TopShelf Blogs

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Necessity is the Mother of Invention

I almost had this chapter of Necessity done last night, but try as I might life had other plans. I'd no sooner get off one call of someone calling to say happy birthday when someone else would call to wish me the same.

I was even interrupted in the grocery store twice by the phone as I was buying the ingredients to make my Nuclear meltdown Chili. (In my defense I have two friends and one daughter that also think the heat level is perfect too)

Luckily I found this morning free of interruptions and was able to type in the needed HTML and get chapter 3 posted :)

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Publishing Who the Hell am I? Book 2 on Kindle

I will be publishing Who the Hell am I? Book 2 on Kindle and in order to have it in the Kindle unlimited category, I need to remove it from this site. I thought it would be nice to give advanced warning before I remove it and figured this would be the easiest way to do that. In two days time, I intend to ask Erin to unpublish all but the first two chapters.

Happy reading.


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Not my story bt I have to share the FUNNY!

I have to share this and there is a link to the org in there too

NOT MINE!....but funny!

because it's worth it in spades. A little slow start, but a ROFL story.


Neighborhood Hazard (Or: Why the Cops Won't Patrol Brice Street)

I never dreamed slowly cruising through a residential neighborhood could be so incredibly dangerous!

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Woodcrest - Not a forced fem story

I've tried to make this one clear before but it's not getting though: Woodcrest is not a forced fem story. I know that in this environment it's what people have come to expect and are looking for around every corner but I want to assure you that my characters are not sadistic, nor do they want to enslave my main character. They're literally just awful people trying to do something good and failing at it because they have no idea how to care about anyone besides themselves. There is character development, but this is a series - it won't be resolved in the first few chapters.


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I may have bitten off more than I can chew

I've talked here about how my stories have a life of their own, and in the case of one story I'm working on, it may be a Frankenstein's monster.

See, it started with me tossing around some ideas for my anniversary, and one was to do a little series of tributes to my favorite (non-Big Closet) authors, starting with Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, and his best know creation, Sherlock Holmes.

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Virtually Twisted - Shifting Attitudes

Cover Image

By accident Jim discovers his trick and finds
a whole new world of possibilities has opened up to him.

Please follow this link to read part 10 or this one read all parts.

Please take a moment to leave feedback on my website. Not only does it help encourage me, you might have the opportunity to influence the story. Likes are also appreciated.

You may subscribe to my website via email using the 'Subscribe' dropdown in the nav bar. You may also make use of the RSS feed or follow me on social media:

Thank you and have delightfully demented day,

Daniel A. Wolfe

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Ghost Fighter

I've been really sick the last several days and my memory is just shot. I read a story about a young teen girl that is the pilot ofvan ultra-advanced fighter space cruiser. Both the plane and the AI are named Ghost. She is sucked into a vortex over the North Pole and sent back in time, 40 years I think.

Thing is I can't remember the name of the story or the author. I'm sure I read it here, but even checking my browser history hasn't helped.

So, anybody?

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Necessity is the Mother of Invention

Thought I would post a little blog about this one as it uses idea from my earlier story "Coyote"

There were a lot of ideas that came to me as I wrote that Whateley fan-fiction story unfortunately to stay true to the Whateley-verse many of those ideas could not be used. The ideas were too good not to use and so we have another much longer and I think better story that isn't limited by someone else's ideas of how something should work, or not work, in the universe :)

No disrespect intended toward the Whateley writers, they have produced some really great stories.

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Breast feeding

Since my transition many years ago every few months my breasts will produce milk.
I went to my doctor and she informed me that it is normal that it simply happens when my progesterone levels drop.
I have a neighbor who is a good friend who recently had a baby and was adamant that she wasn't going to use formula ever for her children. A couple of months after giving birth she became ill and her doctor advised her to stop breastfeeding immediately for the babys health.


writing update

Just giving you guys a quick update on my writing:

I've almost got one story finished, its called "sympathetic magic", and I'm shooting for having it published by next weekend. I also have a mystery story underway, so stay tuned on that one.

Other than those two, I've been mulling over some ideas for my upcoming anniversary, not making a lot of progress.

Sorry, but a bout of PTSD plus being tired from Real Life (TM) has eaten away most of my writing spoons, so that I've had any writing done at all is a bit of a miracle, honestly.

Huggles to all who want one.

