TopShelf Blogs

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Weetabix, now free of shellfish?

I'm from the USA, and ran across a reference to Weetabix, so I looked it up. On Amazon, it is listed for sale and for some strange reason, it is certified allergen free of Abalone? Why in the world would breakfast cereal need to be certified to be shellfish free, and for that matter, why free of just Abalone?

Here's the link in case you want to take a look.


I'm back

I'm home and the site did not burn down while I was gone. I didn't take a computer or even my tablet, just my phone so I really wouldn't be tempted to do my usual tinkering and fixing. Piper and Cat kept me informed and I did pick in a few times, but not much.

It's good to be home, even if an errant forgotten onion had a surprise for me after apparently three days too many in a cabinet. Whew!

Love and hugs,

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Not Well.

Hoping this is all due to inactivity caused by Covid precautions. Out walking makes me feel exhausted, and my BP, Blood Sugar, and Oxy are all showing borderline. I lost 45lbs this winter. I have not been able to get in touch with the Doctor yet. I'll try real hard tomorrow.

I value you all. Please, no emotional emails or phone calls. I've been a snot at times but you loved me anyhow.


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Too Late

I think that my BB sequel depends on the reader not only having read the first, but also caring about the characters -- the clique in particular -- and wanting to know what happens to them, and hoping that they can get back together. But seven years after the story was originally posted, readers have forgotten the story, forgotten the characters, or at least don't care any more about them.

Big, heavy, depressed sigh.

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Help on looking for a Story

I thought it was a Bob Arnold story from Zapped, but apparently not. MC is a Ham Radio operator, who is involved with a group that tracks weather phenomenon. S/He goes to an older drive-in theater just prior to a major storm where the storm wreaks havoc on the theater with several pieces of the large screen are torn loose.
That's about all I can remember of the story. Any help is greatly appreciated.


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Was I Wrong?

I hit upon this blog entry: Muse Wrestling from 4.5 years ago. My own problem is similar, although not identical. During my years here since my first posting ("A Bikini Beach Summer") I've begun many long stories, but I've only finished two even moderately long ones.

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Help! We need an Editor!

I think that I may have taken on too much!
I have already driven two helpful volunteers to distraction.
I am setting about putting my hundreds of short stories into meaningful anthologies which will be published on Amazon.
I know people are waiting for Book 3 which themed "The Old West" and contains over 80% new material, but we have not even got Book 2 edited yet! It looks like it will be out this month, but we desperately need help with Book 3 to get it out next month.

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down memory lane

Yesterday my mom found a box in her closet that turned out to have a number of items from a very long time ago.

among the items was my father's sergeant's pins, and a couple of report cards of mine from when I was in junior high school.

The report cards showed that I was highly creative, struggling socially, and had the worst handwriting ever, so I guess not much has changed.

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Walker's Path Chap 8

Hello out there,

Chapter 8 of Walker's Path is out! I rather enjoyed writing this one.

If you read that last chapter you know that Walker's in a bit of a bind (heh). Definitely check out the continuation of the story!

I'm so happy with the feedback I'm getting. (Even if it's only in PM's.)

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I said and meant it

Hello out there,

So last week I said I should be done with Walker's Path Chapter 8 by the end of the next week. Well, today's the end of that week and I actually finished! Last night decided to sit down before bed and write a little bit bringing the chapter to 9 pages.(in google docs)

There's some editing I need to do and that can take a bit but expect the new chapter TODAY.

Lots of love,

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Trying to find a story

I am searching for a story I read about a year or two ago. It was about a pair going to a university. I remember them living at campus, and them moving and a father, grandma and a brother with a boat and the family being rich and letting the transgender girl get some opportunities trough the family.
Also the mother of the non-tg was kinda crazy and went kinda berserk. I also remember one beiing poor and the other being rich. One of them was transgender and transitioned into a girl

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New chapter on Patreon

Hey everyone,

I'm still fighting the battle against writer's block, but I think I might be winning. Today I've posted Chapter 5 of A Cold Fey In Hell on Patreon for my patrons. Chapter four is now available here for everyone though, as are all previous chapters if you want a preview before it comes to BCTS next month.

*big hugs*



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Slowly, Slowly...

_Angel of Earth_ is about a quarter of the way written. I have the beginning and the end and a little of the material in between. Oog...

