Just read this interesting piece on the NPR website about reactions to Hollins College changing their admissions policy to specifically exclude non-binary applicants. I thought it might add to the ongoing conversation that takes place here, especially in our fiction, on the nature and practice of gender. It also shows pictures of people who most of us would identify as women and yet who don't identify themselves that way.
They Seem Confused
The administration is so busy asserting their authority, they've lost direction.
Some Day?
It may come to pass, in a generation or two that gender becomes merely a personal matter and not one for authority to designate or enforce. There are certain elements in our current society who will totally lose their minds when that happens, to everyone else's annoyance.
However, should those elements manage to get an iron grip on government before then, that won't be the worst they'll do.
Hollins has an interestingly
Hollins has an interestingly defined idea of who is illegible for admission as a student. They may have shot themselves in the foot trying to exclude trans men as students. The following is an excerpt from their admissions policy. It seems to my little pea brain the trans women are acceptable.
Below taken from https://www.hollins.edu/on-campus/student-life/new-student-i...
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
Non binary
As stated in the article, the problem is not with the acceptance of transwomen but with those self-identifying as non-binary as the do not "consistently live and identify as women" who are not admissible according to the policy, no matter whether they are biological females or not.
Not sure about shooting anyone...
They very clearly state they are a women's college, and as such they only allow women, and people who consistently identify and live as women. Transmen, as the term says, identify and live as men, therefore cannot attend that school. I can't fault them for that stance.
>> There is not one single truth out there. <<
Gender fluid.???
If I wasn't confused, then I was indifferent.
I knew something was not right very early on (4 to 6) years old
Then things got really complicated flip, flop, flip, flop - M to F to M to F and so on from 6 to 15 years old. This was when sexuality wasn't an issue but surviving was.
Then from15 to 23 sexuality sort of blurred my sense of gender cos I discovered I liked girls!! (Early abuse from my older sisters had instilled a hatred and fear of girls up until I was about 15. So I had previously avoided them.)
Then a more mature relationship with a girlfriend / wife 23 to 50 enabled me to live with gender fluidity while marriage, sex and parenthood absorbed my life.
Then, at 50 I realised there was some sort of gender identity issue but it was not a huge deal.
Finally when I became comfortable with a female gender identity. I transitioned at 69 and I've never looked back.
Weird or what? But I live happily with it.