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Pulling Stories

For those that are moving their stories to Amazon I have a request. Please leave a note behind saying that they were removed to post on Amazon. Otherwise it isn't ckearcwgat* has happened. The story may not be coming up due to Internet problems or other reasons. If it is known what happened then it saves time and effort checking back or checking other sites.

*Edit Should have been "clear what"

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Plans Awry

Well my writing has gone particularly slowly since midweek so the chances of me finishing the next bit of book for tomorrow are exactly nil! Sorry about that, i'm not exactly happy about the lack of progress myself.
Things are going the right direction so it shouldn't be a long delay, I just need to knuckle down to it.
Off for a ride in a few, shake the cobwebs out and get my head in the right place.


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Write Your Novel Step by Step By Melanie Anne Phillips

I'm on a mailing list that has some really great writer stuff. If you haven't seen this before, it's looks like a great book for authors. It's a free online book.

Write Your Novel Step by Step, By Melanie Anne Phillips

You can also "Browse Our (their) Library" of writing articles.

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It has been on my mind a lot lately.

I do keep making ridiculously terrible decisions, through poorly thought out perceptions.

I upset people, without any intent to do so.

I have a history, of helping people a lot in the course of my life, and have on occasion even given some good feedback.

I am not in the right frame of mind, I am truly unstable, I should and so I am going to keep my thoughtless opinions to myself, good & or bad.

There is nothing, obviously that I can do to make up for my actions.

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Virtually Twisted - New Plumbing

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After a trip to the restroom helped Jim sees himself in the mirror for the first time and is discovers just how much had changed.

Please go here to read this week's part or here to read all parts.

If you enjoy the story please take a moment to comment on my website. You may also make use of the like buttons.

You may subscribe to my website via email using the 'Subscribe' dropdown in the nav bar. You may also make use of the RSS feed or follow me on social media:


Thank you and have delightfully demented day,

Daniel A. Wolfe

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8 more days to leave a kudo

If you have been meaning to read a story from the reader's retention contest (and maybe even leave a kudo), the deadline is fast approaching.

My entry starts here: .

And thank you, to everyone for how well this story has been received

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The Visit

I just posted Chapter 20 and had intended this be the concluding part of this story. The hits are not high for each chapter but the kudos is encouraging so I've continued to keep the pace the same and hopefully complete in a few more chapters. Sorry for those waiting for the end but I've endeavoured to post Chapters more frequently than I've done with previous stories.

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Preparing for Woodcrest

Hey everyone! First and foremost I want to thank everyone who read and commented on Allison's Pledge; you guys are awesome. Since that's over I want to move on to the next big thing which is Woodcrest. There are a few things that you need to know about it, which are the following:

1. While similar to Allison's Pledge it was written first and is a much more detailed story

2. Unlike Allison's Pledge the story is designed to introduce even more themes of moral ambiguity and to make you question whether or not you even like your favorite characters

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So I managed to get two complete chapters down yesterday and started on a third. I'm a little behind where I really want to be but i'm still aiming for a Sunday book release to sort of coincide with Gaby's birthday on Monday.

Another bright day here but it often snows around Gab's birthday so it can't last!

A new chapter of Summery will be up tomorrow.


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Update for Interview with a Lolita

For all those who have been following the story of Ren Nagata in Interview with a Lolita. It is with a heavy heart that I must inform you all that I will not be continuing this story for a while. I have gone through 5 rewrites of the next chapter and none of them have the right feel. Sadly I must take a step back from the story for several reasons.

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Looking For A Title

I have written a story in several chapters which I'm about to complete, it's about a British POW in a German POW camp. They actually formed amateur dramatic societies with males playing the female roles and they were very professional and the 'girls' very convincing.

My story involves a young flyer who joins the am dram society with a view to becoming proficient at passing enfemme. Of course once he starts down that slippery slope he finds that he likes being feminized for other reasons too but let's not give away too much of the story before it's posted.

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adventures in name changing

I wanted to share the story of my name change.

It all began not long after I began my transition, and discovered that if I wanted surgery, I would have to change my name. Which would have been difficult, because I was deep in debt, and didnt have the money it would take.

That changed when Walmart outsourced my department, and paid me out, giving me a about four thousand dollars.

With the money issue solved, I sent away to New Brunswick for a copy of my birth certificate, which I would need to start the ball rolling.

