**** Thank you all for your comments. It has been very useful to see all your opinions on the subject.****
When I first started writing it was on Fictiomania. Stories there often, but not always involve sex.
Since posting on here I have noticed my more sexual stories get a lot more reads, but a lot less kudos.
The current story I'm writing has got sexual scenes. I have held back on being descriptive though.
Refering to his male member as his hardness etc, rather than to other more sexual words.
Is it best to keep doing this? Keeping it obvious what is happening without being graphic. Or do people want graphic descriptions.
I understand that not all stories have to feature sex, but it is often a consideration in many stories.
I was going to put two versions of the same act to compare, but I know many would not like it.
Why not both?
Why not both?
Often, it's more interesting if you leave it to the imagination, or delay the obvious and tease the readers.
-- Daphne Xu
I think my time on Lit made
I think my time on Lit made me think every story must have sex.
Interestingly, I've read a
Interestingly, I've read a number of stories on Literotica that had little to no sex scenes. Mention of sex, sure, but no real descriptions of sex. Others, yes, go bananas with bounteous bulging hopping hooters, swollen thrusting cockaded members.....
Frankly, I find Literotica less boring now than FictionMania, which is mostly the FD/CD SuperCenter anymore. No real _stories_. So many good people that started stories, then vanished, or just have been gone a long time. (Anyone seen Steve Zink or Prudence Walker lately?)
I think that the US in particular is going through a nasty round of censorship again. Lots of books being banned - some which were required reading just a few years ago. Places like StoriesOnLine (In Canada) having to censor stories because they have someone under the age of 14 - even if the only activities they get up with are others of the same age, and have very little in common with what _we_ would consider sex.
Me? I think that if it happens in reality, people should be allowed to write about it. Legal or not; but hey, I don't write the laws, and the reps don't listen to me.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
To be fair Fictiomania does
To be fair Fictiomania does say "For Fans of TransGendered Fiction" so it is just that. Lots of guilt in people that crossdress. The get out is she/he made me do it. I went through that phase myself. Until I realise it's just me being me, and to hell with it.
It's not the FemDom and
It's not the FemDom and CrossDressing. It's that FM is just about _only_ that now. Most of them being not very well done. Randalynn has several FemDom and ForcedFem stories, but they're well written, they're entertaining - they're stories. There are hundreds of those on FM - but they're almost all over 8 years old.
(There are also a couple of authors there that have atrocious stories; I mostly just avoid them completely. Plots might have been okay, but the author(s) just randomly rammed everything together into a mish-mash that should have taken 1000 words, and wrote them in 500. Biggest issue? They were hideously prolific, so almost every search brings up at least one of them. Dunno. Mad-libs competition? )
I wonder if there's a "bad story" generator out there specifically for FictionMania. ?
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Explicit sex is its own reward
I agonized for a decade -- and I'm not exaggerating -- before posting one of my stories here. It's been up for more than two years and still gets the occasional read, but never got many comments. But I finally posted the thing that was rattling around in my head. I was pleased with how it came out -- even though I wasn't able to render the same intensity as my original idea. The internal censor, you know? Looking over my shoulder, embarrassed on my behalf.
Personally, I think you should write what you want to write, and damn the torpedos. If your story includes rampant, explicit sex, write it! If people are ashamed to say they've read it, god bless their little hearts. I can live without their comments; I'm a big girl. I can't begrudge them their reputations. At least they read it.
And I got it off my chest while trying to hone my craft. For me, it's a win-win, even if it's a secret victory on the readers' part.
- io
Erin's History
For a while, back in the late nineties, Erin was involved in the ASS* Newsgroups, where explicit sex was the raison d'être. Perhaps if you were aware of that, you might not have hesitated.
I admit, despite this, if I finish a certain type of sex story, I won't post it here. Hopefully, a rejuvenated ASSTR will be available.
-- Daphne Xu
I'm intrigued!
I'm intrigued!
Personal preference
My personal preference is the less said the better. In some stories, sex can be a motivator to move the plot along, but for the story to be good, it shouldn't be the main theme. In my story "Jan Comes Out to Play" sex motivates the couple to be a couple, but the reference to it is quite oblique.
