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Well here we are - eventually I've done the photo bit, well started the process!
I'll post these in a series of smaller documents to avoid overloading BC with images so click on the link and you can see the first pdf.
Great first set of pictures
Great first set of pictures Mady Looking forward to the next set.
Those pix were great!
Photo array
Pics are always a good thing, but the people that did the model and miniatures work are outstanding.. Of course, I can't see the canals being that clean and clear water.
Cute. But, I didn't know
Cute. But, I didn't know that the Millennium Falcon needed separate boarding stairs. ;-)
It doesn't
While it does not need them, you cannot seriously expect the management of Knuffingen airport to know that. ;-)
i think
they were going to clean the windscreens lol
Madeline Anafrid Bell