2014-02 February Beholden of the Heart Story Contest

The Parchment Chapter 19-20 The Finale

Heart of12379719-crop.pngthe Beholden.

One. I’m Chinese. Yes I’m one of those
adopted out of China babies.

Two. I’m a girl. Well I’m a girl on the inside.

Where nobody knows...

The Parchment

Chapter 19-20

By Bailey Summers
Copyright© 2014 Bailey Summers
All Rights Reserved.


Image Credits: Title Picture purchased and licensed for publishing from

123rf.com. The model in this image in no way supports nor conveys the issues and situations brought up within the story. The models use within this work is solely for the representation of looks of the main character of this particular story. ~Sephrena


“I’m pretty, I’m young, I’m fucking real you little tranny slut you don’t thin k they’ll believe me? Believe us? You cause shit like this and Alex’s dad’ll have a relapse.”
(Sniffle-cough-small-voice…) “Relapse…?”

“He had a heart attack…you don’t think you’ll make it worse? I’ll make sure you do.”

………………………… “It’s not okay! Goddamn it! It’s not okay!”

“Take me to the airport.”
“Jade no…”
“TAKE ME TO THE AIRPORT!!!” I’m screaming, I don’t mean to be screaming but I am until she’s holding me tight.
“Okay, okay…We’ll go.”
I’m still shaking and crying as she leads me to the rental car parked nearby and my things are inside. She gets me inside and carefully closes the door and we start driving away from the hospital, away from Alex and my hopes.

*And Now….

The Parchment Chapter 18

Heart of12379719-crop.pngthe Beholden.

One. I’m Chinese. Yes I’m one of those
adopted out of China babies.

Two. I’m a girl. Well I’m a girl on the inside.

Where nobody knows...

The Parchment

Chapter 18

By Bailey Summers
Copyright© 2014 Bailey Summers
All Rights Reserved.


Image Credits: Title Picture purchased and licensed for publishing from

123rf.com. The model in this image in no way supports nor conveys the issues and situations brought up within the story. The models use within this work is solely for the representation of looks of the main character of this particular story. ~Sephrena


It’s awhile…a long nervous while with too much water drank because on me and my stupid dry mouthed nerves and I look at Nat. “I gotta go pee, keep a look out for Alex please.”

“I will hog tie that boy if I have too.”

I do the have to pee run to the washrooms and do my business and I go to wash my hands and I actually get a hard shove from my blindside that send me stumbling.

“I told you that was her, I told you that was the little bitch that made me look bad at the Convention and on Facebook.”

I look and it’s Donna and three friends and they all look mad and bitchy and before I can say anything she slaps me in the mouth really hard and knocks me to the floor!

*And Now…

The Parchment Chapter 17

Heart of12379719-crop.pngthe Beholden.

One. I’m Chinese. Yes I’m one of those
adopted out of China babies.

Two. I’m a girl. Well I’m a girl on the inside.

Where nobody knows...

The Parchment

Chapter 17

By Bailey Summers
Copyright© 2014 Bailey Summers
All Rights Reserved.

The Parchment Chapter 16

Heart of12379719-crop.pngthe Beholden.

One. I’m Chinese. Yes I’m one of those
adopted out of China babies.

Two. I’m a girl. Well I’m a girl on the inside.

Where nobody knows...

The Parchment

Chapter 16

By Bailey Summers
Copyright© 2014 Bailey Summers
All Rights Reserved.

The Parchment Chapter 15

Heart of12379719-crop.pngthe Beholden.

One. I’m Chinese. Yes I’m one of those
adopted out of China babies.

Two. I’m a girl. Well I’m a girl on the inside.

Where nobody knows...

The Parchment

Chapter 15

By Bailey Summers
Copyright© 2014 Bailey Summers
All Rights Reserved.

The Parchment Chapter 14

Heart of12379719-crop.pngthe Beholden.

One. I’m Chinese. Yes I’m one of those
adopted out of China babies.

Two. I’m a girl. Well I’m a girl on the inside.

Where nobody knows...

