I've basically been stalled on the writing projects I've been working on for a while. I kind of know where I want to take them, but sitting down and getting stuff written has been hard. But last night, on a whim, I was poking through Melanie Ezell's Ultimate Writer's Challenge, one of the challenges caught my eye, and now I'm over 2000 words in to a new story. I even have an actual plan for where the rest of it is going (at least in broad strokes), which is something of a new feeling. There are certainly details I need to nail down, but I'll storm those bridges as I reach them. And hopefully getting this story out on paper (on screen?) will get the words flowing for the others, too.
Best of luck!
I'm glad to see the challenges are doing their job! I can't wait to see what you come up with!
Melanie E.
Fickle Muse
I know the feeling. The worst part for me is finding an ending. So many story ideas for me just run on and on and... I'm not the kind of writer who can stay with one storyline long term. Mostly what I write would qualify for a short story.
I also write in another (unnamed) genre, under another (undisclosed) pen name. (I keep them separate as they are mutually exclusive.) I have a story there that I've been working on for nearly two years, and it just keeps unfolding. I thought I'd finally be able to bring it to a conclusion last December and RL got in the way. When I got back to it I'd lost the impetus. After many false starts, I was able to bring it to conclusion the last weekend. Now comes the grueling task of editing and revising. Hopefully I won't short change the work and apply due diligence to the task. This is the long over due, promised sequel to a previous work and the temptation is to call it good, because I've been back through the bulk of it many times trying to pickup the momentum to finish it many times.
Wish me luck.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann