TopShelf Blogs

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God love the forgotten Child....

OK. I have spread myself WAY too thin. :-(

....did not expect to be 'ditched' by the muse.

Summer of Love ...while SO not forgotten.... is being pushed aside while I struggle to advance "Secondhand Life" and "Roomies".

My imagination reels with all three tales, but 2HL & Roomies have ....connectable dots... while SOL has been pushed aside.

Ironic... since SOL is the most fleshed out narrative in my mind.... which, ...maybe, is why I think it's the best able to wait....

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New Shadowsblade up!

Well come and get it!

new story posted and I hope you all like it

writing this part took some time and I had to run a razors edge trying to balance out a plot that put the characters in jeopardy and kept the readers happy...its hard to swing a story arch this way...into the darkness.

have fun you all and post you notes input or what you want to

do note you can PM me at anytime!

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New Short Story: Legends

I just wanted to let everyone know that I've just posted a new short story, Legends. If you've already read it since I posted it, I have just revised it (fixed the typos, hopefully all of them, and added some extra bits to the story). I want to add that the story is a mix of mystery, a puzzle of the past, and a hodgepodge mixture of science fiction, magic, mythology, gods and the continuation of a long-standing vendetta. Creating the main character's voice and how he tells his story was hard and--in the end--very satisfying.

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Asking for your input again (a poll)

Okay, so I thought I'd take another stab at this poll thing. This time around, I have a few new stories to the list and instead of choosing one story. Each idea on a scale can be rated from 0 to 5.

Please follow the link to vote.

I'll repost the full text of the blog here, but due to technical limitations the only way to answer the poll is on my website.

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Very much so i`m afraid, nice bright morning. Bit of frost so I was keeping to busier clear roads and looking out for ice on the road. Next minute i'm accelerating into an unstoppable off on some black ice!

Well to cut a long story short my right wrist took a whack and currently it's very painful to even hit a key on the phone! Which is a double blow as I had intended getting on with Gaby this evening ready to release tomorrow. Not sure what i`ve done, don't. Think it's broken but it's at least a bad sprain so things may be put back a bit.

Well more news tomorrow.

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Book recommendations please

I'm hoping for some completed book recommendations. I've read and enjoyed Daring Diane, Maddy Bell and Karin Bishop.

I don't like forced sissification or humiliation. I'd also prefer longer stories.
I've found a few authors on the site that I enjoy but usually the story is still ongoing...

Any recs are welcome. If there are already posts that ask similar questions, please link them in.

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Seven Years of Hope suggestions

Some of you may have read Seven Years of Hope, a non-TG story written by yours truly. It's a novelization of my visual novel meant to create hype for the game. Anyhow, for the next chapter, the player will be given a choice of which power (only 1) they want to inherit from their past life:

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T news on YouTube

There always seems to be quite a lot of young T folk on YouTube, and most are too over the top and exhibitionistic, as youth are wont to be. Don't mean to offend anyone. This old bat is past all that, so I live very quietly most of the time. It's possible to make comments on their blogs, and I used to get replies. For reasons unknown, I can no longer get replies on YouTube.

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Football God to Fan Girl

Kaitlyn Parker aka totalditz on The Haven has published a book on Amazon that is labeled forced fem but is really mild. The girls are devious, and the plot is clever with several scenes that are well written and well played. I think you will find it highly enjoyable much like Daring Diane's Corporate Dress Code in style and execution. Worth picking up and reading.

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Crazypagangurl gone missing - please help.

I blog here again, because I hope someone can help us. Our friend who is know here under her nick crazypagangurl has gone missing. She suddenly didn't appear like she always did in our chat and when she missed the fridays D&D session, we started worring. That was 4 weeks ago. Since that time Dottie tried to call her numerous times, but only got to the answering machine.
We know her computer is online but that's about it. Unfortunately she doesn't live near anyone of us.

If anyone knows anything, please contact me or Dottie or Arwens Tears.



A New Karin Bishop Book

This holiday season, I am publishing a new book, Transfer. And for the first time, my book will be available in most formats and platforms, not exclusively through Amazon. So, whether you read on a Kindle, or a Barnes & Noble Nook, use an iPad or ereaders from Kobo or Sony or others, you should be able to get it, anywhere in the world! So here’s the teaser for Transfer:

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Credible Characterization of women

I've been doing a lot of thinking about how to develop a realistic female character. In the press, movies and TV, their all exaggerated so of little value to me. Besides, in real life, what woman runs around with her butt pushed out and her tits threatening to escape their confinement?