I have written some on the next Masks story and the next Freddy on the Loose.

Part of the problem is simply that there's a lot to do away from the computer. We've had so much alternating rain and Sun I have to cut the grass about every five days.

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Heels: What they don't tell you

Ok, it should be common enough knowledge that elevated heels on footwear may hurt one's feet, make one walk funny, add noises to the progress, and of course add to bodily height.
What should be added to the cautionary list is banging your head on stuff, jamming knees under steering wheels and tables and suddenly being unable to reach items on the floor and low shelves. Thank you so much Rocket Dog.

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Possible theme song for Easy As Falling Off A Bike

This will be of interest to the readers of Bike but hopefully Angharad will especially appreciate it.

Between my brief bouts of depression, I listen to as much music as I can access on the interwebs. Old favorites, new artists, new genres. Anything that touches me emotionally, intellectually, spiritually. And it was on one of my recent excursions on youtube that I came across a delightful little ditty entitled "Lullaby For A Sleepy Dormouse."

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When a man goes on a date he is wondering if he will git lucky. When a woman goes on a date she wonders if she will survive.
Transwomen and the LGBT+ community are at even higher risk. Yes, the absolute rates are low but they are much higher than for cis men.
And of course non-physical assaults are higher than physical assaults.

Societal acceptance is the real solution. And maybe in some long future utopia that will happen. But that is not true today.

I saw this product advertised:


May 18th

I had noticed that this date was coming up at the beginning of May, but with 1,001 different things happening this week, I hadn't realized that it was upon us. May 18th 2021 marks the 41st anniversary of the eruption in Washington State of Mount Saint Helens.

This is something that I've always been fascinated with. I love studying geology, and I find it interesting, the amount of devastation that can occur from the eruption of a single volcano.

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So many words

Was working on the current book today (only a few more chapters to go to finish the draft! Whoohoo!) and on a whim highlighted all the text of this one and the previous three within Scrivener to do a total word count. Went 'whoaaa' at the result of 507k. I know many authors here have a lot more than that, but still - only a few years ago the thought of even finishing one book was horribly daunting and felt ever out of reach. Passing 500k really feels like a milestone.

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New chapter on Patreon, despite RL issues

Hey everyone,

Chapter 3 of A Cold Fey In Hell is now available for everyone on my patreon page here and chapter 4 is available for patrons. I had hoped to have it on Patreon on Friday but I've been having major writers block along with the depression and stuff lately and then yesterday my internet was down all day. Hopefully getting a chapter of something finished means that I'll soon be back to my regular schedule here on BCTS.

*big hugs*



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Something different this week

I'm going to share something a bit different this morning. A fantasy humor piece resurrecting a character I created close to two decades ago. I hope you enjoy. There is no TG whatsoever.

Song of the Dwarf

Daniela A. Wolfe

A lone traveler in the woods is set up on by bandits, but what happens next will change his life in the most unexpected way.

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Writing Walker's Path a Trend

Hello out there,

I noticed a trend. It seems that I put out around 2 chapters of Walker's Path a month.

I'm actually pretty happy with this type of rollout.

I'm seven pages into the into chapter 8 and feel pretty comfortable with the timeline I've been working with.

Let's just say the night is over in the next chapter. Mostly because it's literally past midnight.

I hope to have this one done by the end of next week.

Lots of love,

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What An Honor

I'm in the process of updating/editing Peaches. It's been on Amazon for many years and will probably find a new audience with an updated version.

In the process I noted that hard copies are being offered at $930.

Never did I dream that my little book would command such a price.

We'll see if P. T. Barnum was right.



Annual morning excitement

Fun early morning. About 2:30 this AM, as I was trying to get to sleep, I was disturbed (I'm always disturbed, but this time, it was more than just my imagination that did it) by squealing tires, a crashing sound, and a thud so hard, it shook my house.

I hurriedly threw on some jeans and a t-shirt, and ran outside. I found a crowd already surrounding an overturned car in my neighbor's driveway. My son and daughter had hurried out as well, and my son said he saw the driver walking down the street when he hurried outside.

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You Are a Meany and I am the GOAT

Hiya people
Just a little update. I have been working up You are a Meany and the next chapter should be to my editor by Friday. The hardest part is culling back on the story. I want to make sure that the story is open-ended yet at the same time solve all the big issues in it.