The Parchment

Chapter 14

By Bailey Summers
Copyright© 2014 Bailey Summers
All Rights Reserved.

The Parchment Chapter 13

Heart of12379719-crop.pngthe Beholden.

One. I’m Chinese. Yes I’m one of those
adopted out of China babies.

Two. I’m a girl. Well I’m a girl on the inside.

Where nobody knows...

The Parchment

Chapter 13

By Bailey Summers
Copyright© 2014 Bailey Summers
All Rights Reserved.

Gandhi’s Instruction Leads to Kinship - 3

Gandhi’s Instruction Leads to Kinship - 3

Having been abusive to five gay and lesbian students, Brad has agreed to act as one of them for a full year. This is in place of being incarirated for seven years as an adult.

The Parchment Chapter 12

Heart of12379719-crop.pngthe Beholden

One. I’m Chinese. Yes I’m one of those
adopted out of China babies.

Two. I’m a girl. Well I’m a girl on the inside.

Where nobody knows...

The Parchment

Chapter 12

By Bailey Summers
Copyright© 2014 Bailey Summers
All Rights Reserved.

Cat Stop Loving You

Heart of12379719-crop.pngthe Beholden.

James wants to tell Kat that he see's her as more than a friend since her powers activated and she went through her big change. He's uncertain enough about the whole thing, but when a fire at school triggers his own H Chromosomes to activate how can he possibly tell her when his own changes give him even more cause for doubt?


Cat Stop Loving You

“I don’t recall ever calling myself that, but yeah, I moved some people in that school to safety,” I admitted. “It was really no big deal; it must be a slow news day.”

TopShelf's February 2014 Beholden of the Heart Story Contest

February 2014
Beholden of the Heart
Story Contest
Contest Starts February 1, 2014!

Updated Contest Information Inside!
Please Read!!

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 


An uncertain future

Heart of12379719-crop.pngthe Beholden.

Adele and Gerry. By Allexcited69...diairies of a tortured soul ...en 3 parties (short story)
(RandyAndy 123 is allexcited69)

Warning: this short story entails nudity, graphic language, fetichism and topics of sexual content of the non vanilla variety.All names and places are fictitious. The story is authored by Allexcited69, pseudonym for its author and all reproduction is prohibited without the express agreement of its author.

The Parchment Chapter 11

Heart of12379719-crop.pngthe Beholden.
One. I’m Chinese. Yes I’m one of those
adopted out of China babies.

Two. I’m a girl. Well I’m a girl on the inside.

Where nobody knows...

The Parchment
Chapter 11

By Bailey Summers
Copyright© 2014 Bailey Summers
All Rights Reserved.

Gr8 Green Chapter 3: The Apocalypse and Salvation

Chapter 3: The Apocalypse and Salvation
Heart of12379719-crop.pngthe Beholden.
In the Northeast Correctional Complex in Johnson County, Tennessee, Warren Wheeler had managed to toe the line while in prison making himself a model prisoner, at least to outward appearances. That his wife had divorced him while incarcerated ate at him. After completing 18 months, he was informed he would be released June 1. With the other prisoners facing release, they were moved into a prep center within the prison to ease the transition from prison life to freedom. Tuesday evening after memorial day he sat with the others watching the news. All were amazed at the story about the two kids who rebuilt a derelict car and won a street legal drag competition. Of course their mood quickly changed when they learned one teen was a transsexual and the other was her boyfriend.

The Parchment Chapter 10

Heart of12379719-crop.pngthe Beholden.

One. I’m Chinese. Yes I’m one of those
adopted out of China babies.

Two. I’m a girl. Well I’m a girl on the inside.

Where nobody knows...

The Parchment

Chapter 10

By Bailey Summers
Copyright© 2014 Bailey Summers
All Rights Reserved.

The Parchment Chapter 9

Heart of12379719-crop.pngthe Beholden.

One. I’m Chinese. Yes I’m one of those
adopted out of China babies.

Two. I’m a girl. Well I’m a girl on the inside.

Where nobody knows...

The Parchment

Chapter 9

By Bailey Summers
Copyright © 2014 Bailey Summers
All Rights Reserved.

