to paraphrase Jarvis Cocker and a million barbers!
Well, after the weekend's less than successful bike ride and a corresponding down mood, things are starting to look up a little. Okay, so i'm being optimistic here but I have made a start on the condensing and sorting of my chattels, i've started writing the third Trixiebell Heartswoon 'adventure', i got in an almost 70 mile ride yesterday and if my scales are to be believed, i'm now under 80kg! On the downside its a bit chilly and my rear mudguard spontaneously snapped in two whilst i was riding - no idea why or even how thats possible but thats a job to sort later.
As things have attained another 'new normal', you actually get something to read today, penned back in 2003 and unavailable since the demise of my web site. This is Maddy's take on the whole Drew/Gaby thing told in her own worms much like the Rhodri/Pippa epsipodes I recently forced on you and again, I had intended to add more chapters on a regular basis but never got beyond part 2! Here then is the first bit, Friends
That's it for now,
Madeline Anafrid
Love the "old" new chapter
Which I may have read on the old site so long ago it may as well be a fresh story. It's good to hear that most things are positive; though a broken mudguard is annoying I assume it wasn't a catastrophic moving wheel-jam crash incident!
Ooh, more Trixie to look forward to, nice thank you for picking up her story again.
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."