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MUSIC - Jolin Tsai

Jolin Tsai has always been pretty outspoken in her support for LGBTQ people (from a non-western / taiwanese standpoint / view) in her music. Although most of her songs (according to what I have heard /s een of them) are gay or lesbian themed, her last one is T related.


PS Chinese with subtitels.

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Tech questions

I'm having trouble accessing some websites. For example, I'm able to access this site but the Whately Academy site is timing out. Also SOL (stories on line) is timing out. There are some other sites, like gamesgames and agame that are timing out. So, can anyone give me a clue as to why some sites are timing out and others (like this one) are not?

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I fell hard last week

Tuesday last week to be exact,I wear my phone under my bra and was able to call for help. Since I don' have $3,000 for an ambulance trip I asked the firemen to pick me up and put me into my manual wheelchair. If I had it to do over I would have set up a trip to ER the next day. A Dart taxi trip only costs $3 each way, though I do have to do it a day inadvance. I may have cracked something, I am still going to get checked out, Going through the county hospitals bureaucracy takes forever. Little by little I am figuring out how to handle the system.

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WARNING: Disabled Alexa, Sending Conversations to Amazon

Disabled Alexa on portable devices, still sends conversations to Amazon.

This warning is primarily for those who have Alexa capable portable devices and are not using Alexa.

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The End of Allison's Pledge?

Hey everyone, Karissa here. I've been writing Allison's Pledge for what seems like forever, though if we're going to be honest it's been about two weeks. The first part started as a bit of an experiment that came out of utter exaustion and mild depression and to be honest it was only supposed to be about three parts. I found that I didn't want to leave Allison's world, so I just kept writing, and writing, and writing until we're finally at the point we see now.

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Virtually Twisted - Part 7 AND 8

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Now that he's been rejected by his mother, what will Jim do with his life now? As he comes to grips with his situation, he sees the first signs that his body isn't the only thing that has changed.

Please go here to read this week's part or here to read all parts.

If you enjoy the story please take a moment to comment on my website. You may also make use of the like buttons.

You may subscribe to my website via email using the 'Subscribe' dropdown in the nav bar. You may also make use of the RSS feed or follow me on social media:


Thank you and have delightfully demented day,

Daniel A. Wolfe

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Which Readers do You Leave Out

The lady has moved from True Romance and into Action. Not everyone is going to be pleased. However if she doesn't put the action into her action story she is going to lose those who would read and or purchase her story. Those who follow her romance stories may or may not like the inclusion of the reality of life, violence, murder, suffering in her story.

"IF" one wishes to appeal to the broadest readership then they must write to include the whole story not truncate parts which don't appeal to a few select readers.


An update on the layoff

Regarding my previous blog. First, I'd like to thank everyone who rang in and offered their sympathies. Although the writing had been on the wall for a good amount of time, it came as a shock. I am still feeling down, but I believe I've accepted the reality of the situation. I wasn't prepared for the emotional impact and I truly feel as if I am in mourning.


Oh Internet, how I've missed you...AKA I'm back!

Oh internet, how I've missed your loving glowing glow. Your pages of cats and puppies. Your MMO's. I'm sorry Internet I was away so long. Being on my phone was no replacement.

As you can tell, I finally got internet service. So now I can fill you in on what is happening and where I plan to go with writing from here.

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upcoming anniversary

I was looking at my account info the other day, and realized that in about 3 months, I will be celebrating my 10th anniversary of being a member here.

And so I've been thinking about how I might knowledge this milestone with a story.

Right now, I'm not sure what I might do. I've got one small piece almost finished that might help me avoid not having anything to share for the next three months, but beyond that ...

I could do something like Randalynn's "Convergence: when stories collide", but I'm not sure what stories would make the cut.

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I’m doing fine

It was pointed out to me, and rightfully so, that my previous blog post was both a while ago and a bit worrying. I was hesitant to write because compared to others my life is going great.

I have actually transitioned and am perfectly happy being myself. The children (14 & 17] accept me and love me. I have divorced, which in this case is a good thing as the negative influence of my ex partner is mostly gone and more easily mitigated.

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read a piece for a writing group, they loved it

So I went to a writing group meeting tonight, and read a piece called "voiceless" (which you can read here: ) and the group was very moved by it, and couldn't praise me enough.

Always nice to get positive feedback, you know?

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Jazz. What do you make of this story?

