I love reading stories about female run worlds. There are several I am reading at the moment. Some it is just men being treated as 2nd class citizens, sort of payback in way.
Some where all the women seem to be dominatrix's. They beat and punish their men , or dress them as women to humiliate them.
Some on BDSM sites where guys are all castrated, not my cup of tea.
A great example of this is the worm that turned by the two Ronnies , this was a series on their show.
UK is run by women, males wear dresses etc. When I saw this as a youngster I wished I could live in that world.
Here is the link on youtube, 1 hour 20 of crossdressing fun.
There was a book called Regiment of Women by Thomas Berger , a messed up USA where men were given breasts, and raped by women wearing dido's. This was strange in many ways as the men were physically bigger and stronger.
Anyone have any other suggestions?
Here's a dystopia for ya
A world where men and women have finally reached some level of equality but a whole lot of the men bitch and moan like whiny little babies about how they're being disrespected and cancelled and victimized, and are also somehow being oppressed by the idea LGBT+ people having rights approaching their own-
Oh wait, that's this world. ("To those accustomed to privilege equality feels like oppression." ~somebody)
One thing you'll never see in stories about female run dystopias is one where all the men get exiled. I mean why keep someone around if you hate them that much? To someone who assumes everything always has to be about them this would be the cruelest world of all...
~hugs, Ronnie
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Hi Ronnie, there was a sci-fi
Hi Ronnie, there was a sci-fi story I read where men were exiled outside the city at 14 or 15 because they became brutish etc. Meaning wanting sex probably.
Most of these stories are impossible fantasy. Parents love their children, I can't see many women wanting horrible things to happen to their sons when they reach puberty.
I'm really enjoying Beverly Taff's Feminine Queendom. It relies on men losing the vote. I can't see that happening though. In this story the IQ level is dropping partly to the intelligent boys being turned into girls before they can pass on their genes.
One thing that is happening now is boys are falling behind in education, this really needs addressing.
I read about an opinion on this was because education is mainly run by women now, even though the top jobs are still held by men.
Girls tend to be better at sitting and listening. They mature faster than boys.
One theory I read said that boys are ignored to avoid coddling. There was an experiment where they dressed baby boys in pink and girls in blue and left them in the care of adults. When they cried the babies in pink were picked up and held longer and quicker than the the ones in blue.
Most of the adults assumed the ones in pink were girls. Unconscious bias, we treat girls kinder as we want boys to grow into big strong stereotypes.
The writer a woman said .
"The belief boys should be strong allows aggressive treatment from infancy so they will be tough. There is less verbal interaction support for fear of coddling. This creates high layers of average stress for boys. These layers remain in the mind taking away real mental energy from academics so they will have to work harder to receive the same mental reward. This treatment creates emotional distance of others."
How many times have you seen a crying boy told to "grow up" or even "don't cry like a girl"
Then society wonder where all the toxic masculinity comes from!
The exam results came out for higher education in the UK yesterday, surprise the girls results were way higher than the boys.
There must have been some action to raise the level of girls education, just not sure what they are doing about the failing boys now.
Another factor
In my humble opinion another factor in this gap in education may be that boys tend to drink a lot more alcohol from a very early age in the UK. I’m always impressed how much british boys drink when I have the bad luck to be around them. For us europeans it’s unbeliavable. Alcohol destroys brain cells. For us it seems that the are unable to have fun without thrashing themselves with beer. They Just live for their football games and pub excursions...
(SF) Worlds with no men at all
How about where there are no men?
SF writer Joanna Russ invented a world called "Whileaway" where all the men had died many generations ago of some disease that only affected men, and the society consisted of only women. It had happened so long ago and things were running fine, so though they had records of the existence of men, it was more like a legend people would occasionally play with.
It was in The Female Man and in the story "When It Changed" in Again, Dangerous Visions, Vol. 1
Another story is James Tiptree Jr.'s story "Houston, Houston, Do You Read?" in Aurora: Beyond Equality. A space mission with three men is somehow thrown into the future, and eventually you find out that in that future, all men on Earth have died. The women who rescue them see them as alien creatures to be studied, and the men behave in rather stereotypically masculine ways. Ultimately, the question is asked: what are men good for, really? I'll let you guess the answer (or read the story.) It's definitely a dystopia if you're a man.
All these female-only societies run along just fine without men (with a little help from technology for procreation.) It's perhaps no coincidence that the authors are all women, in a genre that is pretty hostile to women and was even more so back when they were writing.
Im sick as fuck of TG stories about da big bad feminist boogymen
Not all feminists are TERFS and out to get us but are in fact pretty solid trans allies.
Feminist friends of mine (back when I knew people in RL) who were always there for me.
I'm not telling anyone what to write but I know what I'm not gonna read here.
All my physical and most of my mental scars come from men.
And inverting this world's ugliness into some cornball
fantasy ugliness isn't my idea of entertainment.
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
I seriously think we should
I seriously think we should raise boy and girls the same, emotionally that is.
I'm sure the reason that male suicides are almost double that of female is men are taught to bottle it up.
Many of use are emotional cripples that lash out physically because they fear their emotions.
The global age-standardized suicide rate was higher in males (13.7 per 100 000) than in females (7.5 per 100 000)
The Worm that Turned
Classic Two Ronnies, prime time TV from a time when men dressing as women on TV went largely unremarked, think Les Dawson, Benny Hill and a bit more glitzty, Danny la Rue. (i'm sure there are other examples, Klinger in MASH possibly and the little un in It Ain't Half Hot spring to mind)
So what went wrong? Why has it become such an issue?
answers on a postcard please to:
PO Box 1979
Madeline Anafrid Bell
Probably fear of upsetting us
Probably fear of upsetting us lot!
Don't forget to add
Dick Emery and Kenny Everett to the list of crossdressers on TV back then.
The 'Worm that Turned' was as you say unremarked. I enjoyed it.
There was a bit where the
There was a bit where the police women were walking down a high st. A man in a dress pushing a pram and his son with him in a dress.
A young cd's dream for me. Think I was 11? , but so wanted to be that boy.
Maybe not quite what you have in mind:
I'm wondering...
...are there any stories out there, where a female run society treats *everyone* nicely, and nobody is cast out, or enslaved, or treated bad?
Good question. I think many
Good question. I think many are written by TV/CD, and many of us love a "She made me do it" type of story. It eases the guilt, there are also a lot of BDSM stories. So no.
I remember when Margret Thatcher took over, lots of women interviewed said "It will much better with a woman running things."
In the 70's a woman had to be twice as ruthless as a man to get that job. She proved it.
I started writing a story along those lines
...but never got past the first chapter. The link is here, if you're interested:
Changelings (part one)
for thoes that like this stuff
90 stories from coaxed into feminization to forced feminization and the gender quake. have fun
Thanks I found a story that I
Thanks I found a story that I thought I read on here.
a surrogate sister
A desperately depressed mother looks to her three sons to find the daughter she always longed for.
I had been looking for that for a while.