Over 13 years after I posted my tg fiction story, I'm changing my writing handle. Danielle J is now Daniel Thomas. There are a couple of reasons for this.
My wife approves of this writing name.
I'm about to publish my first story at Amazon. It is a brand new one that's not been presented to readers before. More details and a link coming in the next few days.
I am also going to unpublish some of my older work before trying to sell it at Amazon.
I will be possibly writing on different topics at Amazon too. Dear wife wants me to write about her family surviving the typhoon last year.
This is not a April Fools joke. And you ask- why would it be?
April fool
Here, april fool officially starts in 30 minutes. Anyway, all the best in your endeavour. Tell me how it's going with the amazon thing.
Wish I hadn't missed this.
Kept looking for Danielle J. As one of the few TG authors on here who writes NON White to White tranformations you're always a breath of fresh air. You're also in the minority of writing white male to Asian female transformations. Worried you unpublished the stories to just pull them down in general. Oh and I don't know if I can think of you except as Danielle J., so used to it.