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04 - Legacy of Earth: Genesis - Can of Worms

Happy Mother's Day to all the amazing mother's out there.

In case you are unaware, Battle for Earth, the prequel to this series is now available on Amazon Kindle. Please consider supporting me if you enjoy my work.

Legacy of Earth: Genesis

Can of Worms

By Daniela A. Wolfe

After going through some of her grandmother's things, Kayde makes some startling discoveries about her past.

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Repeat Customer

Coming up in the next Angel of... story:

Aaron was standing at a window, the lower portion of which was open. As was the screen beyond. Melody needed a moment to see who - or, rather, what - he was talking to: A small, nondescript grey bird standing on the window sill.

"You need to stop teasing that cat," said Aaron, sternly.

The bird gave an irate chirp.

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Legacy delay

Editing the latest Legacy chapter is taking longer than I expected. I’ve found a lot of overused words and it’s a pain in the butt eliminating them. I’m hoping to have it up some time Saturday or at the very latest Sunday morning.

Sorry for the inconvenience, I’m going to bed…

Have a deliciously devious night,


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New chapter on Patreon

Hey everyone,

Just a quick note to let you all know that Chapter 2 of A Cold Fey In Hell is now available for everyone on my patreon page here and chapter 3 is available for patrons. I will be bringing the story over to BCTS one chapter a week starting in June, but the newest chapters will remain on Patreon.

*big hugs*



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Next part of Meagans tail...intermission Pixie!! is up

Well the next part of Meagan's tail...intermission Pixie!! is up.

this chapter took a LLLLONG while to get done with life little issues popping up and me more than kind of not feeling like writing .

but on to the show and readers have at it and have fun!

Ask questions and post your theories of the plots next parts?

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Life kinda sucks when you can't write

I want to apologize to my readers for my absence. It's not that I don't want to write, it's that I can't. To give a bit of background, my wife moved out a few months ago, causing not only a financial drain, but an emotional one as well. To make things worse, I wrecked my car and had it in the shop for a little over a month. In the mean time, my only reliable transportation has been a bicycle, so many days I would have to wake up at 6:30 in the morning, ride 10 miles to be at her place to watch the kids untill I had to ride 10 miles to work, get off at midnight and ride 5 miles home.

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I want to recommend a story by Morpheus.

"The Changeling Chronicles" An EPIC of over 194,000 words and 383 pages or so, that may very well be Morpheus' best work.

I have just re read it for about the fourth or fifth time and it still held me spellbound for two days!

If you're into Swords and Sorcery, The Fairie, interaction between Humans and Fairie, hell if you're just a fan of a cracking great tale, you need to check this one out. The TG elements are light, but there are fights, epic battles, love and renewal, loyalty, personal growth and much more in this tale.


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worrying moment

Okay I had a really worrying moment. I was laying on my couch, watching TV, and decided that once the program I was watching was over I'd go for a walk.

Trying to think of what I would need, I realized I had no idea if I was wearing socks or not,

I had to physically check to confirm I was barefoot.

This concerns me. A lot.

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So much love


I just wanted to say that even though I don't always show it, I 100% support you. You are brave, and so pretty. I love you just the way you are. I heard this song a few minutes ago, and thought of you right away.

If you ever doubt my support, baldspot me.

Love you so much.



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Herd "Mentality"

Scientists have suggested that herd immunity might not be a feasible goal for the United States. They state the main factor stopping herd immunity is vaccine reluctance.

I have "death reluctance."

What doesn't the government hold a $100,000,000 lottery for all those who have been fully vaccinated as of July 1?

Given a shot at $100M might prompt the damn fools to roll up their sleeves.

Why should those of us who have done the right thing suffer under the distinct peril of this virus mutating, when we have the chance to eradicate it.


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I just got huge news.

A short story of mine has been accepted by a magazine, and they will even pay me for it, which is a first.

The story is called "Under the Stars", and you can read it here:

I'm . . . stunned, honestly.

And it would not have been possible without this place, so thank you, Erin and Company

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Looking for another Story

The story is set (if I remember correctly) in the time of the Vikings or just before, and located in the area the Vikings hail from. I am unable to remember the Author or if the story was a solo or the plot is a segment of a part work.