I think that anyone who wants to can follow the "Jazz Story", and it seems to me like there is a lot of hype going on, but to be fair, perhaps she is having problems?

I have never seen a Trans girl look as good and sound as good as her. Is that what a lot of coaching and surgery can do or is she actually Intersex? At any rate, I wish her the best.

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Virtually Twisted - Secrets

Cover Image

After his Twist, Jim and Megan are left alone in detention area. Megan's father arrives and a few secrets come to light.

Please follow this link to read this week's part or this one to read all parts.

If you enjoy the story please take a moment to comment on my website. You may also make use of the like buttons.

You may subscribe to my website via email using the 'Subscribe' dropdown in the nav bar. You may also make use of the RSS feed or follow me on social media:


Thank you and have delightfully demented day,

Daniel A. Wolfe

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If Not An Author, Then Perhaps An Activist?

I'm a mediocre writer at best, and that fact finally penetrated.

It does appear as if my passion is activism and I spend hours at it every day. Mostly, I blog under a number of different names, about Transgender and Intersex issues, but my real love is researching Belief and the Anthropology of its prehistory. Of course there is the inevitable interference with some Political or Environmental issue, but I won't even attempt to bring any of that in here.

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Looking for a story...

... that I am not totally sure if I read it here or maybe somewhere else.

The gist of the story is thus...

A police officer, not a big guy, kind of fem and small, goes on a stakeout dressed in female clothes as bait for a criminal.

In the evening they, he and his much more buch female partner end up in a fire fight and he gets shot and his groin area is basically destroyed. He then does not have much of a choice and they do an imprompto GRS on him.



I'm sick. Tuesday I discovered a rash under my left arm. At the time, I was suffering from a muscle pull in the same region and felt more pain from that.

Thursday, it became obvious the rash was shingles. I've got meds now and the pain meds make me sleepy and at least two other dwarves.

Meanwhile, Piper and Amy are also sick. I think theirs are colds. Jamie is sick, too.

Forgive us if we are a little slow on updating this week.

Hugs (carefully),
Erin and the gang

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I dreamed I could fly

last night, I dreamed I could fly.

Well, I say, "fly" but what in the dream I was walking, rather uncertainty, a couple of inches above the ground.

That wasnt the strange part of the dream.

The strange part was I went on a date with a woman and as part of the date we rode a bus together. I apologized for the non-romantic transportation, saying that I sucked at dating because I was in my 50's, and broke.

The woman seemed happy enough anyway, so there is that.

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January 2019 Reader Retention Contest is Officially Over!

At least assuming we're not gonna see any entries from Japan/China.

As a reminder, everyone has until the end of February to do their reading and voting (these were a bit longer than your average contest entry story after all!) I'll announce contest winners at the end of the first week or so of March!

Thanks again to everyone who entered the contest. It's been really special to me seeing how enthusiastic everyone, both readers and authors, have been about this one, and I'm really glad we all did this together.

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Visiting old ghosts

Work has taken me to quite a few places over the last ten days, including Weymouth, Liverpool and York. I spent a little while in the last city looking at the spot where I sat Susie Lockwood, waiting to slide into the river, and where I once pulled an old man out in real life before writing him into my novel "A Longer War".

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Just checked the temperature

A little chuckle for everyone

Got up this morning and turned on the TV, the news reported it was -33F outside this morning.

Out of curiosity I went online to check to see what the temperature was in Hell, MI (Yes there is a real town in Michigan names that.)

It was only -13F there this morning

That makes it officially colder than Hell here!

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ReubyLouise's Intro

I will try to make this brief. I am a 64yo (65 in July) mtf pre-op ts since 1990.

From an early age I remember being fascinated with my mother's clothing. But I had other things that may have influenced that.

For one, my mother was given DES to prevent miscarriages. So there is a chance my chromosomes were messed with.

Mom and Dad argued all the time, usually about his drinking and driving and me. Their divorce was final before my brother was born, four months before my fifth birthday. I was jealous.

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Last Ep of Eureka Tonight!

Grace stepped into Café Diem, hoping for a quick bite with some friends for company. She searched out the little restaurant but no one was around, though she did see Vincent standing by a table with a girl sitting there glumly, her head resting on her arms, and her arms on the table.

It took a few moments for her to realize that the girl was Jack Carter, currently in his Melissa Benoit morph.

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