If you really want to write graphic sex, I'd suggest posting on Literotica.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
Hi Patrica, I have issues
Hi Patrica, I have issues with literotica. They think a boy wearing his mum's shoe's is child porn. The last story I tried to post got blocked as it had the word teenager in it. You are right though my sex heavy stories got lots of reads before I took them off. Yet almost every surgeon's lodger got rated HOT but with very few reads. it's a right mix on there.
Speaking as a 60+yo reader
I don't care to read graphic sex. That being said, if I'm reading a story that interests me and I come across a detailed sex scene, I just skim over it, reading just enough to tell where the sex stops and the plot resumes. So graphic sex doesn't prevent me from reading a story I otherwise enjoy, but I'd enjoy it just as much if the sex wasn't there.
My advice to an author is to tell the story the way you want to tell it. It's YOUR story. I can only speak for myself and I don't want authors to tailor their stories just to fit my preferences, especially since it's so easy for me to skip over the parts I don't like.
Well Littleone, I will have
Well Littleone, I will have to keep throwing in the the word willy and fanny (slang female reproductive parts in the UK) randomly to confuse you.
That would be confusing
Since willy is US slang for a MALE reproductive part :). BTW, I love reading stories set in Great Britian, written in British English. So please, keep it up.
I do wonder sometime when I
I do wonder sometime when I go to use the word "Bollocks" It's an old word meaning testicles.Like fanny means backside in America. It's is another word for the female part's.
Strangely enough "knob" is more common word used for penis, and probably less offensive than prick. Slightly more than willy.
Graphic Sex
I think it all depends on the context. If it enhances the story, go with it. If not, tone it down.
An example (by no means the only one) is the posts of Michele Nylons on this site. Let me state that I like her stories, but if you read them be aware that there is plenty of explicit sex. Once you know that it is your choice whether or not you read them.
She gets plenty of reads but fewer comments than many other stories. I feel this is more of a reflection on her readers than on the quality of her writing, but who knows?
Hi Joanna, I have read her
Hi Joanna, I have read her work for years. I suppose there is a balance between just a short sex story and a deeper storyline. I am starting to enjoy writing longer stories now.
Don't forget to flag the content
I, personally, enjoy my stories to be a bit more adult. Not necessarily about sex but darker themes with more nuance. I have noticed anything explicit of mine gets fewer reads (not many fewer, but still) and no comments at all, except 'A Christmas Party', but that was much more suggestive than explicit.
I think sex is very difficult to write well, it's a very personal thing and one person's loving description is someone else's boring turn off.
I would say that you should write what moves you, just make sure you add the appropriate cautions so that it reaches your intended audience.
My stories are the opposite.
My stories are the opposite. The sex ones get lots more reads. The femdom stuff doesn't go down well on here. Nor does anything "forced".
I did a picture of a woman in her underwear and stockings and got asked by a reader to remove it so they didn't see it on the free stories page.
People are all different
We’re all individuals. So what people want is a wide variety of different things, whether we’re talking about sex or the type of humour they enjoy.
I suggest the number of comments you get on this blog will be small compared with the number of readers who give one of your stories a kudos. If kudos is your main driver, then try to analyse what type of story gets maximum kudos. Personally, I simply write what I enjoy writing.
Charlotte Dickles tried an innovative dual level in, I think, The Will Chaser. Not certain how successful it was, but it’s certainly worth taking a look at that.
As an extremely heavy reader
As an extremely heavy reader (probably four times what any other individual here does, at a minimum. Speed reading for the win? hah.), I can say that I've read a lot of sex scenes.
The answer is "it depends".
If the characters are normal human beings, they're not going to be saying things like "Observe the state of my turgidity!" They'll be using words dependent upon their upbringing, social class, and their education level.
If you're writing a story to titillate, you'll want to be more explicit (think Harlequin novel). If you're just trying to show that they have sex, then maybe you'll be writing a writhing under the covers paragraph. If it's intent is to be out and out smut, then you'll write blow by blow descriptions.
The main point is don't overwhelm the reader - but don't short change them either. There are some stories that by halfway through, I'm skipping the sex scenes because they've overwhelmed the plot. Others, I sit there and wonder if the characters are people at all, because there's not even been a single attempt at grab-ass or visiting the lavatory.
