If Roe v. Wade can be rolled back, what's next?
If you're feeling at all comfortable about your trans-rights, should you be?
TopShelf TG Fiction in the BigCloset!
If Roe v. Wade can be rolled back, what's next?
If you're feeling at all comfortable about your trans-rights, should you be?
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It's disgraceful
that Trump's legacy of appointing a religious nut and rapist to the supreme court, but hey, it's okay to grope women just not to allow them to take control of their own bodies. That the supposed leading nation in the western world is regressing back towards the early C20th is so sad. Still, it will be worse when China leads/rules the world.
In the UK we have a government who are proposing to bring in legislation to take away one's citizenship without even informing them, and who are planning to make protesting a criminal offence. So we can't claim to be any better, just less likely to die from Covid.
It is a mess
The USA is actively stripping the rights of a woman to control her own body other than getting the COVID jab(s).
Already you can be jailed for life for having a miscarriage... What next eh?
There are already MEN telling anyone who will listen that women should be at home raising kids. Will there be moves to ban them from standing for political office? Being Police or First Responders? Even being able to run their own businesses?
Sad, really sad.
A large part of the rest of the world is laughing at the US and at the same time scratching their head in wonder at how fast womens' rights are being removed faster than a stripper can perform. The days of the women's rights marches seem a dim and distant memory.
If they don't go after these rights then the next prime target is LGBTQ+. With an openly gay cabinet member, there is plenty to aim at. Very few male pro athletes have come out as gay. They may be the last. As for lesbian women? I'm sure that subtle moves will be made to stop them from representing the US in any sport.
Sad, so sad.
Too true and already being discussed today
Justice Sotomayor is actually trying to get your point across this afternoon! That some of the vital gains for our community are buttressed by right-to-choose precedents. And that dismissing or weakining those precedents will risk the same to LGBTQ rights.
Love, Andrea Lena
Far too many think ...
Far too many "people" think women are State=Church owned breeding slaves.
I won't say all repug-nicons are Evil. But nearly all that they say and do comes out that way.
Last tally I saw, was that the re-pugs are behind 300+ voter suppression bills.
Democracy is deteriorating around the planet.
How many "choke points" are there?
- Shut down internet/social media.
- Shut down credit cards. Especially for The Others. (Non-male, non-White.)
- Shut down cell phones.
And we are just as "cooked" as Offred and all her Sisters were in the Handmaids Tale.
if this comment knocked Jill's blog off the front page i retract it.
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
If I'm not mistaken, all three of the newest Justices, Justices Barett, Kavanaugh, and Gorsuch, testified under oath during their confirmation hearings that Roe v. Wade was "settled law." Apparently they perjured themselves.
Justice Barrett angrily claims that they are not "political hacks." The best way to prove that would be to stop behaving like political hacks.
In Hitler's Germany
Jobs for women in commerce and industry were abolished to "solve" the unemployment problem, which didn't exist, on the grounds that the place for Aryan women was in the home, cleaning, cooking and making babies.
Can America be far behind? Beware The Handmaid's Tale!
We all know the most vulnerable are the TG. Do not expect much help from the LGB etc. They will look after themselves and sacrifice us.