Just sitting here thinking about the impact that the movie "Arrival" has had on me. I've been seriously ill, but seem to have cheated death again, and then had a dream this afternoon that my now being a woman was a 'punishment' because I'd done such a pathetic job of being male. Yes, talk about demented, frightening dreams, yallah !!!
I'm going to try to eat, and if I do not feel better by morning perhaps go to the Hospital ED in the morning?
I hope that the movie will have a positive effect on my writing, should I attempt any more of that. I was impressed by the calmness of the movie, and saddened by the fact that a couple soldiers got hysterical and tried to attack those who came, in an illustration of the old 'fight or flight' trope.
The story is as plausible as we let it be. I am so tired of the unimaginative, worn out violence filled trash that Hollywood pukes out. Perhaps will again watch "Arrival" again tonight.
I'd also recommend a Russian, (perhaps Ukrainian ?) movie loosely called "Attraction". If one is persistent enough, you can find an english dubbed version on YouTube for a modest price. It is uncommonly good, coming from a place that I did not expect.
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Please, keep us informed on how you are doing. Good luck.
Thank you.
Feeling somewhat better since I have eaten a little. Drinking to stay hydrated.
Hollywood has run out of originality
The story is as plausible as we let it be. I am so tired of the unimaginative, worn out violence filled trash that Hollywood pukes out.
Yep. Crash bang wallop supeheroes blood gore and the rest is what seems to put bums on seats for the 18-30 year olds who are the movie going audience these days.
That's why I stopped going to the cinema years ago. I did go to a special screening of 2001 at the Waterloo (London) IMAX a couple of years ago but very little has made me even think about going to a mainstream picture house/multiplex for more than a decade.
Even the so called Romcom's are terrible and mostly very unfunny. I also find some actors totally cringeworthy and just avoid their stuff entirely.
I have been watching some old movies on TPTV (Talking Pictures TV available on FreeSat) and find them far more of an escape than most modern stuff. I tried watching 'Thor' the other day and didn't get beyond the first reel. PErhaps if I was 18 again then I might have enjoyed it but not now.
The teams of so called script writers that dominate Hollywood's output seem to have totally lost the art of character development.
It seems that as the more I write fiction myself, the more critical I am of the total pap that gets released these days.
I'll shut up now as I need to put the rubbish bins out for collection which is more important than any film. Oh what boring lives we lead eh?
Luckily we're not limited to Hollywood films
From Scandinavia to Uruguay to Malasia the whole world is cranking out movies,
and while some of their stuff is about indistinguishable from the Hollywood dreck
(well except for the subtitles) some of these films will totally blow you away
and I don't mean with silly CGI and too-loud explosions...
If you keep going back to McDonald's you're never gonna find
that amazing hole in the wall restaurant serving something
you never heard of that becomes your new favorite dish.
~hugs, Laika Ebert (this week I'm a Crumb-bunny...)
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,