Church or the Mosque are rotten places to observe the natural woman, so I've sat in shopping centers to glean what I could.


I'm Back

After a 4 month hiatus, I decided to try writing and posting again. I've been frequenting the site every day almost as a reader and decided I should really get back on the horse. So first I'm going to try mining my back log to see what I can do. First, I posted a never posted chapter of Spectacular, the latest story I was working on. I never posted it before because its as far as I ever got with that story. Frankly, I NEED help trying to finish it.

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Psyren's Redemption - The Final 10,000 words

Yeah, you read that right. I planned to post the remaining part of the story in five different installments, but, what the hell, I decided to suprise everyone and post it all in one fell swoop (totalling just under 10,000 words). So let's get this show on the road, shall we?

Did Indigo Knight act in time to save Ashira? Will Sapphira and Amy have their happy ending? What has become of poor Awe and Hailey? All these questions will be answered and more. Come on over to my site for the conclussion to this epic tale.

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Taking a break from posting

I've been posting a lot this year and also been really busy in real life so I've decided to take a break from posting until the end of January.

I have been busy writing an entry for the january competition using the 'flash fiction' style but after 12 parts, I realised it was
1) going nowhere
2) needed an awful lot of editing to lick it into shape
3) not very good at all. More like dog excrement really.

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Holiday riddle/story/quote challenge

Do you have a humorous holiday riddle, story or quote? Post what you have and let’s see if anyone can guess your riddle or enjoy your sentiment, one liner or observation. It’s the season for reason. Who wants to play? Here are a few examples to get us started.

Here’s a Jeopardy format holiday riddle:

Q: Name two gifts that have great value but cost nothing.
A: What are Acceptance and Understanding?


The only blind person at Christmastime is he who has not Christmas in his heart. - Helen Keller

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TG related event in Nicosia, Cyprus

Today, 27th of November 2018 @ 18:30 and on the 28th of November 2018 @ 17:30, Ms Jessica Lynn, transgender activist from the US, will attend/hold an information event at the University of Nicosia and at the CVAR, Severis Foundation in Old Nicosia, Cyprus.
Please see the links below for further information:
Trans activist to speak about her journey at two Nicosia venues this week

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looking for a book

I know it is a kindle book I thought it was a doppler press but could not find it.

It is about a teenager who takes allergy medicine and ends up with breasts.I don't remember more than that except he was trying to turn his life around started exercising also that it is him his brother and father and I think the brothers name is Rick.


a profound moment at the pool?

I went to a local pool today, and they have a "lazy river". It was really nice and kind of fun to let the current take me along, but there was always the security in knowing that if I wasnt happy with where I was going all I had to do was stand up. Gee, there might be something profound in that, dont you think?

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UK Food

In re-reading a certain story by a UK Author, I've been exploring authentic recipes of the isles. It was a pleasant surprise to actually discover what a Bacon Sarnie and Chips are. As near as I can tell the bacon used is simply Canadian Bacon between slices of bread. I used very non acid Mayonnaise (can't use anything tomato) and a few sliced pickles. Deep fried "fries" cause me intestinal ructions, so to find baked and seasoned, thickly sliced potatoes in an international store were a pleasant surprise.


Update on Karen Lockhart

Hi Everyone, Karen is still in hospital, having had a few problems which I'll leave to her if she wants to share with you (medical confidentiality you know). She's hoping to be out in three weeks and start posting again. She also sends her thanks to everyone who has sent their best wishes for her recovery.

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Silly me!

I remember reading a story about a struggling actor that winds up working with his friend as a part time dom. BUT, I can't remember the name of the author or it's title. Could someone help me find this story. Thank you in advance!


Just a moment to be thankful

I just got out of bed this Thankgiving morning. We've had a busy week, and today will be no exception. It would be easy to complain about all the work and all the fuss, the traffic everything else that this season brings. But you know, I'm here in a warm house that I co-own with the bank; out front there's a reliable car, my refrigerator is full of food, so much so it was a chore to find room for the Thanksgiving turkey prior to roasting.

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I just wanted to take a moment.......

To wish everyone a truly Happy Thanksgiving Day.

