I found this on an old youtube video. It was about a guy that wanted to make it law that men sit down to pee.
I'd love to see how it would have been enforced. Camera's? or some sort of device that keeps it all between your legs? That could have right out of one of my feminist dystopia stories.
In the gender equality stakes, Sweden is rated highly. But some Swedes feel it's being taken to extremes. It has the highest proportion of working women in the world and some two-thirds of university degrees are earned by women. New mothers and fathers both get generous parental leave.
Gender role neutrality initiatives, however, some feel are being exaggerated.
There's a politician who proposed that men should be required by law to urinate in a sitting position - partly because it leaves toilets cleaner and promotes prostate health, partly as an appeal for reason.
That politician, Viggo Hansen, told us: "When my son was in kindergarten, they tried to force him to pee standing up, when we had taught him to pee sitting down. When the school let him sit down to pee, there was no problem. I had read about a school in Norway that officially banned boys' stand-up peeing. Lots of people's reaction was that was taking away boys' right to be boys."
Ann Helena Rudberg joined the feminist movement in the 1970s, to fight for women's rights because she saw her mother suffer violence at home. Today she argues women have equal rights and that feminist political parties are taking things too far.
Rudberg said: "It's a power struggle between men and women. And the effect of that is that on one side we have women and on the other side men. And this is not good for the children or for anyone."
At a school in Stockholm named 'Egalia', teaching gender equality is a priority. Boys and girls are encouraged not to be limited by stereotypical roles or games. And since last year, there is a new word in the Swedish dictionary: "hen", which is a neutral pronoun for "he" or "she". Not everyone agrees about that.
School director Lotta Rajalin said: "They think we are going to change girls to boys and boys to girls and that's of course not what we are doing. We like to give every human being the same rights, the same possibilities, the same responsibilities. And that is a question of democracy."
Some critics say Sweden's government is taking a feminist agenda to an almost radical level. Others who also take International Women's Day seriously say the fight for gender equality is far from over.
If you compare that to
what is happening in many US States and you see the almost total opposite. What will De Santis do when Pride comes to Miami? Arrest everyone for telling the world that they are gay and happy?
TBH, I'd rather live in Sweden than in Florida or Texas at the moment but that is probably just me.
Living in the UK, I forget
Living in the UK, I forget how bad the USA can be. You get a bit of moaning about the BBC being to Woke, but I don't see that much discrimination. BUT I'm a white male 99% of the time, so you miss things that don't affect you.
In Sweden , both parents are allowed 240 days parental leave. A very positive outcome from a "feminist" government. The UK women get 26 - 52 weeks. men only get 2 weeks.
I found this about the USA Is it still true?
Paternity leave remains an outlier in the U.S. — the only developed nation that doesn't have a federal law mandating paid leave for parents. For workers, access to paid leave is typically determined by an employer's benefits package; even among Fortune 500 companies, parental leave isn't a given.
Eating the Mushroom
The U.S. is just like any other country. Of course you read about all the sleeze, the insanity of the laws the politicians wish to pass. Intelligence is not required for being a man, woman, in between, or a politician. Nor is truth and honesty required for writing or sitting in front of a TV camera spouting truth, lies, deception, propaganda or whatever.
Politicians think they can pass a law and over ride physics and God's laws. They have become gods in their own minds rising above the masses they pass laws upon while giving themselves a free pass. I'm not a prophet even though I see movies, pictures of the past and the future. Even one as blind as I can see a reset coming.
I left the "Don't Say Gay" insanity of the MSM alone because it was beyond belief what the MSM was pouring out to the masses. A reaffirming experience of what I already knew. Yes the U.S. is a degenerate insane society, just as every nation is. If one reads and believes what the MSM is putting out we are Sodom and Gomorrah times ten. Partly true, mostly false but we are savages and never became civilized like the old societies have become. One only has to look at the exploitation of England over all the lesser nations they bled for cheap labor and materials. Remember the Sun never sets on the English Empire. Russia is such a fine example of perfect politeness regarding their neighbor. China is inching toward Taiwan.
Before one takes another bite of the mushroom the Cheshire Cat is holding out. Is it worth it to be another one of the masses?
Hugs People
When we finally know everything, we realize we know nothing.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
The Brutality of Aging
The older I get -- the less I find sitting to urinate gets the job done.
As to Barbie's whataboutisms -- whatever happened to the Shining City on the Hill? We need to seriously reword our national anthem to reflect our apparent new low standards.
I get it Barbie . . . someone threw a jab at our beloved country and you rightfully defended the good in our land of the free and home of the brave.
Maybe we all should look for Aristotle's Golden Mean?
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
When I was younger and knew
When I was younger and knew less I always admired the USA. Only been once and loved it. My son had an American girlfriend and I used to chat to her about how great it must be to live in the USA. What she told me I never believed at first. She told me her friend had mild epilepsy and used to beg people not to call an ambulance.
It's just the way ordinary citizens can be treated. It doesn't seem fair. We took a step backward a few years ago. You could not claim for unfair dismissal until 1 year of continous emplayment . Now it's 2 years.
Not to be unfairly dismissed. To be treated with dignity and respect. To be paid the agreed wage on the agreed date and at the agreed time. To be provided with appropriate resources and equipment to enable him/her to do the job.