It's your story - write it the way the characters would be, for the kind of story you're wanting to put forth. Kid friendly, you leave out everything but "they went to the bedroom and noises happen". See what I mean?
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Very well put . You had me
Very well put . You had me spill my coffee with
"Observe the state of my turgidity!"
I was watching a few episodes of Harlots last night , that sounds like something the guys say in that show.
"Observe the state of my turgidity madam! Thou has most emboldened me to my task!"
"Oh sir! we'd best get your rabbit tucked up nice and warm within my warren then."
Who makes the rules?
I've tried several times to blog about this, but each attempt ended up sounding so contentious, I deleted it without posting. But I'm going to give it another brief shot.
It's clear (at least to me) that some people believe that a story that includes sex, or is about sex, or is driven by sex, is somehow defective.
That attitude is a personal preference. It's not an objective rule.
It's also not a matter of moral superiority. I don't regard someone who looks down their nose as superior.
I can't separate my desire to be female from my desire to experience sex as a female. I regard both desires as normal, healthy, and worthy of finding expression in my fiction.
I have enough respect for readers that I mark my stories with CAUTION tags -- there's no need or point in tricking people into reading something they don't want. At the same time, if someone ignores those tags for the sake of trolling me, I have no problem in explaining the flaw in their comments, and I try to help them from making the same mistake in future.
- io
PS - It's also clear that Erin makes the rules at BCTS. Where personal opinion and preference run contrary to how she wants this site to go, her decisions take precedence.
My story rules
Pretty much, there are none.
In twenty years I've removed maybe three stories, I know and remember removing one because after causing controversy on other sites, the author posted here for the sole purpose of causing controversy.
The other two were very short word salads that I decided were not stories, so I removed them.
These are my rules. Post the stories you want to post as long as you are not doing it with intention of harming the site.
For blogs, comments and forum topics, there are three rules. Keep it friendly. Give the benefit of the doubt. And don't assume that someone else's attitude, observations or complaints are about you.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Hi Erin, on LIt , no under 18
Hi Erin, on LIt , no under 18's or bestiality, yet they say Unicorns and Werewolves are ok? But a unicorn is a horse with a horn on it's head?
I was so tempted to write a bestiality story about a wolf that only changes at full moon and a unicorn LOL.
I could write rape murder and necro torture stuff in graphic detail, and it probably wouldn't get rejected. Yet some of the innocent stuff on here about early days does.
One of the reasons I stopped reading stories there, some of it was very very dark.
Thanks, 50 shades is all
Thanks Iolanthe Portma, 50 shades is all about sex , the author is worth 150 million now. Sex sells .
That's what I said
You wrote: "It's clear (at least to me) that some people believe that a story that includes sex, or is about sex, or is driven by sex, is somehow defective.
"That attitude is a personal preference. "
Defective??? No not defective. Just not something I choose to read. (See last sentence in the quote above.")
For me (personal choice) stories with graphic sex scenes are in a different genre that trans stories. In my writing and preferred reading, I shy away from explicit sex. That's not to say that we should never mention sex or the fact that sex is a motivator for a lot of human actions and desires. No, if you are looking for any kind of realisium in your stories, adults who are attracted to each other are being motivated by sex on some level or another.
The level I, as a reader, want to know about is subjective and I'm responsible for the content I choose to read. I do appreciate it when the author is responsible and uses the tag "Caution Explicit Sex" or "Caution Language". Both of these cautions put the onus on me to decide if it's something I want to read or not.
If the author is responsible in that vain, then what level of explicitness they employ to tell the story is up to them. If they stuff the story full of blow by blow sexual encounters without the caution, then shame on them.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
Hi Patricia, it seems to me
Hi Patricia, it seems to me some want to read mainly the sex part rather than how they got there. I think with my deeper stories which are mainly trans ones. I will stick to gentle sex scenes. This is from the last one I wrote.
She reached down and grasped his hardness. Just the sight and smell of her had caused that. She felt proud of that. She had worried that he would be disappointed.
As she moved her hand she felt him grow.
“Oh god, that feels so good. You don’t have to you know. I’m happy just to be with you.”
“I want to do this for you. It makes me happy, to make you happy.”
“Well your'e certainly doing that my love.”
His hand went behind her head and pulled her to his lips and kissed her.
