Kat Walker's blog

Curse ....me!....

AGES (perhaps gemerations) ago, I swore I would not post any more cliff hangers... I would not post any more until my tales were DONE - and could be dribbled out regularly.

I shot myself in the foot with that promise (which I still - regrettably - stand by)

While I have PILES of stuff on my desktop.... none of my open tales are ....done.

So I remain mute - and SO so frustrated.

A} Not dead

B} Thanks to the muse ....and my stupid promise... may as WELL be :-(

I continue to strugle - in solitude.

F**k you, Muse!

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Not ENTIRELY slacking off

When I hit a wall trying to expand my already started stories (Three! ....what was I thinking???) I refuse to be stifled and just open a new .doc file & start spilling out whatever distraction the muse puts in my way to keep me distracted. (sigh)

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First (still) NOT dead. Second: deeply conflicted

I felt really guilty posting so sporadically, so I swore to myself (and maybe some readers in DMs) that I would keep my wrangling with personal demons to myself until I actually FINISHED my god-cursed stories and posted the rest up until the end.

....seemed like a good idea at the time....

but as I wrote... diversions/digressions developed and I felt like one of those characters in an old horror film (say, poltergeist) running down the hall as it just kept getting longer and she found herself losing ground!

So. My conundrum:

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God love the forgotten Child....

OK. I have spread myself WAY too thin. :-(

....did not expect to be 'ditched' by the muse.

Summer of Love ...while SO not forgotten.... is being pushed aside while I struggle to advance "Secondhand Life" and "Roomies".

My imagination reels with all three tales, but 2HL & Roomies have ....connectable dots... while SOL has been pushed aside.

Ironic... since SOL is the most fleshed out narrative in my mind.... which, ...maybe, is why I think it's the best able to wait....

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TLDR! (Too LITTLE - don't read!)

I'm SO frustrated that I haven't brought this story (or any of the open ended stories) home yet. I want to say "SHELVE IT'... if you've invested in these characters even a fraction as much as I have.....

I am determined to bring them all to satisfactory conclusions (that let the reader take them where they will) but the finish line is proving far more elusive (muse-less) than I'd ever imagined.

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Misdirection! :-D


While I continue to struggle with advancing the three open tales I have on BCTS, I decided to stall for time and try to make a case that I was not in fact deceased.... (perhaps, at worst brain-dead ....or suffering from dormant muse syndrome) by posting something entirely different.

The good news is that it is self contained and should leave no reader with a case of "And then....?" syndrome.

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Throwing things against the wall

Never underestimate the power of guilt. :-)

I have never stopped writing. I have just stopped believing any of it was worth posting.

Out of an overwhelming sense of shame that I have abandoned the characters in my tales and the readers who have taken the leap of faith to invest their time reading ....works in progress... I have - very reluctantly - posted slight additions to three of my unfinished tales.

They don't terribly advance the narrative. Their purpose is more to show that I have not given up on telling any of the stories.

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Deeply ambivalent

Thanks to all the folks who P.M.'d me. ....kind of a 'wellness check'.

I'm fine. My muse..... seems to be M.I.A.

Against my better judgement, I'm a few keystrokes away from posting the stuff I've been holding back. It feels forced and ...not good enough.... to post.

Still, the need to prove that I haven't been 'slacking off' is overpowering my lack of confidence in the stuff I'm ....laboriously... cranking out. When entwined with the muse, things just ....flowed.

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Distrusting the muse :-(


Not dead. (Yet) ;-)

As numerous PMs inquired. :-)

Just wrestling with the muse.

SERIOUSLY wrestling with the muse.

I've churned out a lot of my 3 open stories (Secondhand Life, Summer of Love and Roomies) - and coming back a day later to read over, decided none of it was worth posting. :-(

I'm not sure whether the muse let me down or that self-doubt caused me to smother her...

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Noel, - No, I MEAN it - NO "L" !!! :-)

Haha - I sat at my PC intending advancing my 3 narrative items but hit -- typing issues

After 'crunching the issue' I noticed a strip 'a keys - the #9 key, the "o", "l" and period key were suddenly dead!

I thought of trying to write avoiding the consonant, vowel, digit and punctuation, but the challenge proved too daunting

...as the last sentence proves.

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I blame YOU Frank O'Connor!

Whenever I get stalled on one story ...or my A.D.D. muse gets distracted... I'm more inclined to 'change channels' than to just 'turn off the set' and walk away....

Why is it easier to start things than to see older existing things through?

