Dear Miss Brown:
I was very concerned when I saw your blog.
However, it occurs to me that perhaps you are looking for some inspiration.
Perhaps a glance at other works that I admire may be of help to you.
Have you read Changes? I highly recommend it and, oh wait, that's one of yours.
Well, how about Football Girl.
Now that's a great story. Whoops, that's one of yours also.
I've got it.
I really liked The Green Fog.
That was unusual yet highly entertaining and...
Darn, I've done it again.
Well, in any event, please continue to write.
You have a true gift.
I liked all of the above...
...including her take on A Christmas Carol, as well as her--uh, twist on Oliver Twist. Not to mention a little gem called Home Alone, my personal favorite. Her work was one of the reasons for my joining this site, and I'm forever grateful for that. Now that I think about it, I might read Home Alone again.
Livin' A Ragtime Life,

I also recommend "To Catch a Thief"
Oh pooo That's one of Sue's as well. Oh well, I - LIKE- Sue's writing. I have yet to read a 'dud' she has 'penned'. (The quotation marks are around 'penned', because I doubt Sue actually uses a pen. - Just a silly theory of mine, but I'm sticking with it.) I just reread "TCaT" and loved it this time too.
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.
....while past performance does not necessarily indicate future success, your observations hopefully will demonstrate just how good Ms. Brown is in writing all sorts of stories! Way to go!
Love, Andrea Lena
When I see "Sue Brown" on a
When I see "Sue Brown" on a story, I know it's a mark of quality!
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
I have to agree The green fog
I have to agree The green fog and Football girl were great stories. My favorite of your works though is definitely Changes, I have waited hoping to see book 3 written since you hinted at the plot in book 2.
I have also been hoping to see the 2 Christmas Changes stories merge into the main story line more. Penmaris is without a doubt one of your greatest settings, it makes me want to live there.
Big hugs
Lizzie :)
Bailey's Angel
The Godmother :p
You have been missed...
I was waiting patiently for the next installment of "Get a Life". I had sent you a PM, but it was lost during the server kerfuffle. Basically you are one of the better writers, I would hate to see you stop.
Unqualified Praise Can Be A Two-Edged Sword
I'm not sure Sue is looking for inspiration. She seems to have plenty of that.
I know she isn't fishing for compliments, well earned though they no doubt are.
I think she's apologising, and I can understand why.
The ethos of this site is laudable. It encourages people to write about a subject that affects many of them deeply, in the hope that doing so will make them feel better about themselves both as authors and as individuals.
There is, however, the possibility that too much praise can cause some writers to feel as if they've over-reached themselves. That happened to me with the 'Master Stokes' story. It took on a life of its own, dragged me in a direction I'd never intended to go.
A professional writer would have taken that in her stride. Not being one, I had no choice but to bring it to a conclusion. I was aiming for excellence, and fell short of it.
Eagle-eyed users may have noticed that my output since then has not been of a uniformly high standard.
But that's the way it goes. I'll rise to great heights again. Yet if I thought that readers were hanging on my every word, it would only slow things down.
And I suspect that Sue might feel the same.
Enough! I hear you cry.
Here's my entry for the theme to 'Get A Life'. If it's ever filmed, it should be played at the very start when the protagonist's on the overnight train to Scotland.