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missing Kylie

I miss my friend Kylie. Its funny, I go stretches where I'm okay, and then something happens to remind me of her, and its like I think "I'd love to talk to her about this" and then I remember she's not in my life anymore, and I grieve all over again.

Ah, well.

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Updates and stuff.

Heyo! Your friendly neighborhood Jenn here with some random stuff to talk about. Job is going well at the new store, already feel like a valued member of the team. The manager who I respect and know outside of work as a friend, made an effort in the store meeting to convey to the staff that I was to be treated as a resource due to my long experience working for the company. He said he expected the others to go to me if any questions need answering, and a member of management is not available. He has asked me to take on new duties to bring the new store up to speed.

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Keep me in your prayers...

Some of you know I'm a pastor. I've been available to anyone who needs me. Usually I've been able to say something reassuring, helpful, etc... Now it's me, I'm feeling adrift, and unable to control the way my life is moving.

Some facts. First, I'm not taking any hormones, second, I've been actively losing weight.

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I've already lost weight!

I've been working on what the weight loss place gave me for "homework", and in a week, I have already lost some weight. Hard to tell exactly how much on my home scale, but its a lot closer to 270 lbs than to 280 lbs, which is what I was a week ago.

I can do this, I can do this ....

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An Unreaction

Well yesterday (Sunday) I came out to my folks, their reaction ... Oh ok ... Are you sure? ... This is going to make your life even harder ... etc ... no screaming, no shouting just acceptance (with a large side order confusion)

So. Yaayness I'm out to my folks, I'm just waiting for the local NHS trust to put my referral through the Charring Cross GIC and so far all systems are go. Now if only I could have my Benefits run as smoothly :(

Happy Huggles
Sammi (who is one step closer to being one with herself :))

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Okay. an update

Mom has had her surgery. They removed a tube or something, was hard to follow my Dad because he wasn't sure what all they had done either. She is doing okay, but they have more to do to her. So thank you for the prayers and hopefully the rest of her operations will go as smoothly.

I will try to get more Through the years out soon.

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So long, and thanks for all the fish!

I've been a member here for 6 years and 33 weeks, but only became active in July of last year after I retired. Between then and this July I made some wonderful friends who I hope will last a lifetime. For them I will always be grateful to BCTS. I'm sure in that time I annoyed some people too and for that I am truly repentant.

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Dating Games

I was supposed to have a date today. I met a girl online and we have chatted and text for a few weeks. I was really looking forward to this date since I do not date much and she is a very attractive lady. I really liked her. Then Friday morning after I got home from work she sent me a text message saying that she could not go on the date, and that she had a boyfriend. Talk about a kick to the head. I text her back and told her that yes I was hurt by that and that I had been really looking forward to our date.

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Made someone cry

I didn't mean to do it. It wasn't my intention. In fact I didn't see it coming. But talking with someone last night they said they were reading over my work and it made them cry. I don't think there is a greater compliment then bringing tears to someone's eyes, especially when the scene isn't a sad one.

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The Christmas Ivy Bloomed--a Christmas Contest sample...

Though it might have been wiser to heighten the suspense and wait, I could not resist the temptation to post some of what I'd written so far for the upcoming One Winter's Eve contest. I think, however, that some explanation is necessary.

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Realistic, passable makeup for T folk.

I have never been much for a lot of makeup; usually just using some OLAY 7 as a base, and some MAC concealer to cover a very red birth mark on my chin. I use a bit of lippy called MAC A31. This is for every day.

If I am very nervous about meeting someone, I will add some MAC eyeliner and some illegal by Mabelline on my lashes.

Well, finally I have found a male, not a T person, who really knows how to do makeup, and I may try some of his techniques.

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Drake's Bay update, I'm pissed

This is an update on the Drake's Bay Oyster farm renewal to operate. President Obama and his lead man Ken Salizar have decided to NOT renew the operating permit for the farm even though it was found that the governmant had lied on their reports. What this means is the end of an environmently friendly business that's been in this location for years. It means the loss of jobs for thirty employees who have devoted their lives to Drakes Bay and it also takes away the livelyhood of the family that operated the farm.

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Today is a good day.

Well today is the first day at the new store. Its a new (store) format that the company has rolled out. I'm really excited to begin this new phase of my employment. Having less stress about the job will mean more processing power that can be allocated to other issues. Overall feeling pretty good lately and I hope this an upward trend in my life. I'm going to be smiling all day today that's a fact and I hope everyone has a blessed day. Working smiles, Jenn.

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A sample...or no?

The story is well underway again, as I've managed about 1500 words in the last 24 hours--remarkable considering that I write and edit as I go. My way of working helps--if one plot thread isn't going well, I need to do more research at a later time, I move on to another scenes. Yes, I view stories in movie terms--I have a large mental storyboard in which every plot point is mapped out.

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Last of the transgender journey blogs (Guardian)

The last of Juliet Jacques' blogs about her transgender journey as posted on the Guardian website, in this she considers whether her surgery was worth it and reflects on her four year voyage of discovery.

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A bitter lesson learned.

In years past, when my Dad was still alive, I couldn't quite connect with his feelings when one of his friends passed away. I guess it never really occurred to me that Dad had any lifelong friends...I don't know why. Maybe it was partly because he was always too busy working 2... sometimes 2 and 1/2 jobs to keep his family fed, clothed and sheltered.

