Whenever I get stalled on one story ...or my A.D.D. muse gets distracted... I'm more inclined to 'change channels' than to just 'turn off the set' and walk away....
Why is it easier to start things than to see older existing things through?
I fully intend to finish the two tales I've already stretched out so far.... Secondhand Life and Summer of Love both have conclusions I still love and am just meandering my way to... even if the here-to-there is still a bit fuzzy.
Bit as a detour to writers block, I scrawled out some other things that seemed shiny distractions that at least encouraged me to keep writing.
...And they have been sitting on my desktop... taunting me to take them further.
In one case, the temptation finally became too strong to resist.
So, like Frank O'Connor, I'm 'tossing my cap over the impassible wall'... now I have no choice but to scale it. :-P
'Roomies just seemed like a fun premise about an art girl, a girl-in-progress and a wild child with very dark secrets sharing one roof.
Unlike every other thing I posted here, I have NO idea where this is going. But I fell in love with the characters.
So I posted a rather large chunk of what I've already written. Enough to establish the characters and situation. And to force myself to scale the wall and see what lies beyond.
I have in NO way forgotten the other two tales. The characters bug me everyday to finish telling their stories. And I really want to. But I want them to earn their way to the ending I already have in mind, and so far, that path remains unclear. So I distract myself with new characters my stupid flirty muse introduces me to.
I'm reminded of Phillip Roth's observation that the road to hell is filled with unfinished projects.
At least I'm in the express lane. :-)
Since I, and all here who are not the author, and am lucky to get something new to get 'read' to, in a sense, we should say:
Thank you Mr O'Connor!
In our best second grade voices ^_^
So all together now children ....