TopShelf Blogs

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Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

Hi all.

Well, it's my turn in the barrel. I've been diagnosed with thyroid cancer. So, on Wednesday 11/7, I will be having my thyroid and some lymph nodes removed. I should only be in the hospital for two or three days (I hope). Then I get to glow. I get to take a radioactive iodine pill.

Hopefully, I won't leave Tommy's readers hanging too long by their acrylic fingernails.


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break from Gaby

Well only a short break. Instead of writing new Gaby today i've been going at a short stand alone story. It's been slower going than i'd hoped but i've got over 2000 words down, there may be another couple of thousand to go - I know the plot, it just needs fleshing out.

I'm making no promises but it might be ready for Wednesdays update. No spoilers other than to say there are bikes involved, a death and the lead character is rather bland.

Well i'm off to bed, the weather is set fair for tomorrow so i'll get a bit of a ride in.


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Writing Code

I'm thinking of writing a tale about a person of indeterminate gender who mostly lives as a woman. This person supports herself by writing code, sometimes nefariously. The world is well advanced into a threatening Global Warming cycle that has been happening for over three generations, and surprisingly humanity is so pressed to survive that wars and most criminality has stopped, but not before over half the population is gone.

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I've been reading for years but this is the first time I've signed up and now when I went to post the first part of the story, I messed up. But, in signing up I managed to screw up where I don't have any way to access posting or editing a story. I need help from someone behind the curtain.

Thank you,


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Fantasy Story

Medieval type time period.

Heir to the throne protects the kingdom by use of magic, and His actions become a feat legend as he disapeared.

The act changes his gender.

I seem to remember something covering the MCs eyes, I don't think she was blind I think she had no eyes or eye lids just a layer of skin where the eyes should be, so the cover was to alleviate the distress to others.

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January 2019 Contest Prizes Teaser 1!

Details are somewhat settled on the prize front, and this time we've got something super special for all of you avid readers out there: book bundles!

Yep! Miss Erin's putting in some overtime to help with this 'un, and we're going to offer two bundles of (platform free) ebooks for our top two prizes!

First place: 15 Doppler Press eBooks, 12 curated by me and Erin and the other 3 winner's choice

Second place: 10 Doppler Press eBooks, 8 curated by me and Erin and the other 2 winner's choice

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I'm sick today, apparently the victim of a bad breakfast bar yesterday. This feels like it is going to be a 12-36 hour thing, so I expect to be okay tomorrow evening.

Today is when I meant to send out checks to the DP authors; I may be a day or so late since concentration while throwing up and running for the toilet is difficult.

So sorry. I will try again in an hour or so.


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Amalgamated - Psyren's Redemption - Double Length

When they light clears, the tables have turned and Sapphira, Ashtar and Amy pose are stronger than they ever had before, but will they prove Chemosh's downfall or does the once-god have one last surprise up her sleeves?

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The House


There will not be another chapter of The House until Monday at the earliest. I have just started on a story arc that will run from three to five chapters in length, and I want to write all the chapters before I publish them, possibly as double chapters. I want to be able to go back and amend earlier chapters if the arc takes me in unexpected directions.


Dark Odyssey

Dark Odyssey kindle.jpeg

It wasn’t supposed to be like this. She was supposed to have been cured. She had been cured. All of those horrible impulses and instincts that had ruled her life were supposed to be gone. She was supposed to be able to live her life like a normal teenage fey girl… with paranormal abilities… going to a special school for fey like her. Okay, ‘normal’ was a bit of a stretch, but she wasn’t supposed to be a raging nymphomaniac anymore.

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"Can we have your liver then?"

The quote is of course, courtesy Monty Python, and fortunately, I'm luckier than the fellow in the sketch. See, I dodged a bullet in terms of my liver. CT scan showed the same level of fatty tissue as before, so for now, its exercise, diet, and keep an eye on things. Also good news, despite the pain I have been feeling in my hip the last while, no signs of further arthritic damage, so my doctor said its most likely a pulled muscle or strained tendon, and again, losing weight would be the best thing I can do for it.

