For the last couple of days, I've been dealing with a terrible pain in my teeth. I tried going to the emergency dental clinic, but the earliest I can get in to see someone is tomorrow afternoon.
Its kept me from getting a lot of writing done, so Jaci's story is gonna be delayed.
if you can get someone to get it, anbesol maximum is a great relief, i had lots of dental issues, and using it on the gums more than the teeth deadens the nerves transmitting the pain.
hope it will help
Teresa L.
If it's an abscess, try hot, salty water. As hot as you can stand it. Sometimes your grandmother's remedies really are the best.
I do NOT recommend the course of action I've linked to below, though it helped me through many a night I might otherwise have spent walking the floor.
So, How's the Tooth Situation, Today?
Sure hope you are feeling better. Take care of your teeth.