While it begins with the main character seemingly being the youngest child of a high ranking member of a fishing Village, the men folk also loot other settlements, via the water courses.

The MC disappeared in a bad storm, can't remember if they were on the sea or on a headland and was washed out to sea.

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Names for Characters

Because I'm not a writer, usually the story and names are given to me. My only task is to transpose it to paper and ink. At times the names become so redundant instead of inspiring I seek to add my own flavor to the story which doesn't seem to antagonize those, whoever they are where the tales come from. Doing name searches on the net when a foreign name is needed helps. If it's a U.S. name I make a pass through the cemeteries taking note of the names and dates on headstones. It's unique as the names change from the older parts to the latest additions.


My First Published Story

Hi, everyone!

For those who know my stories and like them, I published my first major work on Smashwords. It's called Grayland and it's a collection of stories about color in a mostly gray world. There are a few transgender elements sprinkled throughout the collection but I wouldn't call it transgender fiction.

Best of all for those of you who like my writing, Grayland is free. Since it's my first major published work, I'm not charging anything for it.

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03 - Legacy of Earth: Genesis - Sexual Chemistry (further updated)

It appears when I copied Chapter 3 of Legacy of Earth: Gensis, I copied chapter two instead of three. The mistake has been rectified.

My apologies.

In case you are unaware, Battle for Earth, the prequel to this series is now available on Amazon Kindle. Please consider supporting me if you enjoy my work.

Legacy of Earth: Genesis

Sexual Chemistry

By Daniela A. Wolfe

Horror-stricken when her face is plastered all over the news, Kayde flees the diner, but when Grey follows her out, she finds the release she's been seeking for so long.


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Blog reader locations

Set up a 24 hour monitor of my blogger blog during the week. Several surprises in the country results which I’ve pasted below.
Especially surprised at the similar number of hits from US and pudding island in view of the differing population numbers.

Would be interesting to know how this compares to OP’s blog


My freelance service dog

I'm posting this under pets, but I'm really not sure if Mya counts as a pet... She's definitely a fur child.

I've touched her ear and had her whimper a couple of times, but I thought shed stop, then she did again this morning, so I took her to the vet and had her ear checked out. Sure enough, there was an ear infection, so she's on an antibiotic and some ear drops.

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A few people have wondered

Why I have not been writing much if at all.

Well to start off lets go back a few years.

Since 2014 I have had to deal with emotion turmoil.

first my step mother came down with stage four lung cancer. She did not last long and it tore my dads heart in two.

His health deteriorated moved into a seniors residence.

my cousin shot himself in the head with a nail gun, on purpose. took him a year to die.

my uncle passed away in may of 2016 and in june of 2016 my father passed away. His heart just gave out ..alone in his room. It hurts.



A jab & a plug

Hey everyone,

So last night I got my first Covid shot and thus far nothing too serious in the way of side effects. It feels good to have it done with and I already have my second dose scheduled for August so I'll be properly immunized before I move to wherever it is I end up going to start my life over. I have a few possibilities that I'm looking into for that.


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It would be so easy.

It truly would.

I could wait until my parents are gone and take a bottle of painkillers or muscle relaxers from their room. By the time they got home it would be done.

I could break into my dad's gun cabinet. Glass doors are only a deterrent when the person getting in is worried about damaging them, and what would I care, given the end goal?

I could simply walk out to his shop. A rope from the rafters, or his chain wench, or any of the various knives, power tools, and so on, depending on how much I wanted to make myself suffer.


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bad nightmare last night

unfortunately, last night I had a nightmare. I was in a house, and suddenly a large pile of black liquid smashed through the ceiling and landed in the corner.

there was a girl sitting at the kitchen table studying, and wearing headphones so she didn't hear me cry out. she did look up, and seeing the blob, went to check it out.

She got too close, fell in, and tried swimming towards me, crying for her mother.

But she couldn't reach me, and she drowned.

I'm still very shaken by this.

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I wasn’t sure about posting this.......

As it could be upsetting to some.

Some time back, I posted about having a mole removed from my back and finding out it was melanoma. So, after seeing an oncological surgeon, she sent me for a PET scan. My PET scan came back negative, which was of course great news - but there was of course the fact that my mole still tested out as stage four melanoma. After the PET scan, this was reclassed to stage three based on the results of the scan.

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