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Non passable men in dresses

As a man who loves to wear dresses and skirts. I would love to be able to wear dresses and skirts when at home. My family has accepted the night gowns (that my wife suggested that I try) I have been wearing for the past couple years. But now I want more and don't know how to accomplish this feat. I don't want to be a woman just like to wear the clothes. I wish it were socially acceptable to the public.


Gaby Soars!

Yes indeed, Gaby Ontario has soared all the way to number one in the youth sport category on Kindle thanks to you lot! No mean feat in a popular category dominated by horse and soccer stories. For a cycling story to break this grip is very positive and will hopefully engender a few more non TG readers!

So a great big thank you to you all and remember that if you bought through BC the site gets a kickback which goes towards continuing this great asset.

Once again, thank you


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Volume 1 of Tight Knit is now complete!

First off, I'd like to apologize to anyone who has been waiting for the conclusion to this story.

I really don't want to delve into the personal aspects of it, but for the past year I've been dealing with some things. I kind of got sucked into something that I wish I had just stepped away from at the start. Instead, I allowed it to eat at me emotionally, and I regret not devoting that time wasted to creating something more fruitful.

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Publishing Star on Kindle

I will be publishing Star on Kindle and in order to have it in the Kindle unlimited category, I need to remove it from this site. I thought it would be nice to give advanced warning before I remove it and figured this would be the easiest way to do that. In two days (lunch time Wednesday Oz time) I intend to remove the word content. The only way I know how to do that is to edit each chapter and delete the words. If there is another, better method it would be great to know what it is.

Happy reading.


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Myrna and the admonishment

After some discussion with a trusted author and reader, I've decided to rewrite the last few Chapter of "Myrna and the Grievous Error" . I will probably eventually rename it. I suspect it will be close to 5000 words longer, if not more. The downer ending will be scrapped. We will concentrate on "Happy".

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Love, love, love

So, one year ago today, I married my best friend. It hasn't been an easy road for us, but we always make it over any hurdle that comes our way.

Kirstyn (Piper),

Thank you for

1) Accepting me for who I am.

2) Always making sure I get cuddles before falling asleep.

3) Mustard Hearts on sandwiches.

4) Catching me when I fall (literally).

5) Picking me up when I fall (literally).

6) Being an amazing parent to our son.

7) Dealing with me when I'm in pain.

8) Listening to me ramble about things I've rambled about before.

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looking for a story

all I remember is

A character may be late High school early college is, being abused by mother

Mother had gets elected to a political post, goes away supposedly for meetings friday to tuesday

Character uses burnerphone to call for help as has been locked in the house

the reason the character comes into contact with the stories MC is an interview for something or other and the mother bulls her way into the interview, so the character fails

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Late Posting - Psyren's Redemption

I apologize for the late posting this week, I had some personal issues in the real world and it's just been a very strange week for me.

Having faced down her own demons Amy must now face down Sapphira's, but will she have the strength or will Chemosh triumph over them both?

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Gaby Ontario part 4 update

Well Amazon surpassed themselves this time!

So in case you got impatient checking I can advise that the book has, finally made its Kindle appearance a mere 3 days after being submitted. Just search Gaby Ontario and it'll bring up all 4 parts. Do so through a BC link and you'll be adding to this site's coffers too.

For the more patient of you, i've got the full volume ready to launch tomorrow. Yup, the whole exciting kit and kaboodle all in one 300+ page volume. The tension runs all the way to the last paragraph with more going on in young Bonds life than ever!

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Super Early Contest Announcement: January 2019 "Reader Retention Contest"

Okay, I know I said I'd wait 'til the end of the month, but dangit I just can't!

It may be a while in the brewin', but that time is gonna be needed if you're gonna make a solid effort at this 'un! That's right, this time around we're goin' fer SERIALS!

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Big Closet on social media

I dont know how many of you guys know, but I am the admin of a facebook page dedicated to fans of this site ( ). I and some others often post content there related to or linked to stuff posted here, and it occurred to me that perhaps if some of you have social media accounts on sites such as Twitter or others and are willing to do so, you could give this place the occasional push on those sites.

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Should Big Closet Convert to Hard Core Porn?

