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I need help posting a story

I need your help. I have written my first story and I want to post the first chapter but I am nervous as a cat in a roomful of rocking chairs. I hope some of you writers that have done this can offer me a little help. My questions are simplistic I know but I want at least it to be submitted correctly.

This blog entry and the fiction entry shares some similarities. One is this area called Body where I'm writing this and where I assume I use to introduce the story. Is it also where I credit my editor? It is fanfiction for Whateley; is this also where I include disclaimers?

Apologies for Sporadic Posts

For those who like the work I post on this site, I apologize for the lack of updates to my three stories. Things were just too hectic in my real life to have time to write. So, the stories sat dormant. I am trying to get my stuff together to get back to writing again. I started working on the next part of Unfinished Business and hope to have it posted soon. For those of you who have messaged me, thank you for the support. I will try not to let you down.



Having just returned from Genetic counseling there were surprises.According to the Doctors there, a karyotype is no longer exclusively used to determine gender. She said there are at least two other factors that determine that. Androgen sensitivity is one and the other is very costly to isolate. For DES folk, she acknowledged that and said that there are many other substances beside that which cause birth defects.

i feel like a scam artist

Sometimes I really do feel like I'm a scam artist with all this writing stuff going on. It's the end of the month and end of the quarter so I am getting money from both Amazon and Smashwords. I don't know why but I always feel like it is found money, like I didn't do anything to deserve it. Sure, I strung a few sentences together in a semi-coherent way to make a story, but that's not work, it's fun. I think I need to put my writing in a different light because thinking that getting paid is scamming people really is belittle what I do.

Where did it go? Or was it me?

I do believe that sometime in the past 48 hours I encountered a piece as both story and blog, that seemed pretty heavy handedly proselytizing some religion. Of course, I noted that and just skipped it.
I thought today to look at it again in case I was being a bit too judgemental and it seems to be gone. Did I imagine it in the throes of BCTS withdrawls or what?


Dreaming of being pregnant

okay, twice in the last two days I have had dreams involving me becoming pregnant. In the first one, I found myself in Bible times and am blessed by a priest of God and told I will have a son. In the second one, I was possessed by a female ghost that somehow resulted in me becoming pregnant.

I am not an expert on dreams, and I know dreams dont always mean much, but two dreams in two days might mean something. One answer could be that I "give birth" to my stories, so maybe I will have a "son" that way.

Or maybe it means nothing at all, who knows?

My submissions will likely slow.

My submission speed is likely to slow, because I have lost internet. I am currently at my local library writing this. not only can i not live at the library, the unstable fung shui of my household has taken a dive due to the lack of internet, so my own writing has slowed. Please be patient with me.

As a side note, STILL no answer from amazon. Is there some secret I'm missing here? Some way to force them to at least tell me "no, your story sucks and we won't publish it!"?

A Notional Treason

A Notional Treason, a 42,000 word novel in the same setting as Wine Can't be Pressed into Grapes and When Wasps Make Honey, is now available from Smashwords in EPUB format, from Barnes and Noble for the Nook, and from Amazon in Kindle format.

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Sweat and Tears background

I wrote 'Sweat and Tears' to raise two issues. One of them was an attack on the 'forced fem' trope, which Dorothy has slapped down with her short-short. The other was as a condemnation of the abuse that has gone on for so long in care homes and places for young offenders.

Today, the BBC put this up:

Boys lying at the foot of a flight of stairs asking other boys to jump on their legs, hoping that breaking one would get them moved away.

New Feature @ TGFiction dot Net

So yesterday, when we were stuck waiting on the data-center to do their share of things, I finished the initial installation of a NEW feature for TGFiction dot Net.

Some of you may have noticed mention of it in the StoryPortal Fiction Network blogs, but in case you didn't.... You can now upload Microsoft Office Open XML Format (.docx) files and have them auto-converted to HTML.

Solo, not series

I recently posted one of my stories (The Human Cuckoo - Book One) from a trilogy I have published on Kindle, partly as a teaser. The story is complete and standalone.

Since I do not intend to publish the other two stories from the trilogy, I marked it complete and a solo. However, it keeps getting reclassified as a series, which it is not, and I suspect some software is seeing the Book One and automatically assuming there are going to be other books.

Is there any way of preventing this?

Seeing something else.

Hey everyone! I've just posted a new short story, 'Soma Ras.' There's another story that's being posted here on BCTS and after reading it, I saw something else other than what I think the author had mind. This is not a criticism of their writings, but like I said, I saw something else. Perhaps it is a cautionary tale because the fountain of youth and Elixirs of Life are legendary concerning the lengths people will go to attain them. From Gilgamesh to a certain rich old fart in Elrods Twisted story, the search for youth and health when we're at death's door brings out the worst in us.

