by a whole day!
well ish. Why am I posting early I don't here you ask? Well I'll be out tomorrow, a family outing to St Albans? yeah, I know but gift horses and all that stuff, the long and short is that I probably won't get on line tomorrow so I thought I'd post early rather than miss posting altogether.
So you might gather that I made it to GOC on Thursday, a direct bus this time but its still an almost 4 hour journey. Friday I made a short visit to the lock up essentially to get my head around the main purpose of this weeks trip - a big sort out of my belongings!
Today I started the job. Anyone who has had to move in a hurry will understand where I am, most stuff is boxed but when it went into store it was pretty much just rammed in, only a few boxes got labelled, finding anything a nightmare. This should've been done ages ago but Covid got in the way besides physically being 200km+ distant! But the time has come and I came with a plan, well sort of.
Clothes - now I'm sure I'm not alone in having accumulated a veritable mountain of stuff, dresses, shoes, tops, skirts - well you name it, I've probably got it! My forced move meant the mountain was reduced a little - I simply couldn't move it all, concentrating instead on more tangible things like my library and bikes. But there is still a hell of a lot and to be realistic, I'm never going to wear most of it again, some needs repair, or its the wrong size etc, etc so rather than just hoard it, the plan is to get it sorted, some stuff will go to recycling, a bit will go to the SA, some will join my real time wardrobe and hopefully the rest I'll be able to make a bit of pocket change on through the 'bay.
Today's session was all about organising the space and getting all the clothing together. Well its not as bad as I feared, there are about the equivalent of a dozen bin bags of stuff to go through, a concerted effort will see it all sorted this week, the plan is to take the first batch of selling stuff back with me next week. Boxes have been stacked a bit less haphazardly, furniture (the little there is) stored more sensibly and now access is much easier and safer. Its still not labelled but I'll make a start on that and even a bit of condensing later in the week too, I'm certainly feeling more positive about this aspect of my life.
There will be some other stuff going on, catching up with friends on a couple of days, a trip to the Chiropodist to keep my dainty feet, er, dainty and I'm hoping to get in a bike ride or two as well - maybe.
It's the weekend so its Gaby time, another chapter of Ontario, Getting the Story. The clue is there, the Bond's finally learn how their unexpected visitor ended up in the Ahrtal but not before Gaby cooks up a storm for the assembled clan.
I'll be back on Wednesday but for now,
A'll be see'in thee
Madeline Anafrid