In the USA, there is something called 'at will' employment. This means that an employer is free to terminate a US worker's employment relationship without notice, for any reason, so long as doing so is not a violation of a protected class. For instance, on the grounds of pregnancy, race, religion, sex, age etc.
That sounds like you can be sacked because they just don't like you. Except on the grounds of pregnancy, race, religion, sex, age .
The ordinay working people create the wealth, yet you are not treated particularly well.
People moan about the NHS, but it is wonderful compared the the alternative. You guys in the USA deserve a government based health care system, even if it is flawed.
The US is the most expensive place in the world to give birth. According to Truven Health Analytics, the average bill for a natural birth in the US comes in at $30,000 (£24,000). That figure rises to $50,000 (£39,000) for a Caesarean section delivery. This was 2018!
The real cost of giving birth: '$40 to hold my newborn baby' 2016
All free in many European countries
Countries With Universal Healthcare
Australia (Healthcare System in Australia)
Canada (Canadian Health Care System)
France (French Healthcare System)
Germany (German Healthcare System – GKV)
Hong Kong
Ireland (Healthcare System in Ireland)
Italy (Healthcare System in Italy)
Japan (Japanese Healthcare System)
New Zealand (New Zealand’s Healthcare System)
Portugal (Healthcare System in Portugal)
South Korea
Spain (Healthcare System in Spain)
Sweden (Sweden’s Healthcare System)
United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom (Healthcare System in the UK)
You guys deserve better. We are still subjects in the UK, but I feel we are looked after better.
Please Barb don't think it was a dig at the people of the USA. After so many brave Americans fought and died in wars for their country, they deserve a system that cares for them.
It’s unbelievable that most Americans still believe that they live in the best possibile country! Almost no maternal or paternal leave, they pay incredible amounts of money just for e.g. calling an ambulance, the pay for example Insulin 200 times more than in Canada, almost no paid holidays. They pay incredible amounts of money for universitary education, in many states the legislation is increasingly becoming intolerant towards alternative the last and possible future president is a big fan of somebody who’s butchering their neighbours, and stand exactly for everything that America used to stand for (freedom)... and the list goes on...
Hmmm... Somebody pays ...
Somebody pays, even if "you" don't. The doctor doesn't get less, even if the patient's bill is zero. If the government pays, then it is (mostly) the taxed citizens who really foot the bill. (The rest is "paid" using borrowed money which means, one way or the other, that our children pay.)
Another side of this is "insurance." Something that I noticed, spanning my nonagenarian lifetime, is that when a new "insurance" is created, the "price" for the insured service rises dramatically. Those who choose not to buy the new insurance get thoroughly gouged! When my employer started providing dental insurance (many years ago), the prices charged by dentists locally rose dramatically. Who pays? Well, to the employer, the cost of insurance is just one of the "costs of doing business" and is combined with material costs, personnel costs, etc. as part of the product cost. If the price of the product can't be raised to cover the cost of the insurance, then less is left over to profit and employee pay.
Between the wrinkles, the orthopedic shoes, and nine decades of gravity, it is really hard to be alluring. My icon, you ask? It is the last picture I allowed to escape the camera ... back before most BC authors were born.
Hi Sara this may be one of
Hi Sara this may be one of the reasons
Average Salary US ($) 294K UK (£) 66K
We do all pay . I saw a YouTube video where being asked about an NHS system in the USA, many said "why should I pay for someone else" That's fine until it all goes wrong and you become the someone else.
I have free healthcare, BUPA with my job. As I'm diabetic and asthmatic, it covers almost nothing. I have never used it in the last 5 years. I still use the NHS. Most people in the UK don't object paying for the NHS. I used it once in the past I had a polip in my nose. 5 months wait on the NHS, next week privately. That really annoyed me. This happens with non urgent stuff
We all spend money on a lot of other things.
Tomahawk missile cost about $832,000 (£667,000). US officials say 59 missiles were fired from the USS Porter and USS Ross warships which were positioned in the Mediterranean Sea. This would have cost the American taxpayer at least $49,088,000 (£39,353,000).
You pay so much for prescriptions. The NHS pay £1.50 for ventoline inhaler, I pay £9.35 or would pay nothing if I lived in Scotland and Wales.
They get their's free.
Type of Inhaler (medication) Cost Without Insurance of 1 Inhaler
Pulmicort (budesonide) $252.40
Qvar (beclometasone) $244.51
Serevent (salmeterol) $522.43
Symbicort (budesonide/formoterol) $358.75
I don't know what you pay with insurance, but those are mad prices
How is this not profiteering? Insurance companies are ripping you off becasue the drug companies and the doctors rip you off. All because they are allowed to by friends in your govenment. There doesn't seem to be any regulation. We get ripped of on fuel in the UK 50% of a gallon is tax. A lot of it probably goes to suppoert the NHS, who are our single largest employer.
What countries have the best healthcare in the world?
CEOWorld Magazine's Health Care Index "is a statistical analysis of the overall quality of the health care system, including health care infrastructure; health care professionals (doctors, nursing staff, and other health workers) competencies; cost (USD p.a.per capita); quality medicine availability, and government readiness."
Each country is given a score for each of the above factors and then a total score out of 100. According to this index, the ten countries with the best health care are:
South Korea
United Kingdom
The system in the USA is great if you have really good insurance, or bottomless pockets.