You know what has happened but nothing much about the details.
Thanks Iolanthe Portma, 50
Thanks Iolanthe Portma, 50 shades is all about sex , the author is worth 150 million now. Sex sells
Procreation is part of survival. I was once told in a Creative Writing class that lewdness is part of the story telling process. There is a huge difference in the rough draft file of my word processor and what appears on BCTS. Most of my stories have a barely hidden BDSM theme and it has been difficult to face that I am a deeply needy person who has faced that no one will love in a romantic way. It is part of life.
I have never experienced BDSM
I have never experienced BDSM, yet some of the stories I write , the femdom world stuff intrigues me, yet angers me. I always think.The guy could punch her in the face and run etc.
These stories have been well received on other sites. One guy wanted me to be his misstress. I said no, but exchanged messages. It was a fascinating insight into a subs mindset. He really needed to be dominated and seemed to have attracted women that enjoyed abusing him. Some of what he did turned my stomach. He enjoyed it though.
I sorry you feel "no one will love in a romantic way." Gwen . I'm sure there is someone out there for you.
The Reader / Author Contract
I believe in the theory of writing that an implied contract exists between the reader and the author.
In exchange for the reader agreeing to suspend her disbelief - - and spend time and sometimes money - - the author agrees to a set of common rules.
These rules might include:
There will be a beginning that states the problem to be resolved, a middle, which contains at least three “story arcs,” and an end that ties-up all the open questions.
The writer will tell a story with fulfillment in the areas of plot, style, POV, genre, and character.
The writer will not introduce new elements in the denouement that haven’t been disclosed in the story to that point.
To answer your question, if you have a reputation as an author who writes PG material, to suddenly include XXX-rated passages would be a violation of trust with your readers. The punishment will be a loss of readers for future stories.
Cautions only go so far. Generally, people do NOT read forewords. It’s likely most do not pay all that much attention to Cautions.
Writing without regard for your readers seems pointless. Good writing requires the author to be in the heads of all the characters at the same time. It also requires that the author constantly be aware of what the reader is thinking. If you don’t care about your reader – and write purely for your enjoyment – it doesn’t seem likely that will happen.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
I do care about the reader. I
I do care about the reader. I always try to write believable stories. That's why I never write magic stories. It gives you too much freedom to intoduce whatever you like and say "wizard did it".
When I write the sad or loving stuff I have actully cried, not out loud but hav ehad tears in my eyes.( I feel like an idiot for admitting that) . The sex scenes never turn me on though. It is so hard trying to make them not seem ""samey"
Tears while writing
Never be embarrassed about crying while you write. Never. For the reader to feel it, you as the writer need to feel it even more so. Writing from the heart is a key part of the craft in telling stories that 'ring true' (no matter whether the world is fantasy or grounded). Be proud of those writer's tears!
Sex in the Story
When I was writing Every Day Is Your Last, two of the Main Characters were finally at the point where a physical relationship was unavoidable. I'm no prude, but writing sex scenes is very difficult for me... primarily because I'm a very private person. I don't post on FB... I don't tweet... etc. What I do and when I do it are not for public knowledge. The story however wouldn't work without sex. I tried re-writing it three ways and each time it came off as rushed, forced, and emotionally flat. Sex is a major part of the human condition and a huge motivator. So I bit the bullet and wrote what my muse was telling me to write from the beginning... and it works. (at least I believe it does) I didn't write it to titillate, but without it the chapter lacked the emotional punch I felt it needed.
Keep in mind, my idea of "explicit sex" is extremely tame compared to many people's take on the subject. My 2nd co-wife reads Laurel K Hamilton novels and, according to her, that "explicit sex" scene in EDIYL wouldn't even rate as sex. Even then, I had one reader send me a PM saying they didn't like the sex scene being there. It wasn't so much a complaint as it was a critique and statement of preference, but there it is. You can't please everybody.
In my opinion, writing erotica is difficult to do without coming off sounding like either bad a porn film made in someone's garage or a bad French art film... either too graphic and detailed or so full of innuendo that you're not sure if it's sex or a detailed description of two ships docking at sea. Threading the needle between the two takes time and either a very good grasp of the language or a very complete thesaurus. :^)
In the end, what you write is entirely up to you. Whether anyone will read it, or what happens to your reputation as an author afterwards is up to the readers. If you write graphic sex and lose readership, and you're OK with that, then nothing is lost. If losing readers is a problem to you, then you need to decide what's more important... sex or readers. (unless you're Laurel K... in which case you can write the weirdest sex scenes in the world and make a bundle selling it to millions... so what do I know?)
