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We buried my mother Wednesday, beside her parents in the family plot in Crab Orchard, Kentucky. That has a nice location on a hill. (Her father was on the cemetery board of directors.)

There were surprisingly many people at the service, here in Frankfort, including the music director and minister from her church. The former led us in singing Mother's favorite hymn. The latter gave a short sermon. Just as Mother wanted.

However, only her descendants and a few cousins made the hour and a half trip to Crab Orchard (where Mother was reared).

This morning my sister and her oldest daughter and her family left for Wyoming. My sister and grand nephew (who had a birthday party at China Buffet, here in Frankfort, last night) flew back to their home out of Bluegrass Field, on the west side of Lexington, across from the Keeneland racetrack. The oldest niece and her husband drove the U-Haul back home. The other niece and her family live a few counties over. They wanted to be at Sawyer's birthday celebration last night but their daughter was sick, the niece is pregnant, and the weather was horrible. We had a good time, but gave away many of the birthday cupcakes.

While I welcome the return of solitude and peace and quiet I am also missing the company. I keep thinking "I need to..." then realizing that's all over. Oh, there's plenty still to do, including talking to the family historian about what papers and books she wants. I also need to ready Mother's house for sale, etc. None of that is urgent.

I've been doing some things for weeks, some for months, some for years. All that is moot, now.

I need to get back into my writing. I especially need to find an agent to sell my stuff. I still haven't picked up one of my birthday gifts, which is from last October.

I now have no-one living close, now. Most of my friends are in Lexington, with the rest further away. It's a bit lonely here, just now. Fortunately (though some might not see it that way) I am largely asocial. I just need to get back into the rhythm of my previous life, while removing a few things from that routine, and perhaps adding a few.


Take your time

When your muse is ready she will return.
I was at a loss when my mother passed last July. That lasted for about two weeks after her funeral but gradually, I saw the light at the end of the tunnel (and it wasn't an oncoming train). As you say, selling her house isn't urgent but it seems that other things are. Deal with them and don't put them off. Get them out of the way ASAP. Doing that will help in getting your life back to something approaching normality.

Please don't make any Big Decisons ...

... for a while. Or at least run them past a trusted friend.

You may be a bit 'shock-y' for a while. When my Wife's Mom died quite suddenly (halfway thru a dish of ice-cream!) and unexpectedly, and then maybe six months later, my Wife admitted she "hadn't been herself" for several months after her Mom's death.