Blogs, Topics, Weblinks, Forms, Polls etc.

Early Movie With TG Character

I saw on TMC one of my favorite movies: Little Big Man. It has a character that was obviously transgendered: "Little Horse." She was accepted by the tribe as female. It was not a "big deal." However the general Western society is "too hung up" on sex causing problems for the GLBTQ communities.

Note: Little Horse was portrayed in a very honest way for the time and culture.



Today's my first day out of work. I'm not complaining, since I left my old job willingly and have a new one lined up - one I'm really looking forward to. Just feels odd not going into work today...

Anyway, we're busy packing for the move. If my comments or responses are slow-to-nonexistent for the next two weeks, that's why.

Wish me luck,



Just a question. If someone used the wrong pronouns regarding you, how would you respond? I went out for supper tonight and got called "sir" several times before my server seemed to have a change of heart and called me "Ma'am".

What would you have done?

I need to do more

For the past few days I have been helping out a very prominent member of the transgender community get her autobiography together and make it something people would want to read. It is amazing how much admiration I have for this person and the service that they did, but at the same time there is a sadness because I can feel the pain that they feel and see how certain people have taken advantage of her or have not accepted her.

An Unexpected Journey

...Or, There and Back Again. Once upon a time, in a hole in a hill there lived a...

Oh, wait a moment. Somebody has already done that one. Where was I? Oh, yes.

My eldest son, who lives in New York, has had an accident. His girlfriend is expecting twin daughters...

In order for him to be on the birth certificates, they have to be married, so we will be flying the pond at short notice.


Sephrena is back but her health is somewhat shaky. Please let her know that we have been thinking of her. She hopes to be able to do the things she enjoys doing here again very soon.


Going to publish my autobiography here exclusively

After thinking about my autobiography carefully, I've decided it will be made available here on Big Closet only. Sorry if that disappoints, but I have to try and balance my daughter's privacy vs my need to tell my story.

I'm going to publish chapter 1 today, and post a chapter every other day until its done, for those who do want to read it.

Huggles to all.

My Heart and Hope are with those friends in the UK

Unless the stories that I have been seeing are untrue, I fear for all of my dear friends and beloved authors in the South and Western parts of the British Isles. The storm that I have been hearing about coming towards you from the North Atlantic is terrifying to me and I'm in Florida where we do hurricanes. Again, I pray that these stories are untrue. In any case I will be holding all of you in my heart.


The Third Time's the Charm

I want to thank those who took time to make suggestions about the title of my story. I wasn't comfortable with anything I'd come up with, and unfortunately made a bad choice of words, purely unintentional, and I can understand some of the raised eyebrows. Okay, this is it. The story is now titled Simoné and the Second Time Around. I think that works pretty well.

Need Advice concerning Atalanta's Story. Readers Needed.

About a year ago I became enamored with Atalanta and her story from Greek mythology and I knew I had to write her. Several years earlier I read a story from Julie O "Fresh Start" that captured my imagination. The only gripe I had with that story was I felt the character in it was too helpless and dependent. I wrote several introductions to that story to satisfy my cravings. Atalanta was her antithesis so it felt natural to plop her into the same locale with similar elements and different outcomes using one of the introductions.

February contest question

I read about the contest but didn't have any inspiration. Finally it hit and I think I might have a story. However, I can't find the description of the 'February 2014 Beholden of the Heart Story" to make sure my idea fits. When I click on the 'February 2014 Beholden of the Heart Story' label in a story it takes me to a page listing the entries but not the contest itself. In my computer illiteracy am I missing the link?

I've run into this a few times before on other contests.

Is there anyway you can put up a link to the contest requirements?

Once Again My Insensitivity Comes Forth

I thought I had finally come up with a good title for my latest effort. Unfortunately, it was a bad choice. I apologize if I brought up unpleasant memories for anyone. If someone can come up with a better suggested title, I will certainly consider it. All I ask is that you read the story first. Meanwhile, I made a change, and the story is now called Simoné and Love's Triumph. I'm not happy with the title. I am very happy with the story.

Sorry, No Bike

Been on the phone to my needy friend, so no time to write tonight. I'm off to see my daughter tomorrow assuming I can traverse the flooding and survive the return journey, when a howling gale and more rain is forecast.

Life continues to shit all over me, and it appears I've been left off the list for helping with the TdF to add to my tale of woe. Assuming I survive my trip, I may do an episode tomorrow when I get home.

"Simoné and the Final Solution" Posted

I have posted a complete novella, Simoné and the Final Solution. It's too agonizing to post stories of this length in parts and get little response. I entered it in the Beholden of the Heart contest; however, I'm not sure it meets the criteria as the instructions seem to have disappeared. If it does not meet the criteria, I will withdraw it from the contest.

Pun Fun

There are more than a few blogs posted here that are real downers. After posting one the other day, I decided I needed to lighten the mood somewhat by sharing some literary humor (humour) that I came across.

But beware. If you have an aversion to puns, go no further.



From a website named Literary Magic;

What do I say here?

This is difficult. I don't know why to say. I have tears running down my cheeks and I don't know why but I don't care. So why am I posing. Not to ask for help although I feel desperate for it I don't need it. Let me tell you a true story although the typing may be bad, I really can't see the screen very well for tears. I think I will appear ver confused which may be true but that's aright (lol).