Gr8 Green: Chapter 2: From Ostracized to Earning Respect

Chapter 2: From Ostracized to Earning Respect

Heart of12379719-crop.pngthe Beholden.

Karl and Kathan maintained an age appropriate relationship. When off the homestead they kept their best buddy image intact being cautious so they would not risk anyone seeing something that might reinforce the rumors they were gay. It was only on the homestead that they held hands and sometimes cuddled. Neither felt comfortable enough with their situation to even try a kiss.

However even their cautiousness could not hide the change in their relationship from Dinky. “Boys, I’ve seen a lot during my life. A lot of it hasn’t been pretty. I know there are rumors that you’re gay.”

Karl and Kathan stiffened and exchanged fearful glances. They already knew gays were not welcome in their section of West Virginia and feared their mentoring relationship with Dinky was about to come crashing down.

Gandhi’s Instruction Leads to Kinship

Heart of12379719-crop.pngthe Beholden.
Gandhi’s Instruction Leads to Kinship

By Jessica C

(Caution: This story talks about violence, gender bigotry and personal relationships. Depending on one’s viewpoint it could be seen going too far or not far enough. Bradley Lincoln is an offender has been part of the so called silent majority to a fault and may end up in relationships that are contrary to where he’s been. The story bases itself in part from a smaller story within the film Gandhi.)

Gr8 Green

Gr8 Green

By Jennifer Sue

Heart of12379719-crop.pngthe Beholden.

“That brings up another issue,” Brenda continued. “Kathan, you are well into puberty as a boy. It will be difficult to reverse so I’m afraid you won’t make a convincing girl.”

“That’s why I need to get on testosterone blockers ASAP,” Kathan vehemently declared. “I know I can’t just start being a girl but I can stop being a boy. I’ll go androgynous for now.”

“Androgynous...” Brenda stated the word slowly. “So how do you think your classmates will respond to that?”

“I don’t care how they respond,” Kathan affirmed. “They don’t like us now. They already assume we’re gay. My being androgynous will not significantly change their perceptions. Look, I’m not stupid. I’m not going to suddenly go all girly. All I’m going to do for now is to completely stop pretending to be a boy. I’ll be like a die-hard tomboy... a girl dressed in boy’s clothes. I’d like to see a doctor to get the blockers but I doubt if there is any doctor nearby who would cooperate. Somehow, I need to get blockers.”

The Parchment Chapter 8

Heart of12379719-crop.pngthe Beholden.

One. I’m Chinese. Yes I’m one of those
adopted out of China babies.

Two. I’m a girl. Well I’m a girl on the inside.

Where nobody knows...

The Parchment

Chapter 8

By Bailey Summers
Copyright © 2014 Bailey Summers
All Rights Reserved.

The Parchment Chapter 7

Heart of12379719-crop.pngthe Beholden.

One. I’m Chinese. Yes I’m one of those
adopted out of China babies.

Two. I’m a girl. Well I’m a girl on the inside.

Where nobody knows...

The Parchment

Chapter 7

By Bailey Summers
Copyright © 2014 Bailey Summers
All Rights Reserved.

The Parchment Chapter 6

Heart of12379719-crop.pngthe Beholden.

The Parchment Chapter 6


I get thrill bumps as the band goes from playing to the D.J. cueing up and sliding us into *Golden Years* By David Bowie…and yeah just like that really cool Ren-Dance scene from the Heath Leger Movie *A Knight’s Tale*

Clap in the air…hold hands…promenade around each other…hold hands and bow/curtsey twice once per hand…arm swish and promenade…turn round each other…dip the knees facing each other…circle again…clap in the air…swish arms and mosey and spin turn…tea pinkie walk and face others in a group and…long promenade while arm swishing to the end of the dance floor…hop and turn…

And then it starts…

“Golden years… gold, whop, whop, whop…”
“Golden years… gold, whop, whop, whop…”
“Golden years… gold, whop, whop, whop…”
“Don’t let me hear that life’s not taking you anywhere…Angel….!