I for one have much to be thankful for - family and friends most of all. Those of us who have transitioned know just how incredible it is to realize that someone can really love you no matter who you are or how you present yourself to the world.

I wake up every morning astonished at the fact that my family and many of my friends are still here with me. My life is truly blessed in many ways - why, I have no reason. But I am truly thankful for all that I have.

Happy Thanksgiving to all.

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Is there a sequel to ....

.... Ellie Dauber's "Bikini Beach: Purse Snatchers"

This excerpt is why I ask if there is sequel

The Boss was in her office working on some papers when there was a knock on the door. She looked up from a bill of lading. “Come in, Felicia.”

Felecia Ormand walked in and sat in a chair opposite the desk. “How did you know it was me?”

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Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

I've decided that when your 73 that recovery from major surgery takes a lot longer than when your in your 60's. And that the doctor was right, you will have good days and bad days. It looks like it's 2 steps forward and 1 step back (sometimes 2). Well, yesterday was a good day, so look for a new chapter of Tommy sometime this morning.

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Found something interesting about The Candy Cane club

While Searching through Tanya Allan's books on Kindle. I came across Candy Cane Club (BOOK 2)

It is called Dead End and came out 4 yes ago. I heard previously that there would be a 2nd book but didn't know it had been released.

I really loved the first book and would definitely recommend. I now have to re read the first book before I do the second. I do not know if it is available through big closets links, maybe Erin can check and add the link

Thanks all


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Starcraft 2

I was taking a break on YouTube and happened to start a video called StarCraft 2. In the clip, they were involved in some sort of boring space war as usual. The male soldiers were completely covered in this combat Armor while the female soldier was in a form fitting body suit that left her Ass and back completely naked.

Sadly, I think that some of the stories here come as a result of watching those videos, or playing those games, or reading those books, or comics.

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writing update

wanted to give you guys an update. Now that my new computer is up and running, I am hoping to get back to writing as my spoons allow. unfortunately, as the two projects I have on the go are longer than my usual, including one I hope to make into my entry in the next contest, it will be a while before I have something to share with you all.

But I'll still be my usual comment-happy self, so no worries there ....

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Trying to find a 'Supers' story

Don't know if the story was part of a Universe or a stand-alone

It was quite dark.

MC mutates, becomes catatonic, ends up in an institution

While in the institution is abused along with the other patients, used for drugs testing.

MC's begins to come out of the catatonic state, finds they have telepathy, telekenesis.

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Hi all!

Thank you so much for all your support, comments and Kudos on Witch's Apprentice. I'm going to do another editing pass on it and make some corrections for future viewings but I'm also considering a slight spin-off of the series with a story focusing on Skuld and what happens next with her story from her point of view. Let me know if you'd like to see that.

Things are calming down with the move so I'm hoping that now I've got some stability I'll be able to work on things more.

Thank you again!

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Newest favorite Author

On October 18 Casey Brooke wrote and posted Svala which started me rereading her stories and her stories I have not read. I just wanted to give a shout out to so many great stories and if you are looking for hours of reading check them out.
Also for you new members check out some of the authors that no longer post stories by going to categories and then type of stories you like go to last page and work back to present
Have fun and enjoy so many good authors and stories


advance warning

Well i'm having a bit of a time of things this week but I have got 1902 Sunbeam part 2 completed. The plan is to post it tomorrow.

Another mild day today, blue skies and sunshine this afternoon and some new lanes explored. Was a bit disappointed when I got to my Lunch stop of Rufford Abbey that they were having a Christmas Fayre! It's barely mid November, I thought Xmas was in late December?

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News of Karen Lockhart

Hi Everyone,
If' you've been wondering about Karen Lockhart and her current novel 'Ginny's Story', I'm sorry to inform you that she is currently in hospital after a fall. I am in touch with her cousin and will post any news. There are no chapters of Ginny available to post at present. Some of you know that I do the proofing, so as soon as I get another chapter I will proof it as soon as possible. I'm as keen as everyone else to know what happens next.
Regards, Bronwen Welsh

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on a lighter note

Thursday and with a nice dry and mild day I went for a ride - well you all know that's what I do for relaxation / inspiration. Today I heade east to Conisbrough Castle which overlooks the River Don not far from Doncaster. You might not know the name but it's where Ivanhoe was set and there are connections with the whole Robin Hood folklore thing (Robin actually came from Sheffield, Loxley is the home to Titanium manufacture believe it or not)

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I'm Me

Sometimes I Can't Hold It In Any More


I suppose I am what you can categorise as a frustrated transsexual. I am not a crossdresser although I dress in women's clothes as often as I can. I don't regard this as crossdressing. All I am doing is dressing in the clothes in which I should have been dressing all my life. Circumstances have prevented me from assuming my true sex throughout my life, so that I have had to masquerade as a man for more than sixty years.