"He rammed his engorged girthiness into her yearning love-chasm"
Calling a dick "his hardness" or "his massive manhood" actually sounds more pornographic to me than just calling int a dick, because people don't talk tha way, porn writers do. I thought your sex scenes in The Surgeon's Lodger set the right tone, personal, honest, and not dragged out for pages. A good sex scene can provide character development because wants, dislikes and such are all different for everyone.
Angela Rasch often points out the weird ratio of hits to kudos/comments when it comes to erotica or flat out porn. I wonder if readers don a grubby trenchcoat before reading a Michelle Nylons story and then slink away into darkness after reading it, too ashamed of their arousal to comment. Except Joannebarbarella, that shameless hussy! She gives great comment.
I wish I liked Michelle Nylon stories more than I do, she's such a great writer, but I lose interest. I'm not sure if I'm just undersexed or the sex I like is just too offbeat to find satisfaction in the typical porn story. The one of hers I read all the way through was about a shemale robot. That character I related to; would love a sequel, and I did comment. Sorry I'm sending this as a PM, but I couldn't admit to my freaky turned-into-a-robot fetish in public. Now whee's that SEND PRIVATE MESSAGE button?
~hugs, Veronica
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Veronica you made me laugh.
Veronica you made me laugh. Love-Chasm!
I should have just asked for you for 20 alternative words for a penis and vagina. Strangely enough penis and vagina are very unsexy words to me.
Dick is the same. i find it more of a comical name. Rampant rod would have been too descriptive. Love rocket would have been funny. I chose hardness as it doesn't refer directly, but you know what I mean. LOL
Now we all know you are a
An individual who either:has a strong aesthetic sense and a love of gadgets. In this sense, the word is a portmanteau of techno- and metrosexual, which was first promoted by creative professional Ricky Montalvo[1] to describe "a dandyish narcissist in love with not only himself, but also his urban lifestyle and gadgets; a straight man who is in touch with his feminine side but has fondness for electronics such as cell phones, PDAs, computers, software, and the web.
I personally write what I like to read.
I don't like to read about explicit sex unless it's imperative to the plot, so much of the sex my characters have is outlined usually, I leave the rest to the reader's imagination. I don't tend to read stories with loads of sex because it bores me and turns me off rather than on, I find the same if it's done on film. If sex is the purpose of the story, I wouldn't rate it at all.
Hi Angharad, Some of the
Hi Angharad, Some of the stuff I read on Literotica is just a series of sex scene's linked weakly up.I read the first then skip looking for the story.
I have no problem with sex in a story, but dislike sex with almost no story.
PMS is to Blame
Wrote some of the most erotic porno to be told in story form. Regretted it but it is the nature of a writer to push the boundaries no matter the genre. The funny thing is it is a turn off for me. I skip a lot of chapters in stories because the author gets involved in the down and dirty scenes. Usually don't comment on the story as it degraded to a romp in the hay.
Was chastised by a reader for leaving out the undercover work in my stories. Each to their own taste. Thus it's up to the author if they wish to do the dirty with their actors and actresses. The author is after all the director and if pornography is part of the movie that's up to them. Then it's up to the reader if they wish to read about the screaming chick and grunting man doing exactly what comes natural between a man and a woman.
Thus the answer to what you are asking is..., it's up to the author and his or her readers. There is no right or wrong when one is manipulating the actors in his or her story line. My take or anyone else ideas are moot as there are authors who don't and those who do. Just as there are readers who want the hot passion in a story.
I loved Maggie Finson's story where Fey had her first PMS episode. Rain, lighting, thunder in the dorm? What woman hasn't felt that exact same emotional trauma when blood is running out of her because she was cursed to bare children?
Write what you feel and your readers will feel it also.
Hugs Leeanna
No one may live your life nor may you live theirs. Why waste one's life trying?
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Thanks Barb. I think the most
Thanks Barb. I think the most vocal on this site are trans or transish(in my case). There are however a of people that read the stories without joining the site. They can leave kudos, but can't make comments.
