Released 12-10-2021 over 101,000 words
Rising Juniors, the Twelfth book in the Lee Corcoran series, follows Lee Corcoran, who has completed his sophomore year in college at the University of Michigan. These books primarily follow Lee and his best friend Darby, a girl.
While the book is written to allow a reader to enjoy it without all of the history, if you want to understand all the characters and dynamics in their lives, reading the previous eleven books is the only way. Long-term threads and relationships tie the books together.
As a freshman in high school, Lee became involved in a girls cheerleading program as an advisor and trainer where he was reluctantly introduced to crossdressing. Lee found that he enjoyed the softer side of clothing. As high school progressed, circumstances forced Lee to wear a feminine wardrobe in more and more situations.
One of the key elements of the storyline is that Lee enjoys his dressing while still wanting to hang onto his masculinity. It is an internal struggle which is a constant battle throughout the series. He has no doubts about his heterosexuality and loves the woman in his life.
Spoiler alert [if you have not read the other books]
Throughout high school, Lee dated women, participated in cheerleading, was the starting shortstop on the baseball team for four years, and wore women’s underwear and outer clothes virtually all the time in his senior year. He and his friends accomplished a lot. Lee ended up being the head cheerleader.
Over time, his best friend, Darby, learned of Lee’s preferences for certain feminine attire. Attending a major university, with a scholarship for cheerleading, Lee spends 100% of his time as a female student. An active member of a national sorority, participating in three sports in all three seasons, Lee has taken on responsibility for charity activity on campus and nationally for the National Cheerleading Association.
While Darby and he are a couple, they do not present that way in public on campus. On campus, Lee spent his first two years living in a girl’s dormitory with other cheerleaders. In the coming fall, he will be moving into the sorority house.
Lee will be working for the summer with the Detroit Tigers baseball team as a trainer and coach. The pair have done a lot of modeling and surely there will be more requests for their services.
At this point, Lee is comfortable and happy living as a coed virtually all the time and any reluctance to cross-dressing is way in the past. He still fights with the idea that he wants to be a man for Darby and worries that he has given something up by not pursuing more manly ambitions.
Crossdressing is dealt with as part of a real life.
The story does not involve explicit sex.
Young adult readers should be comfortable reading this book.
* * * * * * * * * *
The Cheerleader series follows Lee Corcoran as he grows, matures, and experiences life from pre-high school through college. The main characters in this story will be recurring in other installments in the series.
Please leave a review after you are done reading on both Amazon and Goodreads.
Daring Diane
Amazon Link https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09NFCQWJJ/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=che...
This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
Thanks, Diane
Thanks for the blog, I'm sure our readers here will be pleased to know what you're doing.
I added an image of the book because images sell. :)
You might include a link to your author listing at the end, you've got a ton of books out there.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Thank you. DD
Thank you.
Bought it.
It's on my to-read list (probably this afternoon).
Bought It
Will read. Posted a review to get the ball rolling.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
I just finished reading and again am thrilled.
the characters, that caught me from volume one are developing in a manner, that seem natural, well rounded and are relatable on every level.
Lee is finally getting a "hang on his hang ups" regarding his masculinity. At the same time (as a male) I can totally relate to these hang ups, especially in regards of calmly confronting male attention or the unease he experienced when Darby was actively flirting with other man and was provoking their interest. even when with an understandable goal. And I can relate to the process of confronting these hang ups and the difficulty that comes from this.
I look forward to the developments in regards to his family and also the big events coming in the junior year.
Best regards from Germany :)
Thank you.
Thank you.
As always, a review on Amazon and or Goodreads will help increase the number of people aware of the story.
Thanks for reading
Loved it, I bought it
Loved it, I bought it yesterday as soon as I saw it was released. I have been keeping an eye out for another release and have just recently re-read the entire Cheerleader series (again). I also left a review but now can't wait for the next installment of Drew Leighton :) Thank you for your writing Diane.
Thank You
Thank you for giving me a great read for the past few hours! I enjoyed it as much as I have the past installments, and look forward to your future works!
Completely understand if it takes a while due to real world life there. Every tale you publish is always a lot of fun to read!
Excellent Christmas Present
Thank you Diane for this gem under the tree.
This book is once again is an excellent addition to the series, increasing the depth and feeling of the characters.
The increase in the extended family lore was a wonderful read, as was Lee's learning about the chain of command.
Why it is there and how to use it to further his projects.
Best wishes for the festive season and a happy new year, hoping that next year treats you better than this year.
Absolutely adored reading it
Absolutely adored reading it But now I’m depressed because I have to wait for book 13
Absolutely adored reading it
Absolutely adored reading it But now I’m depressed because I have to wait for book 13
Thank you
Thank you
Wonderful Story
I am almost through my second reading of this book, and now will probably want to start back in book one again for the fun read.
Thank you for another great addition.
My only complaint is that it came out during one of the busiest weeks I have had this year, and was unable to read in one sitting. Need to concentrate on work and cannot put book down. What a conundrum, do I read or work?
I also appreciate your creativity in the charity events. It always makes me wonder why no one tries this in RL, or if they do, I must miss them. They always make me think and prompt me to do more, which is a good way of saying Lee is effecting me too.
Thank you for your hard work on this story and the labor of love in continuing to develop these characters.
More please
I finished the book yesterday and it was as good as the first 11. There was a surprise or two along the way that added to the already interesting saga.
The whole series feels like there should be four or five more books to reach the end of their school years.
Love the books
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes." William Gibson