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Psyren's Redemption - The Gateway Predicament

Indigo Knight's attack has had its desired effect and Ashira was spared from a death at Babalawo's hands, but will she recover from her injuries in time to finally defeat Chemosh or will they all suffer a fate worse than death?

Follow this link to read this week's part.

This one to read the entire chapter.

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broken news

So, got home last night, turned PC on and a minute later - nada!

Yep you got it, Mad's PC has issues, it won't boot. There was no indication of an issue previously, no warning, its never been connected to the internet so not a virus but it's effectively dead.

The only good news is that the only work I can't access is the half chapter of Gaby book 24 I wrote on Monday. I'm sure everything is there still, just need to get to it!

There may be a delay in getting stuff out but hopefully it's just a short blip.


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Magic (Politics) is... Late, again. Sorry!

Hi, those brave souls still hanging in there with me on Hannah's current political Odyssey!
(Translation - I gotta do an update on why my latest chapter is late, bear with me everyone :3)

Editing hit a bit of a snag this week and while I was hoping to get the chapter up and ready to post by this morning, it hasn't worked out.
I'm sorry to anyone who gets antsy without their Hannah-fix (Winlyn, I'm looking at you lol) but I'll try to get the chapter up as quickly as I can once things are sorted.

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The Observers Group

I wanted to thank the readers of Big Closet for taking the time to look over my first attempt at contributing a story here.

It’s obviously a work in progress and needs much more effort to make the grade. But, this fulfills my desire to give something back to this site. I’ve anonymously been coming here to read all of your stories for a while now and just wanted to give it a try myself.

I’ve got about twenty-thousand words written and will continue to post the chapters here, but I just wanted to thank you for your acceptance and patience.

HL Keys


Hug and Kiss your pets

Went to the vet tonight for my cat last trip.

A few week ago I spot a grow on her jaw, but as I was STUPID and busy, I wait before seeing the vet... Long story short, it was one of the aggressive cancer.
With her lost of will to live and the quality of life she could have hope after any treatment. I only got one human option.

Don't forget to love and cherish any moment you got with those bundles of Love.

Love and Hug tmf

Peace, Love, Freedom, Happiness
RIP Tempête


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Old Computers lying around

Doing an extensive GI to my apartment and find I have two old Computers lying around. Both were working when I shut them down. One is a big ASUS N50V. Laptop. The sticker says it has VISTA in it but I know it has Linux because I bought it from a place that only sells them used with Linux. I'll likely leave the HD, of unknown size in it. I never really learned Linux, so didn't put anything on it.

The other is a Dell XPS 430 with NO hard drive. I'll remove it for security.


Stan Lee has passed away

I'm so sorry to be the bearer of bad tidings again, and I don't know his views on gender issues, but Stan Lee was a great influence on my life and my characters. It so sad to see another of my heroes pass away. I'm sure some of you, like me, lost yourself in comic books with their larger than life heroes that were a little more human than those that came before.
Just thought some of you might like to know the news. He was 95.

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My day off

I sit here in my recliner on a peaceful Monday morning secure in my home surrounded by family as I ponder why it is I'm not at work.

I grew up in the Vietnam era. My one and only brush with the law happened when I was 17 and I was still on probation when I registered for the draft. As a result, I was classified 1Y. I was never called to serve, as a matter of fact, when I tried to enlist, first in the Navy and then the Army, they both decided to give me a pass for the same reason.

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ode of rememberance

They went with songs to the battle, they were young.
Straight of limb, true of eye, steady and aglow.
They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted,
They fell with their faces to the foe.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.


It Can Only Go Up From Here

6,800 words into “It Can Only Go Up From Here”.

