In about 4 hours, my 54 year old son, a Missionary, will be at my Apartment. We have not been on good terms despite my opinion that I do not agree that my belief does not condemn me. (Isa 56:4-5, and Matt 19:12) . I live as a woman and dress as such 100% of the time. I've even worked out how to ride my electric bike with an ankle length skirt on.
I could wear pants but my breasts are rather nice and too large to hide. I'm XXY and when I started Estrodial my body really liked it.
Pants, or no?
Be yourself
It can be hard to just be yourself when around family, especially those that disagree with your path in life. I have spent my life hiding the true me from the world (disability and transgender elements of me).
A few years ago I came to a conclusion. If I am going to be dammed. Let me be hated for who I really am. Why put in all the effort to mask the truth, if the person has a limited chance of accepting me anyways.
I vote dress or skirt.
Keep Smiling, Keep Writing
wear what you're comfortable in.
And have 911 on speed dial. affronting the self rightous can be dangerous.
Speed Dial
I am finding out is my LG Aristo will do speed dial and how to set that up.
Show him Exodus 20:12.
Alternatively, ask him which of these is in Joseph's male line of ancestry? Solomon son of David (Matthew 1: 6, 7), or Solomon's brother Nathan (Luke 3: 31)?
-- Daphne Xu (a page of contents)
Remind him that
your biology, which is what makes you, outweighs everything, and it is something that no-one can alter. You and he have no choice!
Best wishes from someone with no such problem, but I hope, some understanding and sympathy.
Tell him you respect his
Tell him you respect his opinion, but he must respect yours. A lot of the things in the bible were written for different times and reasons. Lots of silly stuff about mixing fabrics. The new testament contradicts the old sometimes, or we would be stoning adulterers.
so you are saying that
He says you aren't condemned, but you say you are? Or is a comma missing between agree and that? I just want to make sure I understand what you're saying.
Amazing !
It's been more than 10 years since I had seen him. I wore pants to avoid a fight. He and his wife are Missionaries in Northern Thailand. She works as a Nurse and he is an Airplane Mechanic. He asked if I could forgive him. I asked if he could forgive me. It just got better and better all evening. I am thankful.
I hope this means your emergency is over
and that life worked in its mysterious ways - doesn't need anthropogenic gods. If so, I am glad for you.
I Got So Excited!
I respect your views, and often find wisdom that I had not expected. These days I often try to see life as the ancients saw it.
So glad to hear!
That sounds wonderful, Gwen! :)
Perhaps they have listened to
Perhaps they have listened to the meaning of what they preach, not just the words. I'm really happy for you.
From somebody who routinely pokes fun at your dilemma ...
I feel for you.
I was searching for some correspondence from somebody who pulled me up for disrespecting faith and who had a special take on a Christian approach to transgender issues. I will keep looking but I did get this from Lacey over on FM:
"A few passages to think about are:
“God see not as a man sees; for a man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks at his heart. (1 Sam 16:7) - Meaning God sees your truth.
“Rightly divine the word of truth” (2Tim 2:15) – Meaning you should live your truth.
“For we who are in Christ are no longer bound by the law” (Rom 7:4-6) – The laws of Leviticus and Deuteronomy no longer apply to those that live in Christ.
There are several commands for us to love one another (John 13:34-35 15:12; 1 John 3:11 23) and several more that tell us not to judge (Mat 7:1-5; Luke 6:37; James 4:11 5:9). 1Cor4:5 tells us not to judge “before the time” because we lack God’s perspective concerning such a complex issue such as gender identity.
We are told that Christ’s body is made of many different members and everyone is necessary for its function in (1Cor12:12-27). This would include the Christian Transgender!"
You son needs to face your reality however you choose to express it, and love as his faith demands.
Not The God of Pastors and Priests
I understand what I do about the God (S) of the ancients more from an Anthropological point of view nowadays. When I was young I thought that those who thought they were in charge of belief knew something, not now. I don't think that Jesus, Yeshua, Isa PBUH intended to start present day Christianity. Saul (Paul) started a system that is famous for its crimes and lack of mercy.
Isaiah 56:4-5 and Matthew 19:12 for me, show his mercy for those who are not strictly male or female, though lots of humans don't get it. I think his desire for us is simple and easy as in Micah 6:8. Those who persecute us will one day meet the Creator.
My Son and I had disagreed over my path for years. Last night he seemed willing to respect my path.