*And Now…

Luck of the Draw

Luck of the Draw.jpg

Heart of12379719-crop.pngthe Beholden.

Chris’s class would be assigned their first romantic partners. It was an event they all looked forward to. For two months the boys would get to know their first girlfriends.

At least, that’s what Chris thought the plan was.

Sometimes things don’t go the way you expect. It’s just the luck of the draw.

Author’s Note: This is not the usual transformation story I write. I decided to step out of my comfort zone for the contest. While I still hope you enjoy it, I would request additional feedback since this is a new style for me. Thank you.

The Parchment Chapter 5

Heart of12379719-crop.pngthe Beholden.

The Parchment Chapter 5

Donna turns on me and she throws the scroll case at me whacking me in the face with it. “You effing little gold digger!”
She’s actually grabbed at that point and I’m holding my eye because she whacked me there with it and yeah…ow…
They’re pulling her away and she’s looking at Alex and she goes all pleady.
“Alex! Alex please don’t let them do this! We’ve been friends for a long time!”
Alexander looks at her. “We might go to school together but now I’m pretty sure that we’ve never really been friends Donna.”
They leave taking her out and she’s causing s a scene the whole way out and Alexander looks at me and he actually reaches down and takes a drink of his cider and says after it in this very elven mannered way.
“I’d have called her a gold digger but I honestly don’t think I dislike dwarves enough to insult them so.”

*And Now…

The Parchment Chapter 4

Heart of12379719-crop.pngthe Beholden.

The Parchment Chapter 4

“My good fortune for meeting a lady of integrity.”

Oh…I look at him as he moves up and he goes from holding my fingers to walking and holding my hand but in this kinda fantasy way and he guides us to the hostess.

It feels…

It feels like all that stuff that I was scared and being nervous about from before but just in a whole new way…like the butterflies I had somehow changed colors inside of me or something and I’m feeling all my clothes and the way that I’m dressed and the way that I’m breathing and it’s not bad but it’s just so….

I don’t know but it’s a good thing…he knows and we’re still cosplaying and yet there is part of me, part of Jade that’s being led to our table and she’s…I’m…

I know it’s not like right but I feel like Mulan when people found her out and it didn’t matter.

Oh…and it’s really nice in here.

*And Now…

The Parchment Chapter 3

Heart of12379719-crop.pngthe Beholden.

The Parchment Chapter 3


I’m holding it in my hands and I’m trying like crazy not to sweat or fidget or pace while I’m waiting.

It’s not working and oh-boy do I ever feel every not-there bit of what I’m wearing…I feel exposed and while I think I’ve gotten a look or two I’m not sure what they mean and if…

My tummy kind of hurts a little.

I am pacing…just a little and I wasn’t facing the foyer when I hear a guy’s voice.

“Excuse me, my lady? Could I ask where you got the scroll case that you’re now carrying?”

I turn and he’s….

*And Now…

The Parchment Chapter 2

Heart of12379719-crop.pngthe Beholden.

The Parchment Chapter 2


I almost get to the door when my heart pulls me back and my whole sense of fair play kicks in. I reach down and I pick up the tube and it’s made up to look like a scroll case and I put it in my shoulder bag and I head out from the Con to my room and get changed into some regular just hanging out lounging clothes and I order some room service.

Then I’m just sitting there in my Hello Kitty sweatpants and my Gungrave tee-shirt with my cards and comics looking at the scroll case.

Should I open it?

*And Now…

The Parchment Chapter 1

Heart of12379719-crop.pngthe Beholden.

The Parchment Chapter 1

I fall onto the hotel bed and I let out a big sigh and a squee and hug the pillow. I’m here at my first Con and I’m super excited. More than excited because I can really be me here and I’m free from the shitty stuff in my life.

I’m adopted and while that’s not a bad thing and my folks are kind of cool they’re just really kind of normal and my hometown is really, really kind of normal and I am not.

Super not.

Well for one I’m Chinese. Yes I’m one of those adopted out of China babies. Two I’m a girl. Well I’m a girl on the inside.

Where nobody knows.

Subscribe to 2014-02 February Beholden of the Heart Story Contest