They Sometimes Kill Children Don't They Ch2

I only put the "Caution" sign up for this chapter because it was quite draining for me to write, but I do not know how it will affect others. This project is not going to be the 100 or so pages I had thought for the simple reason, I will die if I keep dwelling on this story. I will post Chapter 2 in a few minutes

It is not as detailed as I thought it would be for the same reason. I apologize for the long delay between Chapters. Chapter 3, the final installment should be posted by the end of next week and that will be the end of this awful business.

Back at it.

Well it's been six weeks since I pulled the ligaments in my ankle and I decided to try to go back to dance class today to see how it would go. My ankle twinged a few times but I was careful to take breaks if I thought I was overdoing it and I was really happy that I had no issues doing a new dance we were learning to the music of Frank Sinatra's "It Had to Be You". The dance called for a lot of fancy footwork and I was able to get through it no problem though that was the second dance we did and I took a break immediately after to make sure I wasn't putting too much strain on it.

Lashes the final chapter

Well, this is it. I promised to finish this story and I have. Sorry about the condensed final chapter but I really didn't want to write all about Amanda's college life, nor did I want to spend a lot of time writing about every little thing that happened in high school. I think the important parts of her life happened during her formative years and not after she decided to complete puberty as a girl. There are plenty of stories detailing the excitement of high school life, but I just wasn't in the mood to write about that life myself.

WW II a plot?

While at the hospital yesterday, I listened to a program that came from either History Channel or the Military Channel about WWII, saying that the war was actually plotted by the very rich as a way to shift economic power to America. I am very deaf and require the use of powerful state of the art hearing aids that have the ability to focus on one single sound source. In spite of that capability, I could have misheard some of what was said.

New Story

It's been a while since I posted any new stories here, but my latest, Shadow of a Doubt, is up. I've entered a few local short story contests and even won one, but they were straight SF stories, no TG involved, so I haven't been posting them here. I've also been working on a TG superhero story that's been giving me tons of trouble, so I finally stopped to do a quick mystery. My goal here was to keep the story short and give all the clues needed to solve it. I'll wait a full week before posting part 2 to see if I got enough in there while still keeping it difficult.

I'm back.

So after about 3 weeks without internet im back. I nolonger live in maryland, I have moved to virginia beach which is why I didnt have any internet.i worked on "The hand we're dealt" a little bit, I have about 900ish words written for chapter 3. I love my new house its small but spacious on the in side. Im scared abo6t having a new school, jessica has only gone to one school. Now im in a new place new ppl, my whole base of support and ppl who know me for me is gone, and thats something I have to get back. Well thats all for now ill check back in l8r ttyl

Barret, Howard and the Thousand Choices

I just posted the first part of my newest endeavor. I've title it Barrett, Howard, and the Thousand Choices. That title might change if I can come up with a better one; however, it will be kept in the format of all the Cynthia Chronicles stories. This story follows very quickly after Adam and the Three Wishes which was received quite well here. I based the title on the decisions the two main characters are led to make. Some may eventually see a bit of a similarity to some recent stories Elrod has posted.

Secrets of the Living Dolls

I missed Secrets of the Living Dolls when it was shown on UK's Channel 4, but have just watched it on Catch Up. It's about those men who do the most extreme form of cross-dressing — wearing masks on their faces and bodysuits beneath their clothing to emulate sexy women. The programme is compulsive watching for anyone with an open mind.

Hello again!

Hello again all! For those who remember me, I used to post all kinds of stuff here. Sorry I've been gone so long. Kind of got burned out for a while and then got addicted to a game...where I met my fiance! ^_^ So got kind of distracted there... ;)

Anyway, all is very well indeed with me and my fiance has been prodding me for months to write again. She's a fan of Kittyhawk. ^^ So, I'm finally getting back into writing. No promises on when or how much, but, I do have 2 chapters ready to go now. First will be a chapter of Chrysalis because it links up with Kittyhawk. ^^

Reading while injured

This weekend I had real-life plans, then I took a tumble. Nothing too serious, but lots of bruises, a couple skinned knees and a sprained wrist (I landed hard). Despite the pain, I'm glad I fell; because I used my now "free" time to read the Maiden by Decree series by Maggie Finson.

Somehow, when this series came out (the Epilog came out in July 2010) I missed the opportunity to partake of this literary offering. BIG mistake.

The death and outing of Dr V. (real life events)

Today I stumbled across a article (via a article about ethics on Scientific American) written by Caleb Hannan at (some kind of Golf writers site I guess) The article is pretty much about how the writer investigated the maker of a new golf club, found out she had lied about her history, and education, and decided to out her to the world as trans. Oh, and she killed herself before the article was printed after trying her hardest to keep the writer from publishing it.

2013 book of the year and escaping the T

I am an egotistical person. I know that. You know that. People who never met me assume that. So, what does an egotistical person do? The put their name in google and search for themselves. And, that's what I did. In my defense, I was looking for reviews of Unreachable. Last week I sold 500 copies (which is a lot for a week) and I was curious if blogs had anything nice (or nasty) to say about me.

Then I come across this link:

I need to whine and get sympathy please?

I feel like a shameless drama queen tonight and really need a lot of sympathy and hugs. I know I am supposed to be this solid rock "Mom" type, but I'm having a weak moment that is about 9.0 on the Richter scale.

I'm sick, really sick, and don't feel good at all from that damnable flue. This stuff is bloody awful. Strangely, all the actual symptoms have moved on but I am just worn out, tired, discouraged, weepy, and whiny. I have been sleeping more than 12 hours a day and nothing has been getting done. All the dishes are dirty and the other room looks like a pig stye.

Apologies for the pause in Girl Lost - Girl Found

Hi folks and sorry I haven't been keeping up with my latest story Girl Lost - Girl Found. I haven't even been able to find the time to update the blog

The truth is, I have got tangled up in RL. Work beckons both on the house and earning a crust, which leaves little time for me to be creative. Right now I have the bathroom to finish tiling and building the airing cupboard to, and soon, I will be building a thirty chicken chicken coop for a customer nearby - no mean feat, I can tell you.

Drive Failure

We had a drive failure on the BigCloset server. We're limping along right now but we've ordered a new drive and will attempt to get it installed as soon as it arrives in Denver, probably tomorrow or Saturday.

Since this is the boot drive for the main server, this will cause a certain amount of outage time, estimated 4 to 30 hours, depending on how quickly Denver gets the new drive imaged with the right version of Linux, etc.

Writing smut

For the most part, I've avoided writing any graphic sexual content. It's not that I don't think that there is a place for it, just not in my writing. Mostly it's been because I write about kids and that's just icky and wrong. In the past if I wrote anything sexual it was to show the true horrors of sexual abuse and was never intended to be for arousal.

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Car Problems

I Just got a new job that is to start on the 27th of this month. While was on my to a backup interview just in case something changed in the status of a job then my car died on the way. I am trying to get it towed to a repair place and have it fixed which looks like it was an alternator issue.

I am hoping my sister can help get it towed for me and pay for the repairs until I get a paycheck then buy a another car because this one is in reposession status.

My new job pays well over 60,000 a year but I need the car to last until I get the first check then get another car.

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Must be doing something right

Had an interesting moment at work last night. I was talking to a co-worker about the trans thing, and she told me that the first time I mentioned it, she couldn't believe it - I was far too feminine to have ever been a boy ...

Must be doing something right, no?

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Another Story Done

Well, almost done. I’ve one more run to make on ‘The World Turned Upside Down,’ before I am ready to release the finished product on an unsuspecting world. It has been an endevor that has taken me over three and a hald years to complete. It is, however, a story I can say I am proud of and enjoyed writing.

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Is there interest?

So, before I tackle another major novel I am writing a smaller piece (which will soon get away from me and be a mid sized novel). But, is there any interest in this community to see a mtf/ftm romance. I am currently working on one, but mostly it's so Felix doesn't feel left out of my writing (which he doesn't read anyway, so that goes to show how good of an author I am, I can't get my own BF to read my work).

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good news about my foot

Well, I have some good news about my foot. My doctor had sent my information to a foot clinic, and I went there today, and the doctor there assured me that the growth isn't cancer, that its just scar tissue, and gave me a steroid shot to help start the healing process. I will need at least a couple more of these shots, one every two weeks, and hopefully, that will be the end of that.

I'm super glad.

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I have to give major Kudos and Aww to All You Authors.

I had contacted Authors and universe Creators about writing in there universe when I had the down time at work. I had High Hopes and lots of Solid Ideas, but when I put my self down to write my muse refused to cooperate every time. For those of you that your muse will feed you ideas and help you write stories I have to tip my hat to you. My muse no matter how much I tried to cares it cox it and reason with it would give up ideas but would never help me compose those ideas into stories that people could read. I miss my High School days when it did but now it does not.

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And there was rejoicing!

It's been about a month and my book, "Heroes of Justice" available on Amazon Kindle has reached my estimate in sales. About 25 have been sold. Of course I hoped for more, but that was my realistic expectation.

I'm trying to get my next Kindle project, 'Once the Hero' cleaned up to be posted now, but if you have purchased a copy of HOJ please leave a review! Each one helps seperate my work from all the others in that popular genre.

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Havens Salvation 2-3

I have just posted the next segment of Havens Salvation. I am hoping that this is an original story not based on any others work. It is hard to know for sure beings I have read so many stories both here and in other circles but a extensive check of my memory I can not find any thing like this elsewhere.
I am trying to bring the characters alive for my audience giving the people you read about warm flesh and blood reactions to there environment and to each other. You my audience will be the final judge of that.

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Katie and Arin move on

I was saddened to read that the famous se-change couple Katie Hill and Arin Andrews had parted. It was a wonderful story whilst it lasted of a boy who became a beautiful young woman and a pretty girl who became a handsome young guy. Having said that they are young and it shows how Katie has blossomed and is now very content and living as normal a life in university as other students. I often feel the younger generation is more accepting of situations and I hope Katie finds happiness and future success since she was very brave.

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