No . . . this site should never change its mission. But Erin needs help and I thought that blog title would get you to open this.

A few days ago, I posted a blog that suggested people could support Big Closet by serving on committees to help the site.

Okay . . . so people either don’t like committees (which proves they’re sane) or they didn’t care for the ideas I presented. The response was lukewarm, maybe even COLD!

But . . . out of that blog came a PM from Melanie that got me thinking that maybe the better answer is to concentrate on one area.

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coments on stories...just so you readers know???

Just so you readers know, a small comment on the last chapter of my Shadowsblades story... a Whateley based fan fic.

that one small comment, a small 'thing' and not a bad 'thing'? Just a mention of fact or noticing a small story 'bend'...that one little comment, WILL make me after I pondered it for a few days and thought about what to change around the 'mistake' or 'goof'... has lead me in a totally different direction of story plot.

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How can I help?

It is safe to say that without Big Closet. "Dorothy" would not exist. In fact its debatable whether I would even be alive now had I not found this site. Which is why the constant struggles to keep the site financially afloat has me worried, and more than a little frustrated.

See, I am on disability, and once I take care of my rent, car, and food, I might have maybe 20 bucks a month left over, and that's on a good month. Not to mention my mom is covering for me in terms of giving money to my ex and my daughter and that's far from fair.

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Again I Look

I'm dredging up the old stories but my memory won't cooperate. College student is moving into an apartment and meets two of his new neighbors, two girls. Various things happen and they end up a triad. Guy goes girl, which means as a would-be engineer she has to prove herself to her coworkers. Working for an engineering firm, she saves the day when new stress detectors of her own design detect that a city bridge is going to give way soon. The old design detectors weren't picking up the problem, but with the new detectors they have enough time to prevent any injuries and damage.


picture straightener/ obsessive compulsive¬

Jolies thighs advertising feature and picture - I know I am sad but the butt crack doesn't line up with gusset of those sheer panties and the hook and eye join is all askew compared with the butt crease and panties!!!!!!! all in all its still a cute pic. got to go now, pictures to straighten and trains to spot!!!!



"Fake" news and the purges by Facebook and Google.

While Alex Jones got yanked off of Twitter and others places everyone seemed to cheer. What got overlooked was legitimate Leftist groups and journalists have either been delisted or purged from Facebook or Google News. Chris Hedges was taken down from the latter after he criticized them in an interview with a website.
I saw at least one more left leaning group delisted from Facebook.

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Request from one of BCTS's minions

Hi everybody! My name is Jamie, and I am one of the minions behind the scenes here. If you see Erin mention one of the crew being sick and in the hospital, chances are it is me.

I just got a feeding tube placed, and will be moving in to long term care in the next few days, so I am hoping that I can be more productive there.

I have a few ideas that might help me help the team, so I'm wondering if some of you might be able to assist.


Trump Administration Eyes Defining Transgender Out of Existence

Here is the first paragraph of the article:
"The Trump administration is considering narrowly defining gender as a biological, immutable condition determined by genitalia at birth, the most drastic move yet in a governmentwide effort to roll back recognition and protections of transgender people under federal civil rights law."

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Everyone PLEASE read! Time to help one of our trusted friends. Need a job for Scotty Bishop.

One of our dear friends, Scotty Bishop has been wrongfully terminated from his job of 12 years. He has been sending out resumes like they were going out of style with no results.

ANYONE who either might have a job or know someone who might have an opening, PLEASE email Scotty [email protected]

His resume is available at

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Not for profit (or shared profit)

Most of you are probably bored by the regular advertisements for 'The Frozen Balance' on BCTS.
Sorry about that (but not much - you will see why below).


What you might not know is that I assigned all the proceeds from 'The Frozen Balance' to Doppler Press (aka Erin and team) and the sales that Doppler Press have generated in the first month have:

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Psyren's Redemption - Personal Demons - Read for free now

Just a quick note, if you read the story please consider leaving a comment. It really helps encourage me to keep writing.

Now that the exemplars have drawn into their own mental prisons, Amy is left to face the ghosts of her past alone. Can she overcome them without psychic abilities or will she succumb to her personal demons?

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it feels like I am apologizing a lot lately

While it feels like I've had to apologize pretty often in this space, I feel like I owe something to the people who have faithfully read my stories, and apologize for the fact that it might be a while before I have anything for you all.

Serious lack of spoons lately, with a lot of things on my plate that I havent been handling as well as i would like. But dont give up on me yet, I'm gonna get through this - I hope ...

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Myrna and the Less than Enthusiastic Response

When I started writing "Myrna and the Grievous Error" I wasn't sure exactly sure where it would go; however, as it progressed I knew I had to address certain issues within this particular universe. I have maintained that magic had to comply with the laws of physics and chemistry. Arthur C. Clarke said, "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." That is the philosophy and approach I have taken with the "Cynthia Chronicles." Magic cannot do anything that is not possible in our physical world. Previous stories in the series have addressed this phenomenon.

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Site never stops loading

It's probably nothing, but I just want to inform in case the site's administrators aren't aware of it.

For the past few weeks (maybe a couple of months already) the site doesn't seem to ever stop loading. It's not that the site loads half or anything like that. The site already loaded completely, but my browser tells me that the site is still loading. You know that circle thing in chrome tab name and the dot thing that move left and right in firefox tab name.


Helping Pediatricians Care for Transgender Children

Great article, very positive, well worth reading.

A new statement from the American Academy of Pediatrics tries to guide doctors and dispel myths about growing up with gender identity questions.

Helping Pediatricians Care for Transgender Children

Article text follows:

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I'm Back!!!!

I'm Back!!!!!!

I now know why I hate the quietness around my house. I lost power on Friday morning around 0000hrs. and just recently got it back this morning. I didn't have internet access, because 1.) I didn't have power to power my modem and 2.) where I live I get crappy cell reception. So most of the time I have internet through my modem, linked to my phones and tablets. Also, I wore the battery down on my laptop working on a new story. A slight change to an idea I passed along to Santacruzman.

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Wendy's Challenge

BCTS needs our support, Personally I am leaning hard on this site to keep me the living side of sane, even though I can't really afford it I am sending my usual $10 via Paypal. I feel people are taking Big Closet for granted, I don't. I dread the day I click my bookmark and get a site not found message. If that ever happens Big Closet will likely be gone for good, I don't think anyone will step up to replace it.


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Myrna and the Grievous Error

Posted the first part of an eight part story; part of the continuing Cynthia Chronicles. Although the story does end happily for the main characters, there are some very dark overtones. Myrna Moskowitz has been part of the series since "Cynthia and the High School Years". Although not magic, she has deep connections to most of the characters in the series, as does her husband and lover, Avery. For years Myrna was a free spirit with little religious affiliation.

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some good news about Sam's future.

Okay so I got some good news about Sam's future.

Apparently there is a program offered at NAIT that will allow her to take cooking arts there even if she doesnt have a GED. Not only that, it is specifically set up for people with mental disabilities like Sam, and they will also help her find a job in the field when she's done.

It all sounds fantastic ...

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bad head place

Firstly I should apologise for another whiney post - I'm not in a good place in my head this week.

I guess it's largely my own fault, decisions i've made that have maybe not been the best choices. Every time I think i've got my head and life together another spanner falls into the works and i'm not even back to where I started. Effectively i'm bankrupt - no regular income and bills that need paying has become a repeating cycle of worry.

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Everyone please pray or send good vibes.

I'm watching the Weather Channel's coverage of this latest hurricane and very worried about all our Sisters and Brothers who live in Florida, Georgia, South and North Carolina, Virginia and West Virginia and further north.

To everyone in the affected areas, please, please, PLEASE, don't ignore evacuation orders. Get away from this monster storm as quickly as you can. It's affecting areas that were hit so hard in the LAST hurricane which will be even more vulnerable when this one hits.

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Silver John

I wanted to talk a bit more about this idea floating around in my head, the one I mentioned yesterday in regards to swamp legends.

You guys may or may not be familiar with a character called Silver John, who was featured in a number of stories by Manly Wade Wellman. I found him in a collection of short stories called "Who fears the Devil". Silver John is a travelling musician, who goes around the southern United States, often encountering legendary monsters, and he carries a guitar with silver strings - which comes in handy occasionally.