The story takes place one month after the events in “To Be a Different Someone” and I decided to include the social and political issues that I didn’t want to hang onto Jennifer’s shoulders in the first book but it just seems that it had to come to place that there are going to be people who will hate her for no reason except their own prejudices and intolerance.

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January 2019 Contest Prizes Teaser 2!

Another weekend, another teaser of some of the books you can find in the Doppler Press bundle being offered as a prize in the Reader Retention contest!

For those of you who may have missed it here are the rules. For everyone else, here's the next two books to be revealed from the curated list!

My Choice:

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Preview of my latest project

I've been a bit busy, and the whole recovery thing from Hurricane Harvey is very slow, laborious, and the conditions keep making me sick. 14 months and counting until our house and lives are whole again - or as close as possible. While I've been very much slowed, I have been working on a few projects. I figured y'all might like a preview of one tiny bit of this already-massive project. It's quite likely that I'll try to sell it. It's tentatively titled "Corporate Coup"

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Paying the price

Sad as it is, not every husband, wife, father, mother, son or daughter comes back. And even if they do come back sometimes they left a piece of them behind. Tomorrow it's Armistice, and we remember those that payed the ultimate price. But I would ask everyone to also remember the families, forgotten by many, that lost a husband, a wife, a father, a mother, a son or a daughter.

Le soldat

Florent Pagny


Searching for two books

I'm looking for two Science Fiction books that I read "about" 20 years ago. I can not remember if one of the characters was TG or anything.

In the story was a character who had a machine something like a spinning wheel in which they cut the spools of time and spliced it, thus altering time.

Does this ring a bell with anyone?

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November - Sandal's?

Just a quickie - well I got my ride in, 115km (that's @ 75 old fashioned miles I think) and visited the Sandal's up near Wakefield. Had my sandwich and flask of coffee sat overlooking the Castle which, after the 'good ole boys' (aka the Parliamentarians, think Trump but with a more vindictive nature) got done with it in the 1640's is but a shadow of its former self.

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Story about

A Lad sent to stay with his aunt by mother, I can't remember if there is a father, mother going away

Mother call every night, all seems fine until he notices itching in chest

he tries to get help from mom, mom believes aunt she is moms sister after all.

help finally comes from female friend, friend i think lives next door, the only one that aunt lets him accociate with

This relationship is aunts undoing as, the friend is M2F but aunt thinks her parents are as ill as she is

Mom finally arrives at the hospital and begs forgiveness

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By Your Side, Waiting - New Book on Amazon

Word Count 72,000+

In this YA story, High School Juniors, Jordan and his best friend Rose have been friends since childhood. Rose has a crush on Jordan yet he seems oblivious. Along with friends, they form a band for a talent contest. A follow-up concert at a charity event may provide an opportunity to publish their songs and sell them on the internet. This story explores romance, young love, and family interactions as our protagonists learn family secrets in their search for success in their music and their personal lives.

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Figured I would clue everyone into where I've been, at least with my writing and lack of posting.

I had a heart attack two weeks ago, or at least that what the doctor tells me. I think the ER wanted to keep me at least over night, but they decided to let me go after experiencing my unique scene of humor :)

While that could have been bad, it actually wasn't. The truly bad was finding out I am now blessed with diabetes as my A1C came back 245. Then they also found unusual liver enzymes.

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"Myrna and the Grievous Error" is gone

I have deleted "Myrna and the Grievous Error" due to popular demand - two people. However the lack of votes also indicated problems. The story has been replaced with "Myrna and the Genetic Disaster". The stories are pretty much the same for about halfway. After that the story is expanded considerably following the lives of Wanda and Tamesha, Penny, and Sydney. I particularly like how Penny reacts to her estranged parents. All around, more detail and a happier conclusion.

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Kris Traverse

This appeared in the comments for her story published last week I think it got pushed off the front page by new comments before many people saw it.

Sadly I must report that the Adventures of Alexa and Jenny have come to an end.
The Author and my good friend, Kris Traverse
Passed away unexpectedly last week. A heart attack. She will be missed greatly!
Telane Jefferies.

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Psyren's Redemption - Dead Man's Switch

Inches from death, Sapphira and Amy are left at the mercy of Chemosh’s puppet. Will they perish at his hands or will they find help in the most unlikely of places?

Click here to read this week's chapter.

Click here to read from the beginning.

Go to the my stories page of the site to view individual parts or chapters and/or other stories.

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