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Time to vote

I have two new cover designs for God Bless the Child and wanted to get people's opinion on which one they like better. One is very similar to what is already up and one is completely new. If you don't like either that is a vote also, but you can't like both because that is unhelpful. I thank you .


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I'm Officially 21 With 21 Years Experience!

I guess I don't feel any older. It's so nice to be 21 with 21 years experience. That's the way I look at it! I am so blessed with so many wonderful friends in my life and I am glad I'm here to share this day with you! Thank you all so much!

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The Christmas story...jingling to a stop

It may well be the magic of the Christmas season, or it may be that my depression has, for the moment, gone into remission. But the story I'm working on for the current contest promises to be not only the most ambitious and complex story I've ever done, but the most ambitious and complex story that stands a chance of being completed. (I even have a tentative title: The Christmas Ivy Bloomed--a title with a double meaning in this story).

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A new title for A Boy and his Dog? any ideas?

I have decided in changing the title of my story "A Boy and his Dog" due to the fact that there already is a book and movie with this title and with similar elements in the story that I had not known about until some people brought it to my attention. I don't want people to get the wrong impression about my story or go into it expecting something based on false assumptions, or god forbid, not read my story because of prior bad experiences with the title. :P

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So you are all aware

I am trying to finish up the most recent chapter of Through the years, but life has decided to throw a few speed bumps my way. First of all, my mother is in a hospital in California and about to undergo open heart surgery. One of her heart valves is leaking. Problem is she's not in the best of shape. Osteoporosis and several falls has helped her get addicted to pain pills. So My Dad is worried that this may have been my mothers last Thanksgiving. He also has already given me the warning that he doesn't want me to come out there because of how tight money is.

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A Turn of the Cards - sort of publishing schedule

I've gradually worked out this BC publishing thing (I think). Although I've got another story here, someone else was kind enough to navigate the process for me last time, for which I am now much more grateful than I ever was before.

Anyway, I tried publishing the first chapter of my new novel A Turn of the Cards, but it turns out my chapters seem to be too long for the site (I get repeated 503s), so I'm going to post each section of the chapter instead. I aim to post a section every 2-3 days or so. We'll see how that goes.

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My stories are now removed from FM

I have mentioned the desire of doing this for quite awhile, but I finally had all my stories taken down from fictionmania. Normally I don't like to post what I do on one site on another, but I thought this was appropriate because I know of several authors who cross-post to both sites.

I wanted to explain my reasons and the final straw.

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A Transsexual Summer. Youtube videos.

This series of four videos follows several transsexuals on several weekend retreats as they discover who and what they really are, and how to deal with it. The EXPLICIT warning refers to actual surgery scenes in one or two of the videos. As I watched these videos, I found myself becoming involved with the guys and gals as they become friends and, at the end, when they depart from the retreat for the last time, I actually felt tearful as they parted company and went back to their real world lives.

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Oh my god. Update to the work situation.

Holy sh*t it happened. Some of you have been following the problems I have been having at work lately ( read about it here. And the updatehere )I vowed to not let it get me down and have been trying to move on.

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That darn apostrophe.

I'm fairly sure that when reading almost anything we can all find something that we don't like. One of the things I find annoying is the misuse of the apostrophe. I have come across an interesting (at least to me) site that I think authors might find useful. Although a UK site, it does apply to American usage of our language.

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A Black Friday LOL or more like a ROFL.

Ok folks this retail monkey needed a laugh today and got it. Read today's Skin Horse that last panel says it all. We are all hands on deck here at the store and smart phones are flying out the door. In most cases the devices are smarter than the purchasers. If any of you do Black Friday I hope you got some good deals to me this is just another day albeit a twelve hour one. Tired smiles, Jenn.

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Need help making postcards (formatting)

I have this great idea to put little postcards advertising my book in with my Christmas cards when I deliver the paper next week. My issue? I don't know how to format so the front and back side line up. Is anyone here proficient enough with Word/open office to format something like that for me. I want 9 per page so I can cut them out and put them in the paper (2.5x3.5). Thanks in advance.

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Authors statement about Bikini Beach

Ellie and I have decided to merge our writings of Bikini Beach together and form what we will call, the "Canonical Writings" of Bikini Beach. It makes it easier for everyone to find our works in one place. As a helpful bonus, I have asked Sephrena to add a title page to the Bikini Beach series to point to all the fan fiction created for our universe and provide easy access to finding them as well.

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okay now what?

So I guess now I need someone to turn my pile of ..., OUCH dottie quit that, well Bill's story into a book and then make a cover(i do have a picture in my head for it) and somehow post it to kindle or soemthing.

I am totally clueless in this requard so advise would be nice.


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What I am most thankful for.

What am I thankful for? Easy answers right, maybe not. The standard stuff applies here I have my family, my job, the roof over my head, but I am also very thankful for friends. I have two friends who know me now both have been my friends for many years and I was pretty sure they would be supportive. Talking to them has brought me to a better place, I can honestly say I was headed in a not so good direction and wasn't sure how it would have ended.

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Editing Problem with Summary/Teaser Window in Stories etc.

Basically, the latest update to one of the background parts of Drupal broke the mini-editor or rather the mini-editor's integration into the editing box. The mini-editor is the string of little boxes above the editing window that lets you automate inserting structured HTML into your stories, blogs and forum posts.

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