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swamp legends

I have the beginnings of an idea about a story connected to my M.Y.T.H. universe, but I am going to need help. Does anybody know about creatures of the Louisiana swamps? Specifically, I'm thinking any thinking monsters or were-creatures ? If you do, or know any resources related to that mythos, please let me know.


Head work

So, here we are 3/4's of 2018 has passed and my life has changed even from six months ago. Some things like my fitness and the new grand child have been very positive but it's not all been a bed of roses. Some ancient debts caught up with me which has meant having to borrow a significant amount which in turn has meant that i've been living on beans for much of the year! Then there was all the upheaval with the new kitchen....

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Sorcerer's Marks and Morpheus' "The Academy"

Sorcerer's Marks and Morpheus' "The Academy" which I am reading again thanks to Carpe Diem's blog entry 'Looking for a story'

While reading "The Academy" the MC is discovered to have a Sorcerer's Mark

This reminded me of a similar story of a magic academy, but this one was more of a Summer School\Camp, one of the MC's friends is a goth and her 'SYMBOL' (for want of a better term as I can't remember what the story called them) was a "Jack O Lantern"

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Am I posting too soon?

I've posted all three of my stories here right after writing them and then found errors after they were posted. I also know that I usually do a better job of editing and proofreading if I let something sit for a couple of weeks to get more distance from it. Are you seeing clumsy wording, missing words or other flaws consistently in the stories? I'm thinking of keeping any new stuff for awhile before posting. I'm asking for criticism here and I won't be offended by anything you say (well maybe if you get crude about it).

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Back in Blighty

Well, here I am, back in the land of my birth and a few of my forefathers. After a week of predominantly warm sunshine, no sooner had we landed did the rain start to fall, the temperature definitely 10c cooler than when we left Germany! If you go here there are a few pictures which give a flavour of the trip.

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any moment now ...

I am in a weird place at the moment. Its kinda like this: (part of my brain): "Any moment now, my facade of happiness will crack, and I'll tumble into a depression ..... any moment now .... I'm braced, I'm ready, bring on the sad .... any time now ... (taps a foot ) ... yeah, it will sure will be awful .... when that big downer hits .... any time now ..."

and on and on like that ...

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Guten Tag

News from Maddy!

So here I am - sat outside a restaurant in Nordlingen eating Gnochi Gorgonzola and drinking beer, wearing shorts and sandals as it's into the 20's c!

My stint as Nena, tour guide is 80% over as we fly home tomorrow. We've had a day doing the Roman Limes (think Hadrian's Wall but longer) around Aalen, yesterday we went down to the Donau for a Keltische visit and today has been the hillfort of Ipf before an afternoon here in the Ries crater at Nordlingen.

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Which Endo is It?

I've had several notices from the Hospital that I should attend there to see the Endo department. It seemed clear to me that they were going to do an Endoscopy, which end, I have no idea. Their persistence led me to imagine that there was something emergent going on in my bowels, and that caused me to be nervous enough to not sleep well last night.

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recent story, please help

I think it may have been part of a recent contest!

Family of Mechanics\Engineers in rural US, youngest child of one branch of family becones introverted after beating from father and self imposed mute

Group of bullies (middleschool i think) drag the child into the restroom intending to give a beating. BIG MISTKE

Can't remember more

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Footprints Vol 5.

I have posted chapter 95 of Vol 5 of Footprints on the Sea today. As always, Charlotte continus to lead a quiet life...Well, almost a quiet life.

Vol 6 before Christmas I hope and Vesta's hearth as well with luck and then I'm off to Fairyland for a holiday and a bit of instant SRS.

Now that the September competition has finished, I would like to say thank you for all the kudos. Your support is very much appreciated.

Love, Frances

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Looking for story...

Actually, two stories.

One is similar to the Maddy Bell 'Nena' stories. A young man who looks a lot like his feckless sister gets sucked into substituting for her as a guide in a package ski tour in Europe. She is successful in the job but does confess to her manager./ All works out well, including her sister who manages to marry a rich American from LA or Los Vegas.

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