Location of readers

One of the things that make it hard for me to enjoy some of the stories on BCTS is the use of local or national phrases that are not known in other countries. Living in Australia, the big place south of India and China, we have some idea of what American terms are simply from the amount of TV supplied over the airwaves. Honestly though it is hard to understand the story lines without a point of reference, what does GPA or CAT mean with college scores, what are Sophomores or Juniors?


I can't believe how excited I am. I have just been given the opportunity of a lifetime. A very influential member of the trans community has asked me to help write their biography. And when I say influential, I'm talking on a national level. So for the next 5 days or so she will be crashing on my couch and I will be putting in 8-10 hour days at the keyboard. Not only is their a major publisher already involved, but a movie coming out in March (so we're rushing to print).

On Depression

I have suffered from mild to severe depression all my life. The Dr's told me that it was a chemical imbalance in my brain and it would never go away. Thankfully, HRT has mostly fixed that, but I should say my experience with HRT does not seem to be common.

Anyway, I have learned a few things that helped me with the depression and anxiety that I though I would share.

Back Again

I have just posted the next portion controlled segment of Havens Salvation. I will be making the postings smaller so there is not so much to digest at one time.

My farewell

In the past year I have found that my faith has taken me forward in my Christian life. I am a conservative Christian and I will say how I feel. I have been un friended by people because I do not say things that they want me to say. I am not at all ever going to be in alliance with a liberal stance. I do not stand by Cruz or Arnold Schwartzenneggar types in the republican party. I have for most of my life read each political bulletin that came out for each party. I prevue and read carefully what is being offered.

Looking for Artist

Hi as some of you may know, I recently published For The Fairest on kindle and if some of you have taken a look, you'd see that the cover of it has left a lot to be desired. So if you're an artist and liked to take a crack at drawing me a cool cover for it, I'd appreciate it greatly. PM me for more details if you're interested :)




I have a question for you all. and you may not have known her, but my mom was....someone I really idolized for her strength and tenacity. and there are many times I wanted to be like her.

Saved by the J.L.A.?

The title of this entry is "Saved by the J.L.A.?", and I'm sure someone reading that would wonder what was going on with me lately. I can see someone saying, "Geez, Dorothy. A couple of days ago you were talking about being rescued by Capt. Kirk from Star trek, and now you're saying a bunch of comic-book superheros saved you?"

But hang with me, it'll make sense.

See, I have been really struggling lately because I accidentally opened a mental door to one of the more dark areas in my brain, and seeing the amount of toxic sludge I have built up made me feel ill.

Hatbox: Funds Needed

We're still short of our goal for January right now, after the expense of replacing a drive, renewing domain names, my own dental bill of $900 and my sending some funds to Piper to help with medical bills. If you can, please contribute toward our goal

Here's the Amazon link: Hatbox.

Gifts can be sent via PayPal to me at joyce @ or checks or money orders to:

Joyce Melton
1001 Third St. #80
Calimesa, Ca 92320

Sorry All

Sorry all... My tablet's screen got broken in my bookbag, so I thought I would have SG 4 up by now... I'm getting it repaired (or a new one), but SG 4 should be up soon (I got 90% done). However, I might redo the chapter...

For The Fairest

Because of a financial situation, I'm going to try to publish some of my work on Kindle. I'm going to start with For The Fairest...if it does get accepted by Amazon, I'm sad to say I might have to take the story down from here.

I'll keep everyone informed of the status of this :)



I have failed, failed at writing( I haven't been able to write a word since I lost the ability to buy meds). I look at my kudos and see less then three hundred of them. I think I was deluding myself into believing I had some talent for writing. Yet another failure in my life. I fail to break out of my current prison, I fail to find work(averaging 3-10 applications and resume submissions a day).

Does kindle direct publishing....

Does kindle direct publishing even take short stories? Seems to me the only thing they handle is books; there are no mentions of any short stories at all. It's maddening, seems like amazon didn't even read my story before they circular filed it.

And on that note, anyone have another suggestion for me? online publishers that aren't complete asshats?


When I started this whole Hyperverse thing with Naughty or Ice in December I wasn't too sure how well it was going to be received. I thought that my crazy overactive imagination was lying to me when it insisted that posting that first story was a good idea. The response was amazing so I followed it up just over two weeks ago with Glitch! and then with the first chapter of Syryn's Song and A Star is Born.

Got my 2nd shot of Cortozone today for my foot

Got my 2nd shot of Cortozone today, and I guess that's it. The doc said I could get one more, but if this one doesn't do the trick, I may have no choice but to either live with this thing on my foot or see about surgery.

Meanwhile, I had a tough night of struggling with God, so please forgive me if I'm not my bright-eyed self ...

Damn that's a lot of work

Since I finished writing Lashes, I've returned to completing Twisted, a mystery novel involving Brenda Watson from Runway. I stopped writing the story about five years ago and am starting to edit and continue the novel, Wow, how things have changed. I had to rewrite several chapters because Arnold isn't the Govenor anymore. The novel is about half finished, 55000 words so far and it's really quite good. At the rate I'm going it should be finished by July and I'll start posting it then. If you'd like to know what the story is about, there is a teaser called Twisted in my story list.
