I don't know what happened to me! It is not my fault, I did nothing wrong! My intentions were pure before Allah SWT!
It was pure boredom, and in total desparation, that I turned that glass thing on in the living room, and after a short time found myself laughing until my sides split. And to my total shock found that the program I was watching was called "Friends"! OH MY! What has happened to me! I solemly swear that I never watched that program before because it causes brain damage to anyone I know who has watched it.
So, I am here to tell you that I have a serious brain disease that is reducing my intelligence to the point that I belive shows like "Friends" are funny. OMG, what am I going to do?
I suppose my fate is to begin watching and believing I am enjoying obnoxious cartoon on late night TV too. After much research, I finally found out it is "Family Guy"! Ak!
Does death follow soon on onset of such symptoms?
family guy
You should see the episode of Family Guy where Quagmire's dad goes through a sex change and Brian the talking dog goes out with quagmire's sex changed father formally Don now Ida.
Now you ready to start watching South Park, The office and Scrubs.
Become one with darkside watch more mindless sitcoms and late night cartoons.

Jenna From FL
TopShelf BigCloset
Jenna From FL
TopShelf BigCloset
It is a long road ahead but I will finally become who I should be.
I used to be too embarassed to watch this stuff.
No kidding, I would get so humiliated that I would get up and leave the room, with the family laughing as I left! I wonder what has changed? Maybe watching it just brought too many feelings that I was trying to hide to the surface, LOL?
I think I am getting on my bike and riding until the fever breaks, or until some nutty nurse knocks me into a hedge! :)
There were any number of programs I couldn't bear to watch if anyone else was in the room with the box. I was too afraid that my reactions wouldn't be typical, I know darned well they wouldn't have been.
Even though my family knows about me now, I still find it awkward when something relevant comes on.
It's okay, It's okay
There is a huge difference between knowing this is brain rotting crap and just letting the crap rot your brain. Think of it as research in this messed up bunch of so called normals. I mean they're mutants really, just look at them as they're part of the lovelies on TV. I miss the older shows like Taxi where the cast looked like regular people.
However guilty pleasures are just that.
Watching friends is like actually enjoying boxes mac and cheese, you shouldn't but we do on occasion.
You should try South Park and Robot Chicken and Tripping the Rift if you want something twisted yet really satisfying in the worse way.
Bailey Summers
Venture Brothers!
Is funny as heck! It's Johnny Quest all grown up and bitter 'cause he's not the scientist his father was! He's got two really stupid kids too!
Mr. Ram
oh relax
I mean hey, I recently started watching season two of Glee.... I love the musical stuff, but I gotta say a lot of the background bitchiness is a pinch out there (missed season one). Um, that said I've never watched Friends, I'd be afraid too in case I felt a strange need to emulate 'that' hairstyle... or worse, maybe have a strange compulsion to switch on Oprah. Oh I think I'm the only person left on the planet that's never watched Seinfeld, shrug, we's all weird in some way.
Sounds very serious to me.
Despite a childhood background repairing TVs in the family business, since marrying over 40 years ago we haven't owned a TV. However computers don't count do they? Well, do they? Because the advent of broadband has allowed me to watch the BBC iPlayer so I'm now watching programmes on-line.
I now know why we chose not to own a TV - it's addictive! I'm now a fan of 'Outnumbered' and 'Wallender' (in the Swedish version with sub-titles) so, like you Gwen, my brain is gradually turning to mush. There have been some excellent science programmes just lately and, if you're into natural history, the god-like David Attenborough rules the air-waves. There's no hope.
I'm afraid I'm just as far gone...
We've actually discovered that when it really late and you're stoned and don't want to go to bed yet "Cheers" is actually marginally funny.
It probably helps that we both think Danson is super cute and Harrelson is like the puppy everybody wants to adopt, even if he does pee on the carpet.
I haven't managed to get him to appreciate things like Fullmetal Alchemist or even Bleach, but he's a total Meatwad fan.
Oh yeah, gotta remember "The Dudesons" Those guys make Jackass look lame. I mean seriously, who builds a tank trap in a guys driveway and then films him driving his Volvo into it?
Aside from like, Beavis and Butthead?
At times, we actually find ourselves watching remodeling projects(HGTV).
We both draw the line at "Deadliest Catch"
And even though he hates it, I totally recommend "Metalocalypse".
It basically qualifies as even sicker than "Robot Chicken".
But "Friends"!?!?!?!?
Girl, that's just twisted.
OK, I'll grant that Joey is kinda cute, but still....
Medicinal gonsha
I have a card for that stuff and can do it legally. I tried it twice and have decided it is a load of bullshit. It makes my vision all funny, and I get so paranoid that it makes me feel worse than the pain. I'll never use it again.
65% of the people here want it legalized completely. What a crock.