Then please do take a look at Jamie Hayworth's Susie and Jeffrey stories, they are a laugh a minute and a tribute to the theatre of the absurd. They do require a little work if you're not British, as the setting is very British, but it isn't all black pudding and flat caps. Also please go for a wee first or there is a danger you may have little accidents and don't eat or drink while reading them unless you have a wipe-clean screen, but do enjoy, they're really funny.
Have we heard from Jamie?
Another wonderful writer who's disappeared. I just hope they're doing well and that the muse went on holiday. Rather than the more disturbing reason. These talented writers are so precious. Here's to them finding their mojo once again.
Second That
I second the recommendation.
I think it's time to for me re-read this wonderfully funny story.
Michelle B
I'm not British but...
I highly recommend this series. If you like unlikely comedy, then this is for you. It is truly British comedy, not quite as absurd as Benny Hill or Monty Python and certainly not as risque, but just as funny.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
I Totally Agree
You won't find a funnier series on this (or any other) site.
Unfortunately Jamie stopped posting here because she was being trolled.