on your author's page).
Then add stories to that Organizational page using outline option of those stories.