A Very Sad Day

I had to go to Wal-Mart a few weeks ago because I can get some things there at a better price. Wal-Mart is never an enjoyable experience, but I endure it. As I was leaving with my stash I heard a voice to my left. "Sir, I will give you a hundred dollars if you will take me to the VA Hospital." He was in his thirties, close cropped hair, and he had a severe limp. His head was scarred. He was thrusting a hundred dollar bill in my direction. He had a large suitcase on rollers. I knew immediately that he was the real thing.

I said, "There's no way I'm going to take you to the VA for a hundred dollars. I wouldn't charge you a penny. Let's go." I asked him why he was outside Wal-Mart trying to get to the VA Hospital. It seemed that he and his girlfriend had a falling out. He started crying when he told me. He'd just gotten out of a VA program a few days ago, but apparently had some problems with her, and she dumped him. He'd been a team leader in Iraq. He was an E-5 (Sergeant). He'd gone through one IED explosion and had lost companions. Although he was not physically hurt, he said the mental anguish was terrible. The second IED got him in 2003. His right arm, wrist and hand were shattered. His leg was broken in several places and his head was crushed. He suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury. That was very evident as he has speech problems.

He is 100 percent disabled, but as he put it, he is more than 450 percent disabled. He had a house and car but lost them through "bad decisions". His compensation is quite good, about $6,000 a month according to him, but it can't come close to pay for what was done to him. He is bitter, and I don't blame him one bit.

We sent our finest to Iraq (and Afghanistan for that matter). We bring them back in body bags, as psychologically damaged young men and women, crippled, horribly disfigured, multi limbed amputees, severely brain damaged young men and women who will never be able to function in society. To what end?

I left him off at the VA Hospital Emergency Room. I shook his mangled right hand. I should have given him a hug. I will probably never see him again, but who knows. When is this idiocy going to end?

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