A recent story, I don't Know if I Want This?, Had this picture
It has had 2040 views , a lot more than any of my other stories from November, 86 kudos and only 1 comment from Erin. This shows to me overtly sexual stories attract readers. I wonder if it would have had the same veiws without the image?
It seems to me the more sexual stories are read by non members and possibly not commented on.
Most of you site active ladies seem to enjoy less in your face sex scenes (yes I know!) Or none at all. The first installment of After Linda seems to be doing well.
Someone said the other day about comments. It is nice to get comments. Everyone likes a pat on the head. I am as guilty of enjoying a story and not commenting as everyone else.
Working on a Story Bondage Games
Don't know if I will finish it and if I do if I will post it. Every story I write is for myself and if others enjoy the tale that is a plus but doesn't drive my writing.
Most writers give birth to a story and it's their baby. They want compliments for how great their baby is. Sometimes it sets them up for a really bad downfall. They get emotionally crushed or worse, some con artist pampers their ego and starts milking cash out of them to publish their next NYT Best Seller.
Leeanna, write what you like.
Hugs hon
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
What's all this I hear about explicit sax? Why...doesn't everyone like sAxophones? Alto? Tenor? Stan Getz? John Coltrane? They're all nice. What? Explicit SEX? Not SAX? Why...that's another thing entirely. Never mind....
Love, Andrea Lena
I'm a bit of a slut kitty
But as much as I am a very sexual person and enjoy sex, I seldom have sex scenes in stories and prefer to write them tastefully if possible. For me it has to fit with the characters and their growth or expression and whether it makes sense for them to do it. I won't just shoe-horn a sex scene in a story because people want that kind of thing.
I have written a few steamy scenes, a couple of them somewhat recently in Cold Fey in Hell but I don't write raw (insert tab A into slot B) sex. For me it's not just writing about the physical sensations but also the emotional ones, what the character is thinking, and the connection between the two characters. I try not to go all smutty but more steamy and sensual.
*big hugs*
Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3
A Cold Fey in Hell is so hot it almost melted my computer!
But the scene was a natural outcome for what came before.
Wow, that's hot
But yeah for me to write a sex scene it has to be a part of the story's natural progression and part of the MC's relationship, otherwise I'll just fade to black. When I do write a sex scene though it's like any other part of the story, the flow and character reactions are important to me, I don't want it to be distasteful, and I try not to shortchange the readers on the experience.
*big hugs*
Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3
Explicit Sex is Like Bad Grammar...
...in that I don't want to read either one, though there are a lot of people who aren't bothered.
Like some of the other commenters here, if there happens to be a sex scene in a story that I'm reading, I skim through it or even skip it, if I'm satisfied that doing so won't affect my take on the plot. (And I won't kudos a story chapter that's around 50% sex or more, llke Amethyst's Cold Fey 24. So there (g).) If there's a CAUTION: Explicit Sex tag on the title page or first chapter, I probably won't start it.
I'm certainly not going to complain about it, though; it's my hangup, not the author's problem. Bad grammar. on the other hand...
(I once started to write a story, back when movie rentals were VCRs, where the lead character was a kid who'd fast-forward through kissing scenes in action or fantasy movies. Odd: that's the only thing I remember about the story, except that I didn't get very far with it.)
That's because you kept fast
That's because you kept fast-forwarding through the plot while you were writing.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
It was only 49.8% sex scene,
It was only 49.8% sex scene, I checked. :P
Not everyone wants to read that sort of thing though, and I can understand that. I myself try to avoid sex in stories if it's not tastefully done. That is why even in Cold Fey, which is about a highly sexual Nymph, I try not to over-expose my readers to it. It's about the story not the sex. But then I've never really tried to write for other people, just what I would like to read. I hope people will like it but my muse is kinda crazy so there's usually no guarantee on that lol
*big hugs*
Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3
I'd say 51% Amethyst. Since I
I'd say 51% Amethyst. Since I have been writing, I'm reading a lot less. I keep missing so many stories. I had never read that.
Your confession of skipping...
I think your confession of skipping while you read explains some of the puzzling comments you've left on my stories. I guess your imagination filled in the parts you jumped over.
- io