I am taking that no one minds these little updates and it does keep me honest and accountable.
So. Where are we. Okay. I didn't start working out these week even though I said I wanted to. I've been battling a cold and a cough so getting on an exercise bike wasn't my top priority. Hopefully I kick this cold soon, because I hate being sick.
Still haven't had fast food so I think this is over three weeks now or somewhere close. Sometimes it is a real struggle not to pull into the McDonald's drive thru at the end of my route, but I've been good. The key has been making sure I eat enough for dinner or having something in the car with me that I can snack on. 100 calories worth of chips sure beats 1000 calories worth of McDonalds.
The other thing I've done is switch from Gatorade to water while on my route. My routine has been to fill up a 64 oz bottle of Gatorade at the Racetrack gas station (cost a $1 and used to be free). Some nights I would drink all of it and some nights just half. But I decided to get a Brita water filter and have water. One night I had Kool-aid.
There have been setbacks.
First Saturday Felix got Chinese food. Not healthy, especially the quantity. If we do it again I am going to cut it in half and make two meals out of it. Then Sunday we had Pizza. Two nights eating out, not good. But with the pizza, it was a medium and I had 4 slices (better than a whole pie).
551 pounds.
Losing 4.5 lbs this week is a good start. If I do that for 100 weeks I'll be dead. But it is moving in the right direction. Total loss so far is roughly 6 lbs, maybe more because the first week the scale wasn't level. I hope to get to 500 by the end of July. I am still urinating far too often and my theory is there is too much weight pushing on my kidneys and bladder.
Thank you, this has been a full report.
Chinese food
[giggle] Westerners always make such a big deal out of food quantity. Chinese food is served in big portions because us asians can't be satisfied with the tiny pigeon-like portions that westerners eat. You should've seen how we eat here in Malaysia, for example, if we order a plate of rice, we expect a plate-full of rice and nothing less, but hopefully a lot more. These aren't tiny saucer plates, mind you, many girls can even have seconds. It's all a matter of whether or not your body can handle it.
I heard Chinese food in the states are obsessed with MSG, to get people addicted. If that's true, then, it really is not healthy. You can try the vegetables, like kai lan, spinach or the chow mein, though. That brings the point, what food do you have in the states that is not fattening? My cousin studied in Utah and she complained that there's not much to eat around there. Halal food is one thing, but she claimed that there was really nothing to eat there. She had to ask her mother to mail her Malaysian ingredients, because otherwise she would have to be content with tasteless vegetarian food or disgusting milkshakes.
Personally, I like vegetarian foods, though being a carnivorous meat lover, I prefer real meat. I want to give you a healthy, but still tasty food recipe, but I'm not sure if you will have the ingredients over there or if your tongue will be able to handle it.
There is nothing better than a very hot and spicy food that make you sweat like a pig while dieting. Gosh, I'm salivating, and I don't even need the diet.
I can try
I can try a recipe. Never hurts to see if we have the ingredients.
Chinese food here is probably much different. It is a lot of deep fried and breaded things. Very heavy. You eat it and pray for a coma.
Katie Leone (Katie-Leone.com)
Writing is what you do when you put pen to paper, being an author is what you do when you bring words to life
I cook a lot of Chinese food
And very little is deep fried or breaded. The key is to get a good authentic Chinese recipe. Wet cooking (steaming) is good. wok cooking (and you don't even need a wok) doesn't have a lot of oil unless you deliberately put it in. Many of my favorite recipes are also quite healthy. But you MUST find a source of authentic spices. Chicken cooked in water (makes a wonderful broth for later) with star anise is to die for, and it's quite healthy. If you want a recipe or two, let me know, and I'll send you my favorites.
And it's neither heavy nor that "you're hungry an hour later" stuff.
Imagination is more important than knowledge
A. Einstein
Let me see what I can get. I have recipes for personal favourites, but the ingredients (spices) are quite localized. Heck, if you can't find the ingredients over there, maybe we can make a join venture business. You sell the spices over there, I send it from here. Gosh, that sounds like an awesome business opportunity.
Sounds like good progress,
Sounds like good progress, Katie, keep it up! You've got a plan: get over the cold, start on the bike, stay away from the fast food and the empty calorie drinks, portion control. Good job!
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
:-) slow and easy
A bit too good
Oh Katie,
4.5 pounds is more than a good weight loss in a week. Doctors will tell you more than 3 pounds in a week is not really a good idea in the long run. So don't worry about the minor set backs you're doing great. Losing weight is hard work.
Small changes in eating habits can have big results. Cutting out fast food seems a small thing, but it is huge in results. As you pointed out it's easy to top 1000 calories at the drive through. When I'm forced to do fast food I try it get a grilled chicken sandwich and throw away everything but the meat. The grease in any of the other offerings is way over the top in the calorie department.
Keep up the good work.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
Can do it.
You are in this for the long haul, and know it - that's good, and well done on deciding to DO something.
I don't have a big weight problem, but a few years ago I realised my ageing metabolism couldn't support adolescent eating habits, even with regular exercise. So, so easy to overeat. Go Katie.
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."
So how are you doing??? Btw,
So how are you doing??? Btw, if you start making your own food instead of getting take away/fast food you will be much more concious of what you are eating, which will help alot when you are trying to loose weight.