I fully intend to finish the two tales I've already stretched out so far.... Secondhand Life and Summer of Love both have conclusions I still love and am just meandering my way to... even if the here-to-there is still a bit fuzzy.

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Muse Wrestling (Worst. Sport. EVER!)

I think I promised/threatened a long, long time ago that I would not post anything new for either of my two open tales - Secondhand Life and Summer of Love, until I had finished everything offline and had a complete story to dribble out at regular intervals.

I had no idea how hard that promise/threat would be to keep.

(Major writer navel-gazing follows)

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Counting is HARD! (Only for me)

Thanks to everyone who pointed out that I mis-numbered the last two chapters of Secondhand Life. I can only quote leaders and CEOs throughout history in saying:

"Mistakes were made"

...."by ME."

Okay, that last part is not a quote of any leader or CEO anywhere, ever.

But how I wish it was. ;-)

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TLDR :-)

I can't believe how long it has been since I posted anything new on either of the two stories I have ongoing here.

That said. My advice is to wait a bit before picking either Secondhand Life or Summer of Love up again.

It will take a few installments to get some momentum back.

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You can never find an evil twin when you need one...

Actually, she doesn't really need to be a twin. And the 'evil' thing could be a hindrance...

Maybe a simple clone would do...

You know those sitcoms where the protagonist has to attend a swank business function that turns out to be exactly the same time and on the other side of town from her best friends bachelorette party or birthday celebration or somesuch? So of course, she decides she can juggle both and hilarity ensues.

I'm still waiting for the hilarity to ensue.

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Ma'am, step away from the muse.....

I can't let my muse listen to the radio.....

There was a piece on public radio's "The World" today, about a woman who was hired to chauffeur some Saudi royal princesses around on their visit to L.A.

It was a fascinating story of cultural gulfs, economic gulfs, and how in so many ways, their world was so different from the 'little people' they interact with every day, they may as well have been from another planet.

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Must..... stifle... muse....


I finally closed the book on one of the three ongoing stories I'm juggling.

And I breathed a sigh of relief that I only had two tales to attend to...

(Apologies. I embrace alliteration when exhausted)

...but this clean space on my virtual desk is now becoming the itch that must not be scratched....

I've been dying to write a sci-fi (ish) first-contact story for a while now.

Of course it has a TG element, or I wouldn't be mentioning it here. ;-)

The longer I resist, the stronger the urge to start becomes.

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All rung out

Why is it so much easier to start than to finish?

I guess it's also easier to just stop than to "finish" as well.

I knew I had to finish what I started with Dead Ringer because it seemed to be getting away from me and turning into more of an action thriller than the tale of survival and triumph of the trandgender protagonist that I originally intended.

I also really had to get out of the bad guy's head. It was giving me nightmares.

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OK. Updates.

Hope I'm not TOO treading water here

Moving 'Dead Ringer' and Summer of Love along ever-so-slightly.

It feels more like a tease .... an appetizer without a meal.

....The meal's still on the stove...

I'm confident that it will still be a meal, but (much like the traditional Thanksgiving Dinner) it's more an aroma and a promise than the eventual fulfillment.

Still, I promise a fulfillment.

I just haven't worked out how to get from the bag-full-of-groceries to the inevitable food-coma yet, ;-)

But, I have no doubt that I WILL....


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Gah! Stupid muse.... ;-)


Just burned off a chapter for 'Summer of Love' that I'm really happy with, but it's too far into the story.... I haven't gotten nearly close to the plot/character development to use this... but, wow.... I wrote it, slept on it and revisited it a couple of days later, and it still has the emotional ...punch... I felt when I wrote it. Or maybe transcribed it is a better word, because I only half-joke about the muse. Sometimes I read stuff and think. 'I was only the typist. I'm not capable of stuff like this.'

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To quote Jack Parr....

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"...As I was saying...." (Google it if you're under a certain age or not a fan of ancient television)

I'm mortified that my last fiction updates were nearly 3 months ago.

Yes, I've been having 'muse troubles' (she vanished without a trace, leaving me to slog along on my own), but I managed to eke out a bit more of both Dead Ringer and Summer of Love.

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Ack! My muse has ADD.

Gah! I know (and curse myself everyday) that I have 2 open stories - Dead Ringer & Summer of Love - that I have seemingly abandoned.
Not entirely true.
Due to life distractions, I seem to have scared away the muse that was fueling both stories, and I continue struggling to advance them on my own... initially, offline.
Trust me - muse-less story continuation is not publishable. But I am determined to finish what I started,.. with or without my muse.. however long it takes to do it right,

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