I have gotten that rather nasty cold going around, not covid, not fun last two weeks.
Went for walk. On way home I overheard a right bigot.
“My daughter is my daughter and always will be my daughter you can’t tell her she can be a boy.”
Switched to
“God should be taught in schools and not tell them to have sex.”
Switched too
“ god dam idiots migrants that can’t speak English should be ….” I didn’t catch rest as I was walking by.
Just the amount of hate coming out of his mouth and he meant every word!
What is worse is he wasn’t drinking!
This a guy that deals with public for crying out loud!
To be honest this scares me. I can understand saying this to “mates” when drunk, but to vent all that hate in open, well it just chilled me to bone.
Enjoy the crazies.
Enjoy the crazies.
There's a cold down here as well. Wearing a mask just might help against that as well. I'm also drinking orange juice.
-- Daphne Xu
I thought ...
that bad behavior was just here in the U.S. I really do not know how we are going to recover from how our society has deteriorated.
We had a 17 year-old high school student speaking in favor of masks at a school board meeting who was heckled and shouted down by adults who made it clear that they did not care about how Covid had killed his grandmother. All of homophobia, transphobia, and nastiness that has surfaced in conjunction with the Covid virus seems to be something that has gotten worse in the past few years and we would only expect to see it in some movie about the end of the world.
We all need each other more than ever now. I don't believe that any of us deserve the rhetoric or treatment that the bigots want to throw at us. We should try to support our friends and family as much as we can.
(I know that everything I said is saccharine and schmaltzy. I apologize for that. I have a tendency to look on the dark side.)
Just my opinion.
You are in Canada aren't you? I am sorry that you seem to have the same problem as we do, largely in the American South. I think that Trump didn't do anything new, he just knocked the scab off of a hateful sore that has been building and I don't know why else it seems worse now. America fought a Civil War over hate and I wonder if we are going to have another bout of it?
Human beings are war like and awful.
Seen that in Europe too...
Lots of it.
A bigot is basically a nothing that is also a spoiled brat. They want to be on top of everything and everyone, but in reality are human waste whose place is in the gutter, and deep inside them they know it. So, they quickly understand that there is exactly one way for them to appear better than the others - to denigrate the others. The more of a human waste they are, the stronger need they feel to do it, because they understand that they have more to compensate for. The more innocent, vulnerable and defenseless their target it, the easier a prey it appears to them, and the more effort they invest against it.
The more gullible among them hide it from themselves under a mask of fight for God, rights, protection against evil (insert here whatever appears to them an easy target), whatever... The smarter ones understand very well what they are doing and why, but maintain the lie before the gullible in order to use them as tools for their own advancement. Trump is a good example on that.
Few years ago, I read an analysis by Stratfor that Russia cannot afford to occupy Ukraine, because that would tie up there all of its army. I hope it was a misplaced humor - I can't believe that someone so stupid would be able to pass themselves as an analyst. Russia (under the guise of USSR) already was in that situation in some Eastern European countries after WWII. It kept some army there, but not to suppress the local population. This task was trusted to the human waste of these countries. Its embodiments were armed, put above the others and told that if they serve well enough, they will continue to stand and shit on the heads of their betters. And they did it, sadistically crushing everyone appearing better than them, keeping their countries as de facto Russian colonies for decades... Hope that Trump and his likes will not be good at learning this